T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
December 1924
of years, as the following item will attest: Fritz Neumann is held for deportation by the . imm igration department: here, and w ill be one of a deportation party to leave Los Angeles some time during the next thirty days. The record of Neumann, known var iously as Frank Logan, Fred Miller, Fred Neumann and O. E. Fritzi, immigration: files reveal as follow s: Became a member of th'e I. W. W . in Chicago in 1908. Deported from Manila, P. I., as a va g rant .in 1910. Sentenced to San Quentin on a charge of forgery to" which he pleaded guilty,
business of keepin g:the peace and pay ing off the national debts of the world.— Exchange.. God speed the day! But—-there can be no peace for the world until the Prince of Peace comes, with scepter in hand, to bring all things in subjection unto Himself. AGITATOR TO BE DEPORTED The story of one I. W. W. reveals the fact that although we sometimes dub them “ I-Won’t-Workers,” this man certainly “ worked” for a number
who was the avowed enemy of the mur dered man confessed to the killing•.”-—■ (Press D ispatch). Moral: Keep your clothes clean, but wisdom suggests that it would also "be well to keep a clean conscience' and -character. “IT’S HEI a L TO BE HUNTED” This is the testimony of a cafe pro prietor, of Pasadena, who, while driv ing an auto with his wife, ran over a woman and her daughter and left them to die. Becoming panic-stricken, "he and his wife fled the next day, and the following is the sequel, as given in the newspapers: Immediately after the accident th ey ; w ent to El Paso, where he deserted h is , w ife and went to Tampico, Mexico, living under the name of John "Wilson. He then went to San Antonio and later to St. Louis, he said, intending to get to Canada and ship to England, hut was arrested in the eastern city. Sanders informed police today that he •would waive his preliminary hearing and desired to be sent direetly to the Superior Court in Los. Angeles for trial. In his cell in the Pasadena City Jail Sanders showed every evidence of hav ing been under a severe nervous strain. The first word Sanders is reported to have said on entering the local station was: It’s hell to be hunted. Hell is real, and there is no escape from it. Better plan to go to Heaven. TEACHERS SHOULD BE FREE Baltimore.—Making a strong plea for “ academic freedom” in American universities, Dr. Frank J: Goodnow, president of Johns Hopkins university, in his commencement day address, called upon the members of the grad uating class to exert all their power to counteract the recent tendency to dictate to those who teach what they shall and shall not teach.— L. A. Her ald. THE GOSPEL BY RADIO There won’t be call for so many preachers now that they can double up on the radio. In a Nebraska town a little church cannot afford to hire a pastor and rio the church chipped in and bought a radio set with a loud speaker and in stalled it in the church. Now the con gregation gathers Sunday and listens to a full service from one o f the big Omaha churches and participates in it to the ex-: tent of taking,?up a collection.: When it comes to spreading the gospel the radio may become the greatest agency of mod ern days.— Exchange., Better than nothing, sometimes; and sometimes,.worse than nothing; It depends upon what kind of a mes sage is given. Some of the messages given “ over the air” are just “ hot air.” Pity the church without a good, old- fashioned preacher with faith in the Old Bible and the Whole Bible. THINGS SPIRITUAL L loyd George says that the world is due fo r a spiritual renaissance. He says that there w ill be great religious revi vals in all countries arid that a general ■drift toward the church is now setting in. This ought to help humanity in the Christmas M s FOR YOUR SCHOLARS of fine quality Rolled Gold and guaranteed 15 years. Special offer—6 fer $1.50, 12 for $3.00. Order early. Columbus Jewelry Co., B'208coi!uM B ui!b. Give your scholars these beautiful gold fk ts. pins for presents. Made
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