King's Business - 1924-12

December 1924

T H E K I N G ’ S



Cur ren t C omm e n t If j j¡ l i l i l í j

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front of the church, really meant what the sign said. Of course, it isn’t the easiest thing in the world to extend a genuine warmth of welcome that endorses the sign in front of the church, but if that welcome is not given— the sign is a mockery. If the right hand of fellowship is not offered to the “ whosoever.” if a personal welcome is not behind the sign outside, we are not true 'ambassadors of One wjio was never too tired, never too busy, never too proud to hold out His hand and say, “ Be of good cheer.’ ’^-Christian Guar­ dian.

newsboy turned his face up and said, “ Paper, sir?” I looked in several pockets for two coppers, and the sharp eyes of the hoy fell upon the sign. “ I wonder if they really mean it, Mister?” he ; a s k e d—wistfully, I thought. His innocent query means much

A LOYAL BAPTIST CHURCH The “ Morning Oregonian” contains a report of a meeting at the East Side Baptist Church (Portland) at which time reports from the Northern Bap­ tist Convention were given. The pas­ tor of the Church is Dr. W. B. Hinson, one of thé strong, sturdy preachers of this country, whose messages so often ap­ pear in The King’s Business. Among other things which were said at this meeting were the following: “Not one cent of t h i s church’s money will go to mis­ sionaries who teach modern­ ism” was the consensus of the discussion, which followed the official reports from the con­ vention, delivered by Johnston M. Cheney and Frank Parent, lay delegates. “ Oregon is the center of fun­ damentalism in the Baptist church,” declared Mr. Cheney in his report. “ It Was the dele­ gation from this state and from Portland which fought to the end for tlie motion to require of missionaries a pledge of faith, involving belief in funda­ mental principles. The Stock­ holm declaration, which was substituted for the original re­ solution, was called a compro­ mise, but it was really a vic­ tory for the modernists. “ The majority of the mem­ bers of the Baptist church of America are fundamentalists,” he said, “ and I believe that if the proposition were put to a vote in each church there would be a preponderance of sentiment for the old faith. Nevertheless, at the convention there were a large number who refused to take any stand on the matter. “We intend to fight this thing through to the end, until there is not a modernist in the Baptist ranks. The wishes of the majority of members will be exj pressed in the convention next year at Seattle, and the resolution to sweep modernists from the ranks of the mis­ sionaries in the east and in Africa will be carried.” “I WONDER IF THEY REALLY MEAN IT, MISTER?” As I strolled along a street, a brightly colored poster, standing un- right on the lawn in front of a churcn, attracted my attention. “ Everybody Welcome” , declared the headline. Stopping to read what followed, a

“ NO IMPROVED BIBLE, THANKS” by Arthur Brisbane

BIBLE READING BILL PASSED IN ARKANSAS LITTLE ROCK (Ark.) The A,rkans’ffl House of Representa- tiyék today adopted by accla­ mation 'a resolution recom­ mending that some portion of the Bible be read in every pub­ lic school and college in Arkan­ sas each day the school is in session. An amendment incor­ porated in the resolution pro­ vided that the reading he “ without comment or discus­ sion.”— Assoc. Press. Keep it up. Let every State in the Union follow suit. We need the good old Book today more than ever before.

more than he intended at the time. His words come bobbing up in my mipd two or three times a day, and I’v e , been wondering, too, if they “ really meant it.” Do they really welcome everybody? Are the foreign­ ers, the street beggars, the poor, the hungry and the wicked, all welcome in that church? Would the “ high-brows” — that’s what the newsboy called them^-in that church share their pew and their hymn-hook with folks of a lower station in life? I am wondering. No doubt a sign-painter designed the poster, hut I wonder if he, or they, who ordered the sign to be posted in Modernist religious gentlemen pro­ pose to broadcast prayers and imita­ tion Bible texts, based on present-day conditions. This they believe will be a great improvement on the Bible, which is out of date. Modernist improvement on the Bible would compare with the old Bible about as; well as a badly managed orphan asylum compares with a real mother. Six verses from the Book o f Job con* tain more power and spirit than a mil­ lion modernist “ improvements.” If you don’ t like the Bible, Mr. Mod­ ernist, leave it to those that do like it and want it. Above all, and for heaven’ s sake, don’ t “ improve” it. “ The SLUGGARD IS WISER IN HIS OWN CONCEIT THAN SEVEN MEN THAT CAN R E N D E R A REASON.” ________ (The above, which has doubtless been read by hundreds of thousands, as it was broad­ casted in the Hearst papers throughout the country, is well worth repeating and re­ membering.)


A young preacher in a col­ lege town was embarrassed by the thought of criticism in his cultivated congregation. He sought counsel from his father, an old and wise Christian worker, saying: “ Father, I am hampered in my ministry in the pulpit I am now serving. If I cite anything from geology, there is Prof. A— , teacher of this science, right before me. If I use an illustration of Roman mythology, there is Prof. B— , ready to trip me up for any little inaccuracy. If I instance something in English literature that pleases me, I am cowed hy the pres­ ence of the learned man who teaches that branch. What shall I do?” The sagacious old man replied: “ Do not be discouraged, preach the gospel. They probably know very little of that.” The unlearned and untutored disciples of old wrought wonders “ in the name of thy holy Servant Jesus” (Acts 4:13, 27, R. V.). Why not today?—The- Witness. (Continued on page 820)

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