OHinatmas Call ------------------------------------ to the ------------------------------------ KING’S BUSINESS FAMILY
TWO THINGS WE COVET FROM YOU F I R S T : A response, if possible, to the request which we made in October and November for a Christmas Present to The King’s Business of One Dollar, to assist us in carrying out our plans for the Improved Magazine, beginning Jan uary 1, 1925. Some have already responded, and these have received our grateful thanks for their encouragement. S E C O N D : If you cannot comply with the first suggestion, then secure at least TWO NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS from your friends as your Christmas Gift to the magazine. Some have already responded promising to secure as many as TEN NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS. That’s fine! God bless you !
IT S C I R C U L A T I O N is world wide, and larger than any other MONTHLY RELIGIOUS MAG AZINE in the United States. We recognize it as one of God’s instru ments in the work of saving and sanctifying precious souls.
Y O U C A N N E V E R estimate the blessed results which may come from interesting others in reading The KING’S BUSINESS, for it is a BIBLE FAMILY MAGAZINE, and every issue contains some thing helpful for young and oldi
New and Attractive Features Are Planned -------------------------------------------------------- FOR INSTANCE -------------------------------------------------------- The SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON HELPS
A SPLENDID CONTINUED STORY of deep spiritual import. DR. F. E. MARSH, OF LONDON, EDITOR OF “ THE PROPHETIC NEWS” and with an international reputation as an author and Bible Teacher, will have an article each month on “ Is the Bible the Word of G o d ? ” discussing such aspects of the question as “ The Importance of Bible Doctrine” ; “ The Scriptures are Unique in Their Details” ; “ The Scrip tures are Accurate in Their Prophe cies.” This series of articles alone will be worth much more than the subscrip tion price of the magazine to any .believer who desires to be fully fortified in the fight in defense of the faith
(Both International and Fundamental) will be issued in the form of a Quar terly Supplement (but included in the ONE subscription price of $1.25 per year; see facsimile on page 775). This plan will accommodate those who wish to take the lesson helps to the class, without depriving other members of the family of the magazine itself.
The “ CHILDREN’S GARDEN” page will be so arranged that it can be detached from the magazine, and folded into a “ Junior King’ s Business” by the chil dren. This will please the many “ Gar deners” who are such an important part of our Family. We Will Do Our Best : We Need Your Help Turn to page 837, sign the coupon and send it in today
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