King's Business - 1924-12

December 1924

T H E K I N G ’ S



The Message of the Clock Hornera Hodgson

Every day and night of our lives, all our clocks and watches are witnessing to us a more stupendous sermon than many of the greatest ministers have ever preached! Of course they have more than one sermon to preach— they

able to note how surprisingly true this is to the world’s history. Much has been written to show how “ history re­ peats itself” :; scholars delight to prove to us how for in­ stance revivals of religion are “ periodic” , or how revolu­

tell us of the short­ ness of life and the importance of spend­ ing it well, and they remind us that every tick is the d e a t h- knell of s o m e soul just like you, who is going out into Christ- less night, dying in a heathen land without t h e knowledge o f God’s salvation, be­ cause Christians have wasted their lives on trivialities at home instead of obeying Christ’s l a s t com­ mand. They remind, as

tions r e t u r n like comets at stated pe­ riods, with of course more or less varia­ tion; ladies delight to take up the fash­ ions of a few hun­ dred years ago; and so one might enlarge on the many ways in which spiritual, po­ litical,i o r s o c i a l epochs seem to re­ peat themselves. And what is all this but the minute hand of the great clock of the world circling round and round, returning to its starting place a f t e r perhaps five hundred years? But more sobering still is the realization that the hour hand of the world’s clock of history has almost completed its tre­ mendous circle! S o c i e t y has re­

Are You Watching?

Dr. J. G. Steiner

Dorothy B. Polsue

¡ ■ I H i m p r f f . V „ V I the com-ing of the Lord?(of theLord?) His vineyard when Hecomes?(whenHecomes?) the footsteps whereHe trod? (whereHe trod?) t V

-m —

Are you watching for Will He find you in Are you walk - ing in


f t T I Are you look - ing, dai - ly look-ing heav-en-ward? (heavenward?) Will you be a-mong the wait-ing watching ones?(watching ones?) Does each step you take lead on - ly un - to God? (un - to God?) E s .« ', — & 1 - r' — H-b-J — s ----1 - in — =sr — ú — ¿— F ' J — =j—1 1? J------- —m -----------j ----- w ----- m j ------;-------- ÿ— -If,-:rn 1 - Z : • 1 Do you know the promise true, I will come a-gain for you? For the work He left to do, May the Lord depend' on you? Whileyourgaze is fixed on high, For the day now drawing nigh,

we wind them, how continually we need the renewing work of the Holy Spirit to keep us doing our d u t y steadily and satisfactorily. A n d their precision tells us of the l i m i t e d scope of humanity, whose h o u r s and years are measured by such precise and definite 1 i m i t s of time, in striking con­ trast to Him who ranges the eternities of past and future at one and the s a m e time— to' whom there is no past, present, future— t o w h o m t h e r e is but one grand eternal NOW —to whom a minute, as we reckon it, has been vast as a thou­ sand years and yet to w h o m a thousand years are gone as the flash of a minute! But the most im­ pressive lesson for us today is the message of the clock concerning the cycle, of time. As you observe the face of a clock you notice how in due time its hands return to their starting place. The minute hand of the clock takes but an hour to complete its journey, but the hour hand takes twelve hours. And it is remark­ Oh, C horus w w e & * ----- d— £ 3 3 3 3 Is Y*' U i h___ E


■BBS T the Lord, (the Lord. ) He comes? (He comes?.) He trod?(He trod?)

be watching for the. com-ing of Will He find you in His vineyard when Are you walk-ing in the footsteps where

turned to the days of Ca i n . Civilization, beneath its veneer, has s w e p t t h a t mighty hour hand of the world’s c l o c k back to its starting point! “ Progress”— oh, the beloved catch­ word of the age! Yes, we are progress­ ing in a circle. The first h o u r of the world’s h i s t o r y is that period of un­ speakable infamy be­ tween the fall of man and the Deluge, and the eleventh h o u r brings us b a c k to similar conditions, to be violently termin­ ated by the stroke of twelve—-the hour of judgment upon the world’s mad day of sin. The more one studies the Biblical description of ante­ diluvian times, and the more one reads the best Scriptural authorities on the subject, and the more one gathers tra- (Continued on page 846) -&Z~ r v V ? i -P --— IN---- ly----- IN— I--------- •11 0 ---------*— -----------d 4 f : T - *• e • — ------------- -f-* "r w by. (and by.)

i v v r Oh, the glo - ry of that meet-ing by and by, (by and by,) i

v y i Bless-ed hope of gathering with Him in the sky ; (in thé sky;)

— i f- — #d---- d ---- •-

— ------*------¡0------ ë ------ 0 ------ 0 ----- 4 —

Oh, the glo-ry of that meet-ing by and i

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