T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
CURRENT COMMENT (Continued from page 776) A RELIGIOUS BOMBSHELL In sponsoring a bill for the abolition of the Caliphate the Turkish govern ment has relighted ancient fires of re ligious conflict of far greater world portent than the fate of Turkey itself. To depose a Sultan was a minor opera tion comjfared with cutting off the head of the Mohammedan church. Since the year 1517 the Caliphate has been identified with the govern ment at Constantinople, when the Turkish Sultans assumed the title and with it the spiritual supremacy over all Mussulmans. The office came down directly from Mahomet, thus dating back to the sixth century. Today the Caliphate represents the head of 175,- 000,000 followers— mostly fanatics. The large majority of them, more over, owe no allegiance to Turkey. We can get a faint idea of what this action may lead to by imagining what would be the result in Catholic circles if the Italian government were to abolish the Vatican and send the pre sent Pope into exile. Italy could not confine the effect of such action to its own nationals. Add to this the fact that the Moham medan population is composed, for thè most part, of wild and uncontrollable tribesmen and Ishmaelites-—fighters and fugitives since the days of Abra ham—¡that, until the Caliphate was lodged in the Sultanate, that office was a ceaseless center of furious and bloody strife— and the possible signifi cance of this last move by the Angora government may be brought home to western minds. The Young Turks are beyond a doubt thoroughly in earnest about cut ting their country loose from this an cient privilege and encumbrance. Abdul.Medjid Effendi, the present Ca liph, has been shipped to Alexandria with instructions to keep off Turkish soil. Religious instruction has been prohibited.— L. A. Times. THE DUST DETECTIVE The French police have inaugurated a new system for catching crim inals hy a m icroscopic exam ination of dirt and dust upon the, clothing of suspects. A fter a cross-exam ination the suspects are stripped o f their clothing, which is then subjected to a special treatment of beat ing and cleaning in order to separate all the dust, dirt, residue and particles of foreign matter. This matter is examined under a pow erful m icroscope and then the detectives make deductions as to whether the sus pects are telling thé truth. . In the last month a French Sherlock Holmes trapped, three murderers through the dust system. One murderer tried to prove an alibi that he slept in a field on the night o f the murder, but an exam ination of his clothing proved that he really slept in a stone quarry. Another murderer was tracked and caught by the discovery o f fine particles o f sawdust on a piece o f clothing found in the dead man's clutch. A carpenter LOOSE LEAP BIBLE $2 with the order and $2 per month Bound in Genuine Morocco, Divinity Cir cuit, round corners, Red under Gold. Pat ented back. Price, $12.00. Size 6x7— 1 in. thick. 250 extra pages of note paper with book. Flexible and neat. Best ever. Send for Catalogue. Terms to agents NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY 433 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago, IU.
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