December 1924
K I N G ’ S
and never did we have a more enthusiastic invitation to “ come again” and preach than from the listeners them selves. While in Sand Springs—where the factory is located— we also spoke to the Lamp Chimney workers for a few minutes-—the management having gathered them together for this purpose. Never have we been so convinced as we are today that the one solution to the problem of “ Capital and Labor” is thè preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. True,, we are living in the “ last days,” and the final solution to this ques tion can only be found in the coming of Jesus Christ to this earth, but if we take Him to both employer and employee and they accept Him, then— so far as they are concerned-® their “ labor problems” are solved. Therefore, pray for us. '•¿5%, I BIOLA HALL WORK David Cant, Supt.— Our City Mission for Men1in the center of Los Angeles. Meetings continuous from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Noon-day Prayer Meeting. is never any occasion for the Christian sr to be pessimistic even though the sky may iavy with dark clouds. Above them all the PHH— still shines, although “ the darkness compre- hendeth it not,” and defeat is sure to be turned into vic tory, darkness into light, for “ The Lion of Judah will break every chain.” In speaking to saved men, we discover they have never experienced Satan working more powerfully through human hearts than in these perilous days, and yet never have they been more conscious of the stronger power of the Holy Spirit operating upon human hearts. Thinking men are keenly awake to the fact we are on the eve of some mighty change in human destiny, and we at Biola Hall sense the deepening interest in things spiritual by the man on the street. It is a daily sight to see our entrance crowded with men listening to the Gospel of God’s grace, and later to witness many of these back in our little prayer room crying out to God and coming out with faces radiant. One such told us he had not darkened a church door for many years. Although intelligently acknowledging that he believed ^he Lord Jesus, through His death, had opened the way into the presence of God, he thought that for one to (Continued on page 824)
We find encouragement in this fact: that whenever Satan stirs up unusual opposition to the work of evangelism, it is usually; a sign that God is doing a great work, which the Jews feel must be counteracted. We covet the prayers of God’s children everywhere for a more aggressive campaign of evangelism among God’s people, Israel. WORK IN THE SHOPS Marion H. Reynolds, Supt.— Meetings Held in Shops, Factories, Car- Barns and Fire-Engine Houses in Los Angeles. jo seldom do we receive the encouragement and help of the “ big men” of the different organiza tions where we are preaching the Gospel, that we are glad to be able to show the accompanying picture of the executives and employees of the Kerr Glass Manufacturing Company, who attended the Gospel service which we held at their manufacturing plant in Oklahoma on our recent trip, reference to which has been made in previous reports. Mr. A. H. Kerr, the president, is a man who loves the Bible and believes that every Christian should take time every day for its study. So strong are his convictions on this point, that he made the following arrangements for the service: All of the employees were asked to gather at the plant in the afternoon. Every man, woman and child left their work and came. Even those who worked at night (which in cludes a large shift) were called in, all receiving their pay just as though they were working, those from the night shift receiving double pay. On introducing the speaker, Mr. A. T. W. Kerr, the Man ager, reminded the men that it was a happy occasion when they could have the privilege of hearing a message from the Word of God, and saying: “ We want Mr. Reynolds to take as much time as he likes.” What a splendid testimony for God! Don’t you think the employees felt just as the speaker felt—that here was a firm that believed there was something of more impor tance than the mere- material things of life; important enough in fact, to justify calling all the workers together that it might be made known to them? For over three quarters of an hour we had the opportun ity of preaching the Word to this splendid group of people,
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