King's Business - 1924-12



K I N G ' S


December 1924

Pointers for Preachers and Teachers

THE PRE-HISTORIC AGE The Age of the Earth Before Man Came Upon the Scene 1. The original creation of the earth (Gen 1 :1). 2. God made the original earth beautiful (Eccl. 3:11). 3. The Lord made the earth for Himself (Prov. 16:4). 4. The original earth was created to he inhabited (Isa. 45:18). 5. The pre-historic earth was in­ habited by angelic beings (Job 38:7). 6 . A glimpse of the pre-historic inhabitants (Ezek. 28:14). 7. The pre-historic age was a min­ eral kingdom (Ezek. 28:13). 8 . God sent a judgment upon the pre-historic earth because of sin (Gen. 1 : 2 ). 9. A scene of the pre-historic earth under the judgment of the LORD (Jer. 4:23-26). 10. God turned the w i c k e d (wicked earth) upside down (inside out) (Psa. 146:9). 11. The present form of the earth is a vegetable kingdom for man. (Gen. 2:8-9). PRESENT AGE— CIVILIZATION Inventions 1. Many inventions (Eccl. 7:29). 2. Properties and uses of light­ ning (electricity) (Job 38:35). 3. Phonograph, telegraph, tele­ phone and wireless (Eccl. 10:20). Increased Knowledge 1. Rapid Transit (Dan. 12:4). . 2. Highways and railroads (Isa. 19:23; Isa. 35:8-10). 3. Street cars a n d automobiles (Nahum 2:3-5). 4. Fast steamers (Isa. 60:9). 5. Airships (Isa. 60:8). World Wide Conflict 1. Wars and rumors of wars (Matt. 24:6, 7). 2. High explosives for battle and war (Job 38:22, 23). 3. Battles on land— Armies (Dan. 11:37, 38). 4. Battles on sea—Navies (Psa. 104:26, 29). 5. Battles under the sea-—Sub­ marines (Amos 9:3; Hab. 1:14). 6 . Battles in the air (Jer. 4:13; Jer. 49:22). 7. Future wars will he determined by mastery of the air (Hab. 1:8; Rev. 16:17, 18). 8 . Gen. Allenby’s English army captured Jerusalem in 1917 by air­ planes without firing a gun. (See Isaiah 31:5).—-Exchange. Helpful Illustrations of Soul-Win­ ning From Real Life Will be Found Under “ Evangelistic Department.” (See Page 778)

BLESSINGS OF GOD’S PEOPLE (Deut. 33:3). 1, hand.” 3. —Rested: “ They sat down.” 4, ceive of Thy wordsL’.’^r-The Christian. “ FULL PROOF OF THY MINISTRY.” (2 Tim. 4:5, 7.) Essential Qualities for Service-^ 1. things.” .-. 2. - —Patience: “ Endure afflictions.” 3. —Activeness: “ Do the work of ah evangelist.” 4. —Fidelity: “ Make full proof of thy ministry.”— Selected. SAINTLINESS IN FOUR WORDS 2 Cor. 6:1-7:1 1. Immediate Salvation, vs, 1, 2. 2. Extensive Service, vs. 3-10. 3. Necessary Separation, vs. 11-18. 4. Perfection in Sanctification, 7:1. See also: 1 Thess. .4:3, 7; 2 Thess. 2:13; 1 Pet. 1:2; John 17:17-19; Heb. 10:14; 12:14; 13:12. , J.'T. ;.L.'.- PREACH THE WORD (Suggestion for a Blackboard Out­ line. Have some one read the pas­ sages, the speaker commenting on each one.) P reach the WORD. (2 Tim. 4:2) R emove not the ancient landmarks. (Prov. 22:28) E xhort with longsuffering and doc­ trine. (2 Tim. 4:2) A bounding in the work of the Lord. (1 Cor. 15:58) C ontend earnestly for the faith. (Jude 3) H o, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the/ waters. (Isa. 55:1) T he Word of God is quick and power­ ful. (Heb. 4:12) H old forth the Word of Life. (Phil. 2:16) E very good gift....cometh down from the Father of lights. (Jas. 1:17) Who is on the Lord’s side? (Ex. 32: 26) O magnify the Lord....exalt his name. (Psa. 34:3) R ejoice and he exceeding glad. (Matt. 5:12) D o all to the glory of God. (1 Cor. 10:31—-Exchange. -—Loved: “ Yea, He loved the peo­ - Kept: “ All His saints are in Thy ple.” ' 2. -—Instructed: “ Every one shall re­ — Vigilance: “Watch thou in all

CRY FROM THE DEPTHS “ Out of the depths.”-—Ps. 130. I. A Sad Condition (v. 1). “ In the depths.” What a havoc Sin and Satan have made. Every step a sinner takes is downward. II. A Solemn Part (v. 2). “Who shall stand?” ; ./ Here we find conviction. The heart and conscience are at work. Who shall stand in that day? Good works do not cover up the past. There is “ no difference,” for all have sinned. HI. A Saving Truth (v. 3). ‘.‘For­ giveness with thee.” The best news ever told out to a sinful world. Be it known unto you all. IV. A Sound Foundation (v. 7). “ Plenteous redemption.” The slave emancipated. The price paid. Not silver or gold; h.ut His most precious blood. V. A Steadfast Faith (v. 5). “His Word.” “ How do you know you are saved?” is asked sometimes. The only, answer is, “ I have His Word for it.”— S. E. D. THE QUESTION OF THE DAY Matt. 22:14: “What think ye of Christ?” I. What Think Ye of His Person? Matt. 13:56; 16:16; John 1: 49; Mark 1:11. II. What Think Ye of His Perfec­ tion? 1. His Perception. John 7:46; Matt. 7:28; 22:33, 46. 2. His Power. John 6:14, 15; 9:32; 11:44- 48. 3. His Purity. John 19:4; Luke 23:47; Matt. 27:4. in. What Think Ye of His Purpose? John 10:10; Matt. 20:28; • Luke 19:10; 2 Cor. 8:9. IV. What Think Ye of His Proposal? John 5:24; 6:35, 41; 11:25, 26. — C. H. B. RUTH OUTLINED The Subject of Service— Boaz, Ruth, gleaners. The Time of Service—Morning and evening. The Place of Service— The field, the world. Direction for Service—-v. 8 . Protection in Service—v. 9. Provision in Service— vv. 9 and 14. Reward of Service—v. 12. — Selected.

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