King's Business - 1924-12


T H E K I N G ’ S


December 1924

whom, all things exist’ ); the Prince of Peace (the Official Head of the Universe)!” Where was He born? In Bethlehem, the city of David. From whence came He? From Heaven itself, where He left His robes of royalty. Of Whom was He born? Of a woman. What is His name? Immanuel, ‘ ‘ God with us” , the Son of God, the Holy One. Why was He born? To be the Savior of sinful men—God

THE CHRIST OF CHRISTMAS How meaningless are many of the,’ terms, and how shallow are many of the trite sayings to which oür lips give utterance! How often what seem hearty greetings are without heart—mere empty words! We are thinking now of the words so familiar to us all, and which have so often been spoken by us when

manifest in the flesh; to dwell among men—a foun­ tain of living waters for thirsty souls. He came for the shep­ herds, and they rejoiced/ He came for the Wise Men of the East, and they bowed at His feet. He came for the fishermen of Galilee, and joy filled their souls as they, obeyed His call, “ Follow me.’ ’ He came to take our sins, to carry our burdens, to take into His loving arms sinful men and give them the gift of peace. The bells of Heaven are ringing! The angels are sing­ ing!': Let the celestial music find an echo in our hearts! Tell out the story—so old yet so new; so marvelous, so merciful, so satisfying! Tell it ou t! Tell it ou t! The poor old world, stag­ gering beneath its awful load of sin and suffering, needs above and beyond all else the Christmas story and the. Christmas Christ. THE SURRENDER OF SELF The problems of the believ­ er’s life are many and com­ plex. It must be so, for he has a dual nature and lives

we were not thinking be­ neath the surface: .“ Merry Christmas !’ ’ Christmas so often brings' thoughts of “ gifts” and not the Gift and the Giver ; of trees and candles, not of the Tree and the C r o w n of Thorns. We would not with­ hold a jot of the joy that should be; manifested at this season, nor of the happy times of the children, but we would rejoice -if it were pos­ sible to make the day a glad day for Him whose birthday we celebrate, a n d w h o endured so many sad days for us. We would be happy if we could set the joy bells ring­ ing in human hearts every­ where as they rang in the hearts of the shepherds that night of nights, as they lis­ tened to the proclamation of the angels : “ Unto you is bom this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord!” The promise had been given and must be fulfilled (Isa. 7 :14) : “ Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name, Immanuel.” The shepherds tended the flocks which were meant for sacrifice. He was to be a Lamb and also a Shepherd,

(Ehrtirtmaa (¡Sifts “ Thou hast received gifts for men.” Vsg. 68:18 /stHR ISTMAS gifts for thee, Fair and free! Precious things from the heavenly store, Filling thy casket more and more; Golden love in divinest chain, That never can be untwined again; 51 Silvery carols o f joy that swell Sweetest of all in the heart’s lone cell; Pearls of peace that were sought for thee In the terrible depths of.a fiery sea; Diamond promises sparkling bright, Flashing in farthest reaching light. Christmas gifts for thee, Grand and free! Christmas gifts from the King of love, Brought from His royal home above; Brought to thee in the. far-off land, Brought to thee by His own dear hand. Promises held by Christ for thee, ; Peace as a river flowing free, Joy that in His own joy must live, And that Infinite love can give. Surely thy heart of hearts uplifts Carols of praise for such Christmas gifts! Frances Ridley Havergal.

in a wicked world. All the forces of evil are against him. All of the inclinations of his fleshly nature are in harmony with Satan. The world, the flesh and the devil combine to stifle the new life and to mar and bar its development. How did any one ever conceive the idea that the real Christian life was to be one of easy victory ? It never is suggested in the Word of God, nor in the experience or testimony of God’s tested, tried and victorious servants.

Someone must see the

vision, and someone must hear the story of the angels. What could be more appropriate than that to these humble, unknown shepherds the heavens should be opened, and that to them should be made known the long-promised fulfillment of the prophecy : “For unto us a child is born (human) ; to us a Son is given (Divine) : the government shall be upon his shoulder (world ruler) ; and his name shall be called Wonderful (a Divine revelation) ; Counsellor (the Judge of all the earth) ; the Everlasting Father ( ‘by whom, through whom, and for

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