Algebra 2 Companion Book, Volume 1

1.2.4 Introduction to Parent Functions - Practice

1.  Identify the parent function for the function g ( x ) = x + 4 based on its function rule. Then identify the transformation of the parent function that it represents.

2.  Identify the parent function for the function g ( x ) = x 2 − 6 from its function rule. Then identify what transformation of the parent function it represents.

3.  Identify the parent function for the function g ( x ) = ( x − 8) 3 from its function rule. Then identify what transformation of the parent function it represents.

4.  Identify the parent function for the function g ( x ) = ( x + 1) 3 based on its function rule. Then identify the transformation of the parent function that it represents.

5.  Lucy takes 20 minutes to cover a mile on foot. Graph the relationship between the time taken and the distance covered. Identify the parent function that best describes it. Then use the graph to estimate the time it would take Lucy to cover 3.5 miles.

6.  Barbara requires 2 gallons of paint to cover an area of 800 square feet. Graph the relationship between the quantity of paint and the area covered. Identify the parent function that best describes it. Then use the graph to estimate how many gallons of paint Barbara requires to paint an area of 2,400 square feet.


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