5 Essential Elements of a Business Sale

Free Valuation If your company is above $10 million in revenue, take the proactive step of learning its value. There is no obligation to sell your business once the valuation is complete. Don’t rely on multiples for valuing your business. This doesn’t measure the value of your business specifically, and is an incomplete and often inaccurate method. If you have been approached by a potential buyer, get the free valuation to make sure that you understand the value of your business .

INCLUDED • Valuation based on current market conditions • Analysis of what type of transaction would best meet your needs • Outlook on valuation given company growth objectives and market direction

Board of Directors in a Box TKO Miller will perform a risk-free analysis of your business based on how it would be received in the marketplace. Even if you don’t intend on selling your business now, TKO Miller will present you with a list of areas that are currently detracting from value. As a business owner and manager, this list can be something that you address months or years before you sell your business.


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