King's Business - 1924-12


December 1924


K I N G ’ S


expect to go Straight to heaven when we die, with no 1 need of going to purgatory first to burn and burn in order to be clean. The plan of salvation was explained to her, but she said she must continue to believe what she had been taught. We find this sentiment so much among the people. Another woman, recently converted, ■says she scarcely takes time to do anything else, so great is her joy in reading the Bible, just drinking in the messages for, she says, “ In Mexico, where I come from, we were not allowed to read the Bible.” The Lord has been very gracious, and has blessed the work of the Spanish department wonderfully during the summer, giving us splendid volunteer helpers, who report some fifty making profession of faith in Christ. We are also receiving calls to take up work in some new fields. We visited two places in response to such invita­ tions, found a hearty welcome, and were asked to take oversight of these new fields. With the-opening of the Fall Term of the Institute we are hoping to have the assistance of several students to help us in looking after some of the Women’s and Chil­ dren’s Classes which have been organized. We would ask the friends to continue’ to pray that strength and helpers may be giyen to carry on this grow­ ing work. ate ate WORK AMONG THE JEWS James A. Vaus, Supt.-—Bible classes- and Personal Work,-Street Meet- , ings and Semi-monthly Mass Meetings for Jews of Los Angeles. HE presence of 75,000 Jews in Los Angeies (fig­ ures supplied by Jewish newspaper) presents a responsibility to the Christian churches of our city that should not be lightly regarded. As the Jew cannot be successfully evangelized through the ordinary church channels, by reason of his non-attend­ ance upon Christian services, special means must be devised to take’the Gospel to him. It is simply a case of “ Mahomet and- the mountain” over again. With the'opening of the Fall Term of the Institute, and the consequent addition to our force of workers, we are planning even more extensive work than that hitherto car­ ried on. Our witness to the Jews will be conducted through the varied means of house-to-house and store-to-store visi­ tation work, distribution of tracts, Gospels, books and Bibles, correspondence, Jewish street meetings, Hebrew- Christian meetings, and Bible classes. It was the writer’s privilege recently to administer the sacred rite of baptism to a small group of people, two of whom were Jews, whose changed lives bear ample testi­ mony to the reality of their Christian profession. If the success of our Jewish evangelistic work were to be jutiged by the amount of newspaper space devoted to it recently by one of our Jewish newspapers, one would be jus­ tified in believing that such work must be very effective. In the last three or four issues of the “ Jewish Review” there have appeared articles from the pen of a so-called “ investigator,” who seeks through malicious falsehood and slander to discredit the sincerity and honest intentions of the Superintendent of the Jewish Department and of many of the Hebrew-Christians. This “ investigator” charges the writer with dishonesty, the Hebrew-Christians with insincerity (saying there is not even one Hebrew-Christian among us that is sincere 'in his profession of conversion), and makes the absurd statement that we offer $50.00 to every Jew who is willing to be baptized.

interesting' story, but according to His promise, she was filled with His love and covered with His righteousness, for she opened her heart’s eyes and saw Him, while the physical eyes were closed. The Lord graciously healed and restored the sight, but even before she knew the outcome she said she would rather have the spiritual eyes opened’ and the physical closed in this life, than to have remained in her former rebellion against the Lord. “ Folks need a lot. of loving all the while.” T H E “ NUNTIXIS” C L U B Many' of the boys in the Nuntius Club (formerly the Pocket Testament Club) are now seniors in high school, and their interest in the Word of God has kept pace with their physical and mental development. At the last meet­ ing every boy was tense with interest over the first and a portion of the second chapter of Revelation, and when at the end of a forty-five minute«-talk the teacher stopped! because engagements called some of the boys away early, there was an audible sigh over the room, and two of the boys exclaimed: “ It is so short!” Two of thq boys have definitely given themselves to the Lord for service.. Boys like to talk things over, hut how they dislike any demonstration regarding, these things deep in their nature! So when a boy wandered out into the kitchen while supper is being prepared to ask what the menu is for the .evening, the teacher has learned that it is often­ times but an introduction to more serious topics, Several months ago one of the boys who had been led to Christ in the Club became intensely interested in “ what are we going to have for supper?” After being initiated into the culinary secrets, and making an examination of various articles of furniture around the' kitchen, he suddenly turned and asked: “ What does a fellow have to study to be a minister?” “Why, B-------, are you thinking of that?” ’“ Yes; I have decided that is what God wants me to do.” And so, Simply and without display, that matter was settled. This boy now has two other boys whom he has brought to the Club, hoping that they too may receive Christ. One of them, a great big fellow, player on the ’varsity, ran seven blocks after hard football work-out, to get to the Club in time for the lesson. And this boy would never have been in church or have heard the gospel, humanly speaking, but for the interest of our Nuntius (Messenger) boy. A few weeks after the first boy had told of his decision, a second interview occurred, so like the first one, that but for the difference in the boys, it would have been identical. We are reaching boys who are afraid of Sunday school, and uninterested in church, .but When they come to Christ, their interests are not only in the Club but in thq Sunday school and church. One of the by-products of another club is the desire on the part of our hostess, the mother of four of the boys, to enter the Institute as a day pupil that she may better fit herself for this work among boys. SPANISH WORK Robert H. Bender, Supt. — Gospel Meetings and House to House Work among 50,000 Mexicans in Los Angeles and Vicinity. “ Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know« that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” . “ I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.” jE find in our service among the poor deluded Rom­ anists many .things they do, but ignorantly, to obtain salvation; also how they persecute those who believe. The following- is an illustration: One fanatical woman said the thing that surprised her most, and the thing she could not understand, was that we

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