T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
December 1924
sioned the formation of many new plans for Jewish colonization. Jewish relief organizations have had under advisement the coloniza tion of Jews in Mexico, and this plan is receiving much attention in the Jewish press. In other quarters a movement, said to be sponsored hy a gift of $400,000, has for its object the colonization of Jews, on a large scale, in the Crimea. Personally we feel that colonization of Jews can never be successfully ac complished except in. Palestine itself, and various Jewish relief organiza tions should band together (instead of dividing their forces) for the recon struction of their “ Home-land.”— (J. A. Y.) New Jewish City The city of Tel-Aviv, which in 1909 was founded by a group of Russian Jews on a sandy waste near Jaffa in Palestine, is now a thriving place of more than 15,000 inhabitants. Of its 1500 buildings, nearly a third were built last year. Most of the residences are two-family concrete houses of the kind common in America. The city has a modern water supply and elec tric-light plant, and a sewer system. Its population is entirely Jewish.— Youth’s Companion. Marranos Seek Return to Faith As has been previously reported in the Jewish Chronicle (London); a large number of Marranos, resident in Portugal, the descendants of Jews who, in the 14th century, denied their Judaism and pretended, to have adopt ed Christianity, have requested the Chief Rabbinate at Jerusalem to sanc tion their return to Judaism and set tlement in the land of Israel. The following is the text of the letter sent to the Jerusalem Rabbinate: “ The baptism of our forbears was only pretended because of the terror of the inquisition and the auto-da-fe. In the depths of our hearts, however, we, their descendants, have maintained our love and our loyalty to our Jewish people. We marry only among our selves, and even if we are baptized as children in Catholic churches, are mar ried according to Catholic rites, and are laid in our graves as Catholics, we feel ourselves Jews more than ever.” — California Jewish Review. MAKE YOUR SPARE TIME PAY! - — — U T e Wa need intelligent men A f a t N I S and women. Work all or U / A N T r n part time. Sell B i b 1e s— * " y B o o k s-—Calendars— Make big money. No experience necessary. Lib- eral discounts. MAKE CHRISTMAS MONEY NOW National Educational Society 433 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111
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