King's Business - 1924-12


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

December 1924

=Christmas Will Soon Be Here= Books— Biola “ Best” Books Make the Best Gifts Andrew Murray is the Author of all the following books The Holiest of All By Andrew Murray The best analysis of the Epistle to the Hebrews on the market today. And not only that but it is a veri­ table treasure house filled with soul food for the real Bible student and very helpful to even the most casual reader. A truly wonderful book that you will always be glad to own and read. Over 500 pages of legible type. Cloth, $3.00

the great principles of the Bible are clothed in literal lan­ guage. But the Bible can be interpreted as we interpret other books, by the application of the principles of literary interpretation. This is a science all by itself. Scholarship aids us here, but common sense and a mind illumined by the Holy Spirit are indispensable. “ True Christianity has always been the friend of science and progress. Between the Bible and true science there can be no conflict, for truth must be in harmony with itself. As Sir Robert Anderson said: ‘Never until our own time have Scripture and science been (so far) in accord, but the changes that have harmonized them have ,been in science and not in the Bible.’ And as Prof. Dana, the eminent geol­ ogist declared, ‘The first chapter of Genesis and science are in accord.’ Fundamentalists are not confusing material comforts and progress with spiritual progress, We know that we are living in a better world, so far as material advantages go, than our fathers ever knew or dreamed of; but we also know because" we can drive an airship now three times faster than it could be driven a decade ago, that that is .no proof that men have advanced in morals and religion at the same ratio, or that they have advanced at all.” Question 6 . To what extent do you think Modernism is entrenched in America? Answer: “ In the South it is scarcely to be found, except in a few centers of learning as Vanderbilt University and some schools of lesser influence. The Presbyterians and Baptists o f the South are strangers to this anti-Christian propa­ ganda. Among the seven million Baptists of tlie South (white and colored), with their 200 educational institutions, there was found in recent years only one white teacher who was a pronounced Modernist and he was dismissed. Dr. George W. Truett of Dallas, the most prominent Baptist preacher in America, declared that in the twenty-four thou­ sand white Baptist pulpits in the South there is not to be found one Modernist. “ But such is not the case in the North. Here Modernism is taught in many of the educational institutions and in not a few of the pulpits. The faculties in most of the Colleges and Theological Seminaries are about one third Modernists and two thirds Fundamentalists. In New York City, Bos­ ton, Chicago, San Francisco and the State Universities, Modernism exerts its strongest influence. Speaking of the denominations, the Congregational Churches are most friendly to Rationalism, with the Methodists, Episcopal^ Ians, Disciples, Baptists, Presbyterians and Reformed bod­ ies next, as in the order given. The Lutherans and most o f the smaller sects are strongly anti-Modernist, and the Catholic Churches are as solidly united against it as are the Baptists and Presbyterians of the South. “ That New York and America need great prophets today o f the John the Baptist type is painfully evident. What the final result of Modernism will be, whether its defeat is near, or whether it will logically progress to the stage of giving a more open and active support to those political radicals who would overthrow our Government, destroy our Constitu­ tional liberties, and the finest Christian civilization the world has ever known, the wisest are yet unable to pro­ phesy. But the call to every true American patriot, to men and women of every Christian church, both Protestant and Catholic, is louder today than ever before, to separate from our Schools and Churches those who now are clamor­ ing for a system of religion which though boastful of its support of science, is at heart essentially pagan.”

The Prayer Life This book has been used of the Lord in deepening, broad­ ening and intensifying the prayer life of many Christians. What it has done for others it can do for you— if you will only give it a good chance. Cloth, $1.00 Pray Without Ceasing No Other writer has seemed to sense the need of modern Christians like Andrew Mur­ ray. Especially has he sensed the need of more prayer and has prepared this little book of thirty-one chapters as a help to daily intercession. It con­ tains Scripture references and a meditation for each day in the month and has blank spaces for writing in the names of those to be prayed for. Paper, 10c Abide in Christ Thoughts on the Blessed Life of Fellowship with the Son of God. The thirty-one short-story chapters of this book are ar­ ranged as daily readings for a month. They are an exposi­ tion of the fifteenth chapter of John,— Christ’s words about the vine and the branches. Cloth, 75c The State of the Church Many Christians realize that conditions in the church today are not just right but they do not know why. This book tells what is the matter and offers the only remedy. Cloth, $1.00

Working For God By Andrew Murray The object of this book is to remind Christian workers of the greatness and the glory of the work in which God gives a share. It aims at the same time to keep those who com ­ plain that they are apparently laboring in vain to find out what may be the cause of so much failure. Cloth, 75c The Master’s Indwelling If you would like to know the secret of the Comforting Presence, the indwelling per­ sonality and power of the Holy Spirit, this is the one book that you need most to read. Better order it today. Cloth, 75c Shows that power with God is the highest attainment of the life of full abiding. A book that is well known, and deserves its popularity among earnest Christians. Bound in Morocco. Cloth, 75c The Cross of Christ This is only a small booklet of pages but in it you will find as complete a sum­ ming up of what Jesus pur­ chased for us on Calvarys* Cross as can be found in any larger book. Written in An­ drew Murray’s immutable style this little booklet is very devotional in its character. Paper, 5c With Christ in the School of Prayer

Divine Healing The author in his preface says: “The publication of this work may be regarded as a testimony of my faith in divine healing. I have been convinced anew of that which the Word of God teaches us in this matter, and of what the Lord expects of us, and I am sure that if Christians learned to realize practically the presence of the Lord that healeth, their Spiritual life would thereby be de­ veloped and sanctified.“ Every Christian should read and study this book. Paper 50c If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D., unless otherwise specified. If goods are to come by mall add 10% for postage.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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