December 1924
T H E K I N G ’ S
gone hack on that promise.' You-said if I would lean hard He would give me victory. I fell, and I made up my mind I wouldn’t try any more. I have been so unhappy; can’t you just pray with me again?” We talked about it first and found she hadn’t burnt all the bridges. She had left one or two which, made it easy to slip back, and now she sees where she made the mistake. It wasn’t that God was not able; He said at the grave of Lazarus, “ Roll away the stone” . He had not put the stone there, and the people could do that themselves, so He required them to do it. She had put her bridges there, and she had to, burn them before He would give her the victory He was waiting to give her. Reward for Faithful Service I want, to tell you of one 1 other incident. There were two girls connected with the clubs who were both graduates of the ¿iblqc Institute, and who went back to their homes hoping that the Lord would open up work for them on the foreign field. He didn’t do it, but instead of sitting down with their hands folded they began to do the, work they found at hand. They wanted me to start an Eteri Club, but under the conditions it seemed to be unwise. They prayed the conditions through, however, and we have a club there now. Many girls are attending who would not go to church at all, and as we go to the classes we find the girls who “ prayed it through” as happy as if they were hav ing a surprise party every week. Yesterday word came from one of these girls that she had been accepted as a worker in India, so you see that since they made themselves useful to the Lord here, He is now ready to send them on to the next place. • THE EUODIA CLUBS As we labor in the great vineyard of our Lord and Mas ter, we are made to realize how much we need the prayers and help of our fellow laborers. When Mrs. Stewart sent me east in the early summer to visit several of the confer ences for girls and young women, I went with just one object in view, to glean all the helpful features possible and put them in operation in our own work. I was privileged to attend three conferences in different states, and visited as many more large churches and Sunday Schools in the various places. I feel the responsibility of our great work for girls as never before and, oh, how we need to pray God to keep us humble at His feet these days! None of the conferences attended equalled ours in numbers, but I found myself lov ing the girls just as much as I do our own dear California girls; they are the same the world over. Just an incident regarding one of our own Euodia girls, who stubbornly refused to surrender her life to the Lord at the spring conference, although she attended the regular meetings afterward. She was under deep conviction and as we bade her good-bye at the closing meeting of the year, was very defiant. A few days later she was taken very ill with a severe case of smallpox, temporarily causing complete loss of sight. She now asked her mother, who is a Christian, to read the Bible to her. Deprived of the privilege of reading for herself, she began to truly hunger and thirst after right eousness. Time and space forbid giving the details of this
BIBLE WOMEN’S WORK Mrs. Lyman Stewart, Supt.— 'Twenty-five W om en, Engaged in House to House Personal Work, Bible Classes and Soul Winning Clubs. LYCEUM-ETERI WORK |HE three summer conferences of Lyceum-Eteri Clubs that we have held at the Palisades, have nearly doubled, .each succeeding year, until we now have about two hundred girls in attendance. The Lord spoke wonderfully to their hearts at the last gathering, and many gave their lives to Him in definite surrender, others accepting Him as their Savior for the first time,, i. Sometimes we get the idea that these conferences are just a sort of inspirational meeting for the time being, and that the effect is soon gone. But this,tmorning- I was thinking Of two girls, especially, who accepted the Lord down there and had such wonderful experiences., It is a most beautiful thing, to see these young lives in their first joy in the Lord Jesus. They remind me of the children of Israel crossing the Red Sea. They have gone through some hard experiences since the conference, and they have met with a good many difficulties, obstacles, and ridicule. Some times they have stood alone with the Lord. When I came hack from my vacation and saw them, I realized what a deepening work had come into their lives— a sweet, deep, calm trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord had been speaking to hearts, and one girl after another had been saying: “ This had been in my life to keep me from Him” , and “ That had been in my life to keep me from Him, and by the grace of God I will give it up and live the life He wants me to live.” One girl said: “ I know what it is in my life that keeps me from Him, but I am not willing to give it up.” She fought for two or three days, but at last the Lord won, and she went home such a happy girl. She said: “ Wasn’t it strange how that thing bothered me so long?” The other girls knew that something had happened to her, for her life was different. I heard her say in testimony the other day at the Uni versity: “ You know everybody is so different at the Uni versity this year. There was so much last year that made me feel fretful and irritable, but I love everybody this year and don’t have to try to do it. The subjects, too, are differ ent. I get along better in my studies. My mind is more restful and happy, and I can study better when the nord is there to help me.” There is another girl from that club in the University, a roommate of this girl last year. They talked it over and decided not to room together this year; and maybe the Lord would use them to help the new girls. So each one is rooming with a new girl, and any one who has been a girl and has had a chum knows what a sacrifice that is. Burning Bridges I am thinking of others. Not all of them have come along quite so well. One night the Lord spoke to a girl and showed her something that was wrong in her life. She came to me and we prayed it through and she said, “ I will give it up for Him.” She came hack to class last week and said, “ You know I didn’t get along very well, and I have
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