Algebra 2 Companion Book, Volume 1

2.1 Review Worksheet, Part 2 (continued)

18.  Amber has a $200 gift card for boat rentals. She rents kayaks at $8 and canoes at $12 per hour. Let x be the number of hours of kayak rentals and y be the number of hours of canoe rentals. a. Write and graph an inequality for the possible number of hours of each that she can rent.

b. If Amber rents kayaks for 10 hours, how many hours can she rent canoes for?

Solve each inequality for y . Graph the solution. 19. − 4 y < 4(3 x − 5)

21. − + ≤− x y 1 3 1 5

20. − 3( − 10 x + 2 y ) ≥ 24



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