T H E K I N G ’ S
December 1924
GreatBritain’s Foremost BibleTeaher Again an American Sunday-school magazine has brought to this country the every-week writing of a British Bible teacher who stsfnds in the fore front of Bible exposition, in the English speaking world. The same journal did it with Alexander MacLaren, W. H. Griffith Thomas, Alexander Smellie, and now introduces W. Graham Scrog- gie of Edinburgh, Scotland, to American Sunday- school life. There is no man before the public today who combines more notably a deep spiritual insight, unshaken faith in the whole Bible and all the Christian Fundamentals, rare power of literary expression, and scholarship of the most exacting sort. For the past ten years he has been coming steadily to the front by the sheer compulsion of his extraordinary equipment. The late Lord Bishop of Durham, Dr. Handley Moule, put his imprimatur on Mr. Scroggie’ s remarkable book “ Method in Prayer.” In December Mr. Scroggie will commence one of the richest, most comprehensive, and at the same time practically useful treatments of the International Uniform Lessons ever published; it will appear exclusively, every week, in
Dr. Griffith Thomas wrote of Mr. Scroggie’s "wide range of knowledge, his pellucid clearness of statement, his marvelous powers o f analysis, his freshness of presentation, and above all his strong and joyous conviction of the truth of the Bible as the eternal verity of G od .”
(published every week)
Ironmaster Ridgway, in his Busy Men’s Corner, burns unforgettably into men’ s lives his white-hot sparks of spiritual steel. This Week’s Teaching Principle is brought out, in every lesson, by Professor Charles Calvert. Ellis, a leading educationist. Round Table Illustrations, sent by multitudes of readers, are remembered when all else is for gotten.
Lesson Questions, wrought out by experts, keep teacher and class on tiptoe of eager search. Christian Cartoons, a converted newspaper man’ s pungent satire exposing error and making the truth glow.
From the Platform, Philip E. Howard gives a three-minute talk to the whole school, clinching the lesson’ s heart-truth. Say Fellows! is an inimitable talk, both sparkling and serious, to boys and teachers of boys.
The rollicking Little.Jetts, Bible-picture folk whom a father’s genius and fountain-pen brought to life, are on hand every week with their electric enthusiasm.
These are but a few of the many unusual helps, every week, on the International Lessons; and in addition the whole Bible Lesson Course of the Christian Fundamentals Association is fully treated in each issue. Yet many read ers write and say that, although they are not in the Sunday-School at all, the other department» in the Times are so valuable that they cannot do without it. Please send for enough free specimen copies of The Sunday School Times to supply each teacher and officer in your Sunday school. Test the Times! Save one fourth of the single subscription price, $2.00 a year, by organizing a club of 5 or more subscribers at the club rate of $1.50 a year. We allow the club organizer one subscription additional for every ten paid for in a club, and we offer an attractive choice of needed books to tbose who organize new clubs. Plea«e ask for specimen copies and the book offer today, mentioning The King’s Business. 1031 walnut St. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES Philadelphia, Pa.
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