King's Business - 1924-12


T H E K I N G ’ S


December 1924

==Christmas Will Soon Be Here" Books— Biola “ Best” Books Make the Best Gifts The Song of Our Syrian Guest By William Allen Knight Faith at Work By Gertrude S. Trowbridge Words of Counsel and Guid­ ance from Holy Scripture.

WHERE GOD AND MAN MEET (Continued from page 767)

she took the hand of the hoy and the hand of the father, while she lay there on the bed, dying, the two men on either side; and moving first the one and then the other she began to pull those hands towards each other. Of course they knew what she was doing, but they knew too that she was dying. And ever she drew them nearer and nearer until at last those two hands touched, and then that woman died. Let us go to Bethlehem that we may see God and man brought together by the One who was born as a babe 5 and cradled in a manger. That is the old story; that is the story I have been telling for forty years; that is the story to which I have given all my life. Sometimes I feel that I have never made as much of it as I might; but God is my judge, and He knows I am telling the truth when I say that if I had another ten thou­ sand lives, I would devote them all to telling that same story. Let us go to Bethlehem that we may find God and man rightly adjusted! * * * * For you see we had sinned, and God had to look after not only the sinner, but He had to look after Himself; and He must be eareful-Bmay I say it with bated breath, with deep humility and with solemn reverence—God careful lest He compromise Himself in the way He forgives sin. Many of us down here in the world have ruined our Chil­ dren by slurring over things that we ought to have settled, and by treating wrong and evil as though they were trivial things. God must not make that mistake. What will He do? He will have to provide a Substitute for the sinner. And there are two or three things about that Substitute that 'are self-evident. He must be worth all the sinners in moral value. And where will God find such an one? Only in heaven; and that is why Christ had to come to Bethlehem, there to offer up a sacrifice that was worth all the lives of all who were created by God. And He must bear the penalty too, and that is why He had to go to the Cross; and that is why when you take the Cross out of the Christian doctrine, you have taken the sun out of the sky. God had attached a penalty to sin; if He is righteous, He never has to change; and if He never has to change, then that penalty stands. And when His own Son said, “ I come to do Thy will, and save these people” , then His own Son had to get underneath the penalty of sin. And that Substitute must be acceptable to the justice of God. And God raised up! Christ from the dead as a testi­ mony of His acceptance of Jesus Christ as your Savior and mine. Now what is in our way? Only one thing; but that is the strongest thing on earth! What? The human will! Here is my Savior, my Substitute, infinite in worth, bearing the penalty of my sin, and acceptable to the great God against whom I have sinned; what is in the way of my salvation? Nothing in the world except my will! He can stand, hold­ ing forgiveness in one of His nail-pierced hands, and eternal life in the other nail-pierced hand, and He can ask me to be saved, and I can say: “ I won’t.” You must believe me in this, because when He was on the earth He said to His own city: “ O Jerusalem, I would have gathered you as a hen gathered her brood under her wing'Jj—I would—-“ but ye would not.” And the “ would not” of Jerusalem overcame the “ would” of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Then let us go to Bethlehem and settle this thing; let us go to the Christ who said: “ Come unto me and I will give

An unusually interesting and helpful interpretation of the 23rd Psalm. After a million copies have been issued the demand for this book is greater than ever. It has been translated into seven different languages, and into two raised languages for the blind. The Envelope Edition, print- * ed in two colors, and contain­ ing as a frontispiece a copy of a painting by Harold Sicnel. 35 cents« Cloth, 90 cents “ The Shepherd Psalm” By William Evans A very fine and helpful an­ alysis of the Twenty-third Psalm. The author takes each statement of the Psalm in ro­ tation and shows the truths that are imbedded there. Art cardboard, 50c By William Allen Knight The sympathetic journey through Palestine of a man of rare insight and unusual de­ scriptive power. Sixteen beau­ tiful half-tones in colors. Boxed, $1.00 The Imitation of Christ By Thomas A Kempis More Christians will attri­ bute to this famous book a helpful influence in leading them into a successful Chris­ tian life than to any other book they have ever read out­ side of the Sacred Scripture itself. 50 cents A better edition, bound in leather, gilt edges, $1.00 To Start the Day By John Timothy Stone, D. D. A Thought, A Verse, A Song, A s i m p l e yet extremely helpful volume of meditations ana devotions with which to start the day, and start it in the right way. Dr. Stone sup­ plies a key-thought for every morning in the year, which he supplements with a brief pas­ sage from God’s Word, and a verse from a more or less fa­ miliar hymn. Cloth $1.50 When the Comforter Came By Dr. A. B. Simpson A message on the Holy Spirit for each day in the month, ' attractively printed and bound for use as a gift book or for devotional study. It is a book which can be studied most carefully with great profit to all Christians who desire to build up the Christian life. Cloth, 75c On the Way to Bethlehem

An exceptionally choice and helpful selection of Scrip­ tural readings, which demon­ strate how rich the Bible is in passages calculated to bring aid and comfort to all who are feeling the strain and stress of living, or the keen edge of ad­ verse circumstances. To the Scriptural selections a series of prayers for daily use are added, interspersed with in­ spiring verses of sacred p o­ etry, making the whole a devo­ tional help especially needed in these hurried, distracting days. Cloth, 75c The Heart of the Rose Mabel A. McKee “ We hope that every mother, that every son who loves his mother, and that every sister who would influence her bro­ ther will read it, and, above all, we hope our growing girls will read .it.“ Paper, 25c New Gift Edition, Cloth, 50c “ Watch and Pray” Helen L. Byrnes This little book contains twenty-eight talks designed for cottage prayer meetings and prayer circles. At the back of the book are three chapters outlining subjects for several weeks of daily prayer groups with hints and helps to leaders in organizing and conducting such meetings. This book would be helpful to prayer meeting leaders. Its inexpen­ siveness makes it valuable in group meetings to precede evangelistic campaigns. Paper, 30c The King of Love By J. D. Jones Meditations on the Twenty- third Psalm. Dr. Jones is one of the greatest of living preachers. The clear, eloquent, and deeply devotional char­ acter of his * work makes it specially interesting. T h e meditations literally breathe counsel and enheartenment. Cloth $1.25 The Shepherd Psalm By Dr. R. A. Torrey This new devotional com ­ mentary on the Twenty-third psalm will be gladly welcomed by all who are fond of reading this wonderfully comforting chapter. No present that you could make to an elderl> Christian— your mother for in­ stance—would give more joy, more satisfaction, yes, more real soul nourishment than this.

Printed from large, clear, easily read type on good pa­ per, neatly bound. . Art Paper, 25c If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D., unless otherwise specified. If goods aiy to come by mail add 10% for postage.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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