T H E K I N G ’ S
December 1924
OUR BIBLE INSTITUTE IN HUNAN PROVINCE, CHINA (Continued from page 777) women students. Mr. Rutledge and his office staff had their hands full for a few days preparing the Testaments, books and tracts and other equipment for all these bands. We said “ fare well,” and “ God be with you and bless you,” to two of these student bands at about three o’clock in the morning, after coming back from the river, where we had gone to give a parting message to two other’ bands that had gone down the night before and had boarded the little launches that were to take them to their several fields of labor. The starting out of these young peo ple was inspiring, but the reports of God’s blessing on their work is far more inspiring. A missionary writes regarding one of the bands of women students: “ I know that Mrs. Keller will be glad to hear that her women students are doing a fine work at Hwangtsai, and with very good results as far as man can see.’ Many people are constantly coming to the station to hear the Gospel, and not a few have given in their names as wanting to learn more. We do thank God be cause it seems as if the light is coming into some places in this dark district.’' ,Mrs. Keller has been out this week visiting two of the women student bands, and has come back with a heart just overflowing with joy over the splendid results that she has seen from the faithful toil of these conse crated young women. A letter has just come to my desk from the leader of one of the men stu dent bands. Mr. Chiang writes that they visit in the homes daily* from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., then have their sup per, and after supper a prayer meeting. After the prayer meeting they march through the 1 streets ringing a bell and carrying large paper lanterns on which are written invitations to the preach ing service. From 300 to 400 persons attend the services, which run from 7:30 to 9:00 o’clock. Two students preach at each service. Over ninety have expressed a special interest in the Gospel, and some thirty have joined the daily Bible classes. Two local officials come daily to study God’s Word with our students. In addition to. this very full, program they have opened a school that is attended by over a hundred children, to whom they are teaching verses of Scripture and some of our Gospel hymns. They also hold; special preaching services for the children and so seek in every
Announcing the 1925 Scripture Text Calendar The 1925 Scripture Text Calendar is truly a masterpiece of the Printer’s Art. Millions of these helpful calendars are sold annually and can be found in the four quarters of the globe. In fact, the Scripture Text Calendar has almost become an institution and is looked for eagerly by millions throughout these lands. We sincerely believe the 1925 Scripture Text Calendar is a most worthy successor to all previous editions and predict a great sale for it. A careful perusal of this announcement will surely prove profitable and interesting to .you.
Easy to Sell Because of Wonderful Values Scripture Text Cal endars are easy tc sell and will ' do much to promote the w e l f a r e of t h e church, the commun ity and the Kingdom by placing the Gos pel daily b e f o r e thousands that may now be indifferent. This is an opportun ity to do real Chris tian service by dis seminating G o d ’ 8 Word and at the same time quickly making $50 to $500 by simply placing in every home this beautiful 1925 Scrip ture Text Calendar. Hundreds of agents have found our plan most helpful, as our beautiful Scripture Text Calendars are unusual values and sell readily to near ly every family in the c o m m u n i t y . Over 3,500,000 of t h e s e Wonderful Scripture Text Cal
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1925 JANUARY 1925
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Size of Calendar 9% x 16 inches CALENDAR WITH THE BIG FIGURES
day in 1925. A standard time table makes it possible for you to tell the exact time in various parts of the w orld.at any given hour. . NOW IS THE TIME TO PLACE YOUR ORDER 1924 Calendars were all sold out before many churches were able to get their sup ply- SPECIAL PRICES TO AGENTS See how you can profit by placing the Gospel in every Home in Your Community Quantity Cost Sells for 100 Calendars - $17.00 200 “ - 32.00 250 “ - 40.00 300 g - 46.50 $30.00 60.00 75.00 90.00 Profit $13.00 28.00 35.00 43.50 Larger quantity rates on application The retail price is 30 cents each. Terms cash with border to individuals. Calendars are not returnable AN IDEAL HOLIDAY GIFT Thousands of Christian People every year send these Calendars to friends and relatives at Xmas time. Nothing could be more appropriate as a gift at Christmas time than one of these Scripture Text Calendars. For those who wish to purchase a small quantity for this purpose, we quote the following: Single Copies, 30c; 5— $1.40; 12— $3.00 25— $5.75; 50— $10.00 Send Cash With Order
endars were sold for 1923, which shows the high regard in which they are held. EVERY HOME NEEDS— EVERY HOME BUYS— EVERYBODY PLEASED The Scripture Text Calendar has been prepared with such care and contains such a fund of Scriptural information that it is more than a convenience-—it is a real necessity in every home. The influence it has on the young in teaching great truths and inculcating the right view of life should appeal to every parent to have one in the home. It teaches morality and good citizenship and the lessons thus learned will follow through life. AN ART GALLERY OF THE WORLD’S MOST FAMOUS SACRED PAINTINGS The Scripture Text Calendar contains 12 beautiful reproductions of the works of some of the world’s greatest artists. All of these pictures represent what is best and most refined in the realm of reli gious art. The color paintings are so per fect and so beautiful that thousands of people make their selections of the best reproductions. In this way they secure a beautiful gallery of the World’s most fa mous Sacred Paintings. These beautiful reproductions are worth many times the low price of the calendar. SPECIAL FEATURES ALONE WORTH LOW PRICE OF CALENDAR By referring to the Scripture Text Cal endar you can immediately tell what the Sunday School Lesson will be for any Sun- Calendars are printed in English, German Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, and Jap- / anese languages, but all foreign lan- guages from a special edition with / pictures (except cover) printed in the duo-color process. / /
GentlemenS^-Kindly ship at once.......3__ Scripture Text Calendars. Enclosed please find remittance in the sum of $.......................
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Bible Institute ^ Los Angeles, Cal. / -----
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