King's Business - 1924-12


December 1924

T H E K I N G ’ S


Any Book Reviewed or Advertised in These Columns may be Obtained at Biola Book Room 536-558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

NOTE! It is our intention to endorse in these columns, and offer for sale in Biola Book Room, only those hooks which do not conflict with the five great fundamentals of the faith, i. e„ the Bible as the infallible Word of God, the Deity of Jesus Christ, His Virgin Birth, His Blood Atonement for Sin and His Physical Resurrection. However, we wish it distinctly understood that our endorsement of any book applies only to the particular book so reviewed or offered for sale, and not to other books by the same author, or books which may be advertised in the par­ ticular book reviewed or sold, or by its publishers. W e shall greatly appreciate it if any of our readers who have any question about any book reviewed in these columns will write fully and frankly to the editor regarding same.

He knows men, he knows books, he knows the times in which he lives, he knows the world of human motives and human desires. But best of all he knows the secret of Christianity, as­ cendent in a risen Lord, to heal and save. (Standard Pub. Co.) $2.00 Early Heroes of the Faith, by Rev. Bertram G. Jackson. A collection of 25 lessons for the Daily Vacation Bible School, offering an excellent op­ portunity to teach the children some practical and realistic geography of the land where Christ was born and of that part of the world best) known in His time. A splendid and helpful book for the purpose intended (Pres­ byterian Bd. of Pub.) The Life of Jesus and How We are to Live, another splendid little vol­ ume by Bertram G. Jackson, contain­ ing helpful' suggestions on teaching truth to the boys and girls. (Presby­ terian Bd. of Pub.) Four Booklets by Bishop Clayton F. Derstine Hell’s Playground, Theaters and Movies. A stern denunciation of the modern stage and movies, with an ap­ peal for separation from the world. The author says: “ It was an ancient philosopher who observed that whoso­ ever carried a lantern on a dark night would have plenty of company walking by the aid of its light. May the Lord make such the experience of the writer. Nevertheless, should only one soul be kept from the path of the destroyer, the effort is well worth while, for the value of one soul exceeds that of the universe.” Signs of the Times. A valuable lit­ tle booklet with short comments on thirty-five or more signs which indicate that the return of the Lord is near. No attempt is made to set a date for that great event, but a strong appeal for men and women to be always ready for His coming. Forty Principles in Bible and Sun­ day School Lesson Study. A little book of thirty-six pages packed full of good, sensible and Scriptural suggestions for general Bible study and preparation for Bible teaching. The Church Age in Prophetic Lime­ light. An exposition of the second and third chapters of Revelation, showing that the “ Seven Churches” are the seven stages of church history down

to the close of this dispensation, heartily commend this volume. (Glad Tidings Pub. Co.) $6.00 From Genesis to Revelation, by Mil­ dred Berry. A survey of the Bible in 28 studies, practically tested by the author in a class of young women, and heartily commended by her pastor, Dr. John Timothy Stone of Chicago. We heartily commend it to believers every­ where, and especially to those who are teachers. (MacMillan Company) $ 2.00 Is the Bible the Word of God? by W. Graham Scroggie, the well known preacher and teacher of Scotland. Dr. Scroggie has analyzed his subject un­ der three main heads: “ It Seems to be” ; “ It Claims to be” ; “ It Proves to be.” Each of these divisions is worked out and proved under numerous head­ ings. We wish it might have a place in the library of every Bible lover who seeks to defend God’s Holy Word. (S. S. Times) Price $1.00 One Hundred and One Hymn Stor­ ies, by Carl F. Price. This book pre­ sents a splendid collection of the best hymn stories available, presented in popular form, and thus made easily accessible without wading through vol­ uminous works on hymnology. (Abing­ don Press) Archaeology and the Criticism of the Old Testament, by Professor T. Jollie Smith, M. A. This booklet con­ tains the text of a lecture given under the auspices of the Bible Union of Vic­ toria (Australia). (Fitchett Bros.) 25c Here and There Among the Papyri, by George Milligan, D. D. (Aberdeen), D. C. L. (Durham). A valuable and interesting description of some of the Greek papyri discovered in Egypt. These papyri, written in the common language of the common people, throw a great flood of light upon the New Testament. Dr. Milligan has written an account of some of them in unpre­ tentious and non-technical language within the reach of the average reader. (Doran) $2.00 The Resurrection Gospel, by Jesse R. Kellems, B. D., D. D., author of “ The Deity of Jesus” and “ New Testa­ ment Evangelism” . Dr. Kellems preaches “ The Resurrection Gospel” through a life and a message which display the power of an endless life.

The Unsolved Problem. A splendid little volume of “ soul-winning stor­ ies,” edited by Alex. Marshall, illus­ trating God’s way ofi salvation. Help­ ful to pastors, evangelists, teachers, and other Christian workers, as well as to every believer. (Pickering & Inglis) $1.00 The Bible and Christian Science, by Allen W. Johnston. The author is a layman, a banker, active in religious work. He thinks clearly, knows what he is writing about, has an intimate knowledge of the text book of Chris­ tian Science as well as of the Bible. We heartily commend this book. (•Rev- ell) $1.50 Stories of People Worth While, by Kitty Parsons, author of “ Do You Know them?” In this book the author gathers up a group of life stories of men and women who have done things, such as Benjamin Franklin, General Booth, John Wesley, Eliza­ beth Fry, Martin Luther, Alexander Graham Bell. These stories will in­ spire the youngsters, and may be read with interest and profit by many a grown person. (Revell) $1.25 School Girl Kitty, by Angela Brazil. Just a clean, wholesome story for girls, telling of the courageous efforts of “ Kitty” at the age of fourteen to mother her younger brothers and sis­ ters, in addition to her own school work, and her later experiences in a year’s visit to France. (Stokes) $1.75 The Millennium Bible, by William Edward Biederwolf. Mr. Biederwolf is nationally known as a Bible teacher and evangelist. This book is, as the author says, “ neither premillennial, nor postmillennial, nor non-millennial. It is an impartial study from the stand-- point of pure exegesis of such parts of the Old and New Testaments as deal with the glorious appearing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It has been born out of the author’s own ex­ perience, and has consumed by far the larger part of ten years of his time in the course of its preparation.” It is dedicated to “ those everywhere who love the Word and earnestly desire to know whereof it testifies concerning that which the Holy Spirit, through the mouth of His servant, has been pleased to call ‘The Blessed Hope.’ ” For ministers and students who desire a thorough revelation of the Scripture teaching on this important subject we

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