King's Business - 1924-12


T H E K I N G ’ S


December 1924

=Christmas Will Soon Be Here" Books— Biola “ Best” Books Make the Best Gifts The Passing of “The Word” A ROMANCE OF COLLEGE LIFE Helen Henshaw The book depicts the wholesome and typical American college girl of today, who with seriousness of character can have as well the spirit of frolic. While the story purport® to impart a serious message, nevertheless, there is a certain trend of humor through the pages. The col­ lege girl’s rhapsodies on flowers and amusements, and typical friendships that are* formed, lend to the narrative a naturalness which is in every way pleasing and appro­ priate. Interwoven is a love theme, by no means com­ plex, but adding a certain charm to the volume. The dialogue throughout is natural and pleasing and the moral element is strongly marked. An exceptionally healthy story.________________________________ ____ Cloth, $1.50 In the Twinkling of an Eye By Sydney Watson The Mark of the Beast By Sydney Watson

DOES IT MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE? (Continued from page 768)

If Jesus our Lord had only a natural father, the Trinity, as already shown, does not exist. All therefore that is pre­ dicated of the Trinity as such utterly fails, and there is no honest evidential warrant for believing in the ordained, •eonsummativô work of the Trinity; that is to say, the resur­ rection of Jesus of Nazareth as the thus declared Son of God. If Jesus had only a natural father, the logical conse-, quence of His natural sonship vitiates any pretended evi­ dence that He is alive today. Immortality has not been brought to light, and we stand on the edge of the grave with only night and silence. $ * ♦ ♦ It makes a gréât difference w*ho was the father of Jesus! If God the Father did not stoop down from heaven, and in prime accord with the Son as His verbal and eternal ex­ pression, and through the co-ordinate and covenant opera­ tion of the Holy Spirit take hold on a cell or seed of the Virgin Mary, creating a new and distinct human nature which the Son of God took into Union with Himself, becom­ ing a unique being with two natures human and divine in one body and with one personality forever, then the whole foundation and fabric of Christianity as set forth in the New Testament is completely overthrown. The men who deny the virgin birth; who do so that they may the more easily be delivered from carrying the baggage of the miraculous; who shift the fatherhood of Jesus from the eternal God to the act of some unknown and sinful man, are paying a dear price for their jaunty endeavor to accom­ modate the supernaturalism of Christianity to the poverty- smitten weakness of their own faith, and the noisy clamor of an unbelieving, spiritually ignorant, and scoffing world. THE BIBLE AND SOUL-WINNERS Many young people profess to be anxious to be soul- winners, particularly among those of their own age. And what better preparation or equipment can they have than the right kind of Bible knowledge, coupled with the indwell­ ing of the Holy Spirit? They need both the head and heart full of divine truth. “ Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom}” is the Bible command. It also speaks of “ the man of God” as being ‘Thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” That means properly knowing the Word and with ability to employ it for the salvation and building up of souls. Therefore let Christian young people and everybody else exalt the Word of God to its true place And more than ever many young persons feel the divine call upon them to enter special missionary work. Others engage in evangelistic work, and not a few become Sunday school teachers. All need deeply to realize that, the Bible is one of thè most effective instrumentalities to be em­ ployed in Gospel work. It is the best “ life line” with which to “ rescue the perishing.” Of course true prayer belongs to all work for the Lord. Attending a good Bible training school is a great advan­ tage for persons who would be soul-winners. Indeed, some kind of systematic preparation is deemed indispensable for such as would be very successful public laborers in God’s vineyard. Sometimes, however, faithful private Study of God’s Word will enable one to do more or less valuable work. May the Holy Spirit make the Bible a living, vitaliz­ ing power in our souls. He, as none other, can open the rich, inexhaustible fountains of divine truth, and make them refreshing and perennial streams within us, gushing forth in life-giving effusion in behalf of others. A. W. Orwig, Los Angeles.

There are but comparatively few people who understand correctly what the B i b l e teaches concerning “ the Great Tribulation,”— that awful pe­ riod of distress that is coming upon this earth during the time when the Antichrist will rule with unhindered Sway. In ‘‘The Mark of the Beast” these facts are most vividly portrayed in story form. So interesting is the story that many people read it through at one sitting, only to take up the book again to re-read once, twice and possibly three times, until the true teaching of the tribulation is so fixed in their minds that they will never forget it. Cloth, $1.25 Scarlet and Purple By Sydney Watson Good salvation stories are rare,— this is a rare one,— a n exceedingly interesting story. God’s G o o d N e w s concerning His Son and what He has done for us is the theme running through it from beginning to end, but it does not in any way interfere with the plot or the characters except to enhance your inter­ est in them. It brings the reader face to face with Jesus Christ as Saviour, and many souls have been born again through its reading. Put “ Scar­ let and Purple” into the hands of young people,— into the hands of anyone you want to see converted._____Cloth, $1.25

The Second Coming of the Lord is a very precious truth to many Christians, and would be to many more if they only understood. Some are ad­ verse to studying their Bibles just to learn this particular truth, but everybody will read and enjoy a good, well written story. In the Twinkling of an Eye is an exceedingly inter­ esting story in which the doc­ trine of the return of the Lord is so intimately interwoven that the reader absorbs it, utterly Unconscious that he is being taught,— so thoroughly ' does he become absorbed in the story. It is just the book to put into the hands of young Christians, careless Christians, nominal Christians. Read it for yourself, and then you will understand what we mean. Cloth, $1.25 The Conflict By Miss Elizabeth Knauss This is the book of the hour for everyone who is in any Way interested in the conflict between the Modernist wing, of the Church and those who hold fast to the great fundamental doctrines of the Christian re­ ligion. ‘‘The Conflict” tells the story in story form— a real live story entertaining from beginning to end— and very helpful. You will want at least one copy for yourself and one for your pastor. Order at once and put in circulation in your community. _____Cloth, $1.25

The High Way

By Caroline Atwater Mason A novel which challenges the religious world Is the church threatened with division by opposing fac­ tions impossible to reconcile? Upon a broader canvas than heretofore, and with all the pathos and humor and realism which distinguished Mrs. Mason’s earlier stories, she shows in her novel the problem of the ministry during the present religious crisis. Into this new novel with its charming love story and vivid glimpses of modern social life, Mrs Mason introduces a vital issue, which is now generally recognized, and which bids fair to divide the Christian church today. Fundamentalists and modernists alike are recognizing in Mrs. Mason’s fascinating story a way to a better understanding of each other’s difficul­ ties. A book that no active Christian can afford to overlook. Cloth, $2.00 If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D., unless otherwise specified. If goods are to come by mail add 10% for postage.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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