T H E K I N G ’ S
December 192#
'Christmas Will Soon Be Here3 Books— Biola “ Best” Books Make the Best Gifts Exceptionally Helpful Books Fine Gold A Missionary Romance of South America By Josephine Hope Westervelt This missionary story is especially interesting and valu able just now when there is such a decided revival of interest in missionary work in Latin America. Mrs. Westervelt has given us in this book an exceed ingly entertaining story first of all, and along with the telling of the story there is a vivid portrayal of missionary life and labor in the Rome controlled priest ridden sec tions of South America. You will like the book for the story itself but you will like it all the better because it gives you a true vision of modern missionary work in that great land of opportunity. Cloth, $1.50
THE MODERN MOVEMENT IN RELIGION (Continued from page 774)
“ Remember that the. Reformers were not modernists, though the latter claim that Luther, Paul, and even Jesus Christ, Himself, belonged to them. Paul and Luther, the mighty exponents of the doctrine of Salvation by grace through faith in the vicarious sacrifice of Jesus Christ, were as far from Modernists in their faith as Paganism is from Christianity. The Reformers made their protest, not against the outstanding doctrines of the Christian faith,, for they believed them with every drop of blood in their veins, but against what they ’b'éifeved to be certain abuses- which had come into the Church during the medieval period. They contended that every man has the right to- approach his Maker through Christ without the aid or mediation of Church,'Priest or Pope; that man is justified before God by faith and faith alone in Jesus Christ, on the basis of what Jesus Christ did for sinful humanity. These were the battle cries of the reformation and not the rejec tion of the truths for which evangelical Christians have always stood and which the Fundamentalists are defending today. To prove that Luther was not a Modernist we need only be reminded that he taught justification by faith in Christ’s atoning death, while the Modernists repudiate this New Testament doctrine and teach that sinners are saved on the basis of their own, character.” Question 4. Now from what you have said, am I to con clude that Dr. Guthrie, Dr. Grant, Dr. Fosdick, Dr. Parks, and all other Modernists áre not Evangelical Christians? Answer: “ Yes, sir, I say emphatically that those who reject the fact of the Virgin Birth of Christ, His Atonement for sin, Resurrection,, Spiritual Presence and Personal Return, are not evangelical Christians. They have nothing in common with them. These men should be called natur alists, which they are,— destructionists, disbelievers in the supernatural in the Bible. They are not descendants of the Apostles, the Church fathers and the great reformers, but of the Gnostics of the first and second centuries, the Arians of the third century, and more truly of the rationalists and infidels of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.” Question 5. The Modernists say that Fundamentalists, are “ literalists” and are “ opposed to science and progress.” What would you say to that? Answer: “ I would say that we plead ‘not guilty.’ They have made many false charges against us which are unwor thy of honest men. They have exhausted our language for words to misrepresent us. They call us ‘Medievalists,’ ‘Ob scurantists*’ ‘Reactionaries,’ ‘Non-progressive,’ ‘Narrow minded,’ ‘Unscientific,’ ‘Uneducated,’ ‘Uncultured,’ ‘Ignora muses,’ ‘Back Numbers,’ ‘Mossbacks,’ ‘Bigots,’ ‘Tradition alists,’ ‘Cranks,’ ‘Crass Literalists,’ ‘Hopelessly Benighted,’’ etc. “ These are charges, mark you,, against ninety-five per cent of the Christian people throughout the world, among whom are found many of the most famous Biblical scholars of modern times, both Catholic and Protestant. For, remember, the whole Christian world outside this group of modern Rationalists are Fundamentalists in belief, though many of them would reject the name. “ As to thei charge that we are ‘literalists’ a word needs to be said. By ‘literalists’ they mean that we take the Bible for what it says. We confess that this is true, and we refuse to use this mighty Book as we would a football. But such a thrust at us only beclouds the real issue at stake. The question is: Is the Bible authority or is it not? “ Modernists know that the Bible is made up in part of figurative, but more largely of literal language, and that
Scientific Christian Thinking (or Young People By Howard Agnew Johnston A book that adequately and sympathetically m e e t s the growing demand among young people for intellectual sanc tion for Christian life, and service. “ New light on several sci entific questions has been dis- cqyered in these first years of the twentieth century. In this new light some of the theories which dominated the thinking world for the last third of the last century are proved no longer tenable. This new light points in the direction of God’s relation to men and the world as being more direct and im mediate than was inferred when the ,evolution theories were supposed to be correct.** Just the book you need to meet the needs of your young people. Cloth, $1.25 By Charles G. Finney These lectures are the result of Finney’s many years of suc cessful Evangelistic labors. They are full of real revival fire and are exceedingly inter esting reading. Not only that — they are full of soul food that will do your heart good and give you something to think about. If you wish to ' know the true secret of a suc cessful revival don’t fail to read, and then re-read this book. Cloth, $1.50 Revival Lectures
Womanhood in the Making
By Margaret W . Eggleston Mrs. Eggleston's years of successful work with girls, and her experience as a mother, find very natural and helpful expression in this admirable volume on the training of girls. The thousands of teachers and mothers who have found her stories so wise and usable will turn to this book with the as surance of discovering the ad vice and suggestion they so much need in the difficult task of- training young womanhood/ Every phase of the subject is thoroughly treated. ' Cloth, $1.50 Prepare to Meet God By Rev. L. R. Scarborough, B. A., D. D. Sermons Making the Way to Christ Plain. The author, who is president of .what is perhaps the largest theological semi nary in the country, is an evangelistic preacher of great power. This is a collection of his revival sermons on “ The Central Passion of thé Gospel.*’ Cloth, $1.25
The Revival at Broad Lane By Kate Drew
Miss Drew has provided a really charming book for home reading. It is a story of a series of wonderful revival services. When the Spirit of God lays hold of an individual or community, miracles are wrought, and this story is a recital of miracles. If you wish to ®tir up a spirit of revival in your home church, this is the book to circulate among those who might be responsive. Cloth, $1.75 If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D., unless otherwise specified. If goods are to come by mail add 10% for postage.
B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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