King's Business - 1924-12



K I N G ’ S


December 1924

-Christmas Will Soon Be Here: Books— Biola “ Best” Books Make the Best Gifts A DEVOTIONAL TEXT-BOOK For Every Day in the Year; In the very Words of Scripture Morning and Evening readings on facing pages On Bible Paper, Size 4 inches by 2Vs Cloth, square corners, Large Type Edition On Bible Paper Size Sl/z inches by 4% Daily Light on the Daily Path

you rest” ; let us go to the Christ who said: “ Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out.” You church members,-—you need to come, just as I need to come, and ask Him to do a greater work in uti than He has ever yet done. Oh, put your hand in His hand and give over the responsibility of your life as well as of your sin to Jesus Christ! Will you not do it? You are nearing the end. of the year, and it has not been a good year with some of you spiritually. 1 was wondering whether I should say this— it may be that it would have been better for your soul if you had died at the beginning of this year, instead of being allowed to live and drift away from the moorings tjiat were yours when the year com­ menced. Do you not think it is about time for you to come back? And perhaps some of you never did know Christ as your Savior. Oh, X wish I could hand you as a Christian gift— the consciousness of your salvation! And I wish I could prevail on you to give my Lord a Christmas gift— even the gift of your life! Let us go to Bethlehem! Let us go there now! Let us go in united prayer! Let us all pray! WM H M M STUDENT MISSIONARY UNION NOTES The weekly meetings of the Student Missionary Union of B.I.O.L.A. have been occasions of great interest, and a source of blessing to all in attendance. The opening meet­ ing for the year 1924-25, September 18, was conducted by Mr. John H. Hunter, teacher of Missions, who stated the aims of the Union and how its work is carried on. The following week Mr. Walter S. Elliott, of the Brethren Church, from Shansi, China, gave an illustrated lecture on that great country, and on October 2 Dr. Wanless, of the Presbyterian Church, gave an account of the beginning and growth of the hospital and mission work at Miraj, India. (Watch the February King’s Business for further announcements.) HaVe You Sent Yours Yet? A great many of “ Our Family” have already responded to our S P E C I A L APPEAL as noted on page 762, but we expect a one hundred per cent response before the end o f the year. The Time is Short! Please do not put it off, but Do it Toda>?! So that we may be able to report in the

white edge*......................$1.25 Keratol, limp gilt edge.... 1.75 French Seal, limp, gilt edge —.....—............ 2.00 Venetian Morocco, limp, red under gold edge.... 2.25 Persian Calf, limp, red under gold edge............ 2.50 French Morocco, limp red under gold edge, gold roll .......p ’.L.........:..:.... 2.75 Genuine Levant, limp, gilt edge, smooth leather lined ...... 3.75 On India Paper French Morocco, limp, red under gold edge.... 2.50 French Morocco, limp, red under gold edge, gold roll ........... ...¿¿hi!..... 3.25 French Morocco, limp, red under gold edge, leather lined — ............ 3.75 Genuine Morocco, limp, red under gold edge, leather lined ............... 4.50 “ Come Ye Apart” By John Henry Jowett, D. D. It contains a specially se­ lected Scripture-passage, a choice concentrated thought or two thereon, and a prayer, framed and expressed in keep­ ing with the whole. Arranged to cover the whole year, it furnishes still another example of the rare gifts possessed by this, the greatest of living homiletical preachers. $1.50 Day After Day By J. Wilbur Chapman A manual of devotions for individual and family use, con­ sisting of Scripture reading and prayer, daily, for a^period of thirteen weeks. Price 40c Daily Text Books— 40c Thousands of these little pocket volumes are sold an­ nually. A Bible Text for each day in the year. Under the day and month, is also an ap­ propriate short verse, in keep­ ing with the Scripture Selec­ tion. Clear type.

Cloth, square corners, white edge $2.00 Keratol, limp, gilt edge.... 2.50 French Seal, limp, gilt edge ....'..i..*.'----------- 2.75 Venetian Morocco, limp, red under gold edge..... 3.00 Persian Calf, limp, red under gold edge........... 3.75 Genuine Levant, limp, gilt edge, smooth leather lined - ................................ 5.00 On India Paper French Morocco, limp, red under gold edge.... 3.75 French Seal, limp, red under gold edge, gold rolI...'......L............... 4.00^ French Turkey Morocco, limp, red under gold edge, leather lined....... 5.00 Daily Strength For Daily Needs. Selections for every Day in the Year. 378 pages. !6mo. $1.35. White and gold, $1.75; limp leather, $3.00 At the top of every page is an appropriate passage for the day from Scripture, and un­ derneath a variety of discrim­ inating selections compiled miscellaneously from secular authors. Joy and Strength for the Pilgrim's Day A Companion Book to “ Daily Strength for Daily Needs.” 378 pages. 16mo. $1.35; limp leather, 3.00. Similar in arrangement to “ Daily Strength.” Prayers Ancient and Modern 366 pages. 16mo. $1.35 This valuable collection of prayers for daily use has been gathered from many sources, ancient and modern. They have historical interest and their literary quality has been carefully considered, though their primary object is to nourish the spiritual life. Selections from Fenelon. 194 pages. 18mo. $1.00 My Daily Meditation John Henry Jowett

Our Daily Food Our Daily Light Our Daily Duty Our Daily Portion Our Daily Bread Our Daily Guide The Daily Altar Yet Another Day

A Prayer to Begin the Day By John Timothy Stone, D. D. A brief suggestive prayer for use either at the family altar or by individuals. In ad­ dition to prayers for every day in the year there are prayers for special occasions. Cloth, 50c; leather 75c A series of choice, tabloid talks— a spiritual meditation for every day in the year. Dr. Jowett points every word of these brief expositions so that it tells, while the lessons he seeks to convey are so pro­ pounded as to enter the under­ standing of his readers along a pathway of light. The whole volume is of true mintage, bearing the impress of Dr. Jowett’s ripest and most fruit­ ful thought. Cloth, $1.75 If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D., unless otherwise specified. If goods are to come by mail add 10% for postage.

January issue that every member of The King’s Business Family has done his or her share in the fight in Defense of the Faith!

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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