King's Business - 1924-12


December 1924

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

The Chosen People, the Land and The Book Jewish News Notes Compiled by J. A, Vaus, Superinten­ dent, Jewish Dept., Bible Institute of Dos Angeles Jewish Pogrom Toll is 79,000 The “ Los Angeles Times” published, in a recent issue, the following tragic figures: “ Kharkov (Ukrainia).—According to the findings of special commissions which have been investigating the loss of life and property caused by inter­ vention and the Russian Civil War, 1235 Jewish pogroms occurred in the Ukraine region, in which 79,000 per­ sons were killed, 50,000 driven from their homes, and 20,000 children ren­ dered destitute. “ A large number of small towns and villages were destroyed. Several Communists stated that they had lived through as many as seventeen po­ groms.” Jewish Immigration Persecution of Jews on a wholesale scale is now being indulged in throughout Central Europe, and Pal­ estine’s inability to absorb the great mass of Jewish exiles as fast as they are driven out is giving rise to some very serious problems of immigration. The ages-old Jewish question, never permitted to rest for long at a time, is again one of the burning issues of the day. Throughout the Jewish press at large is sounded a pessimistic note in considering the Jewish problem, and one is reminded of the words of Moses, so applicable in every age of Israel’s history since the Dispersion: “ And the Lord shall scatter thee among all people, from one end of the earth even unto the other............. And among these nations shalt thou find no ease, neither shall the sole of thy foot have rest.”—Deut. 28:64, 65. How one’s heart goes out in ten- derest pity and compassion as he re­ flects on the sorrows of this “ Nation of Wanderers,” and how greatly the Christian, as well as the Jew, longs for that time when Israel shall be re­ stored to her own land, never again to be driven out, and when the tribula­ tion shall have passed and the mil­ lennium be begun. Mexico and the Jews The Jewish atmosphere seems charged these days with various plans and schemes for the colonization of Jews. The new immigration laws, which have so largely reduced Jewish immigration to America, have occa-

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