King's Business - 1924-12


T H E K I N G ’ S


December 1924

in January, 1916. As Frank Logan he was sentenced to serve one year on this charge. Returned to I.W.W. activities on his release but fled to Mexico to evade the draft in 1917. Was captured at Calexico by Depart­ ment o f Justice agents in the same year and ordered interned at Camp Douglas as an enemy alien. Deported to Germany aboard S. S. P o ­ cahontas in September, 1919. Stowed away on S. S. Westmead in May, 1922, and was admitted to the United States at Boston under the name of Frank Logan. His know ledge o f San Francisco was largely responsible fo r the failure of imm igration officials to detect the fraud. Strike Promoter Charged by the police of various Pa^ cific Coast cities with having been a leader in I. W. W. strikes and disturb­ ances at Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and Los Angeles Harbor. Taken into custody by police at Los- Angeles Harbor early in December 1923, in connection with I.W .W . disturbance» at that place. Released and rearrested later in the- month at the request o f the Imm igration Department. The deportation o f Neumann is re­ garded by government officials as an important step in curbing radical a ctivi­ ties in California. He is charged with being one of a number of leaders among alien anarchists active in propagating anarchy among honest American labor­ ers, while posing as a native o f the United States and fighting for the righ ts oi the downtrodden. T H E B E S T S E L L E R Last year the American Bible Society placed over 7,000,000 copies, most o f them having been sold within our own borders. As a genuine seller no book in the world has ever been able to vie with the Bible. It is liked so well that one o f the largest hotels in New Y ork City needs a new suppdy for its guest room s every four months to make up for the copies taken by tourists. More than 2,000,000 copies were placed last year above the record of the previous tw elve- month.—-News Item. “ The Best Seller“ is the Bible. “ The Best Stealer“ is who? Who carries off these Bibles? Not honest people. Are they carried away to be destroyed by those who are opposed to the Pro­ testant Bible?

W H Y N O T - - - - ?

O f lifts, there seems none more becoming to offer a friend than a beautiful book.—Alcott


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BIBLESTORYBOOK Efeermeier The Home Book Every member of the family has an equal share in the enjoyment and ben­ efit of this Bible Story Book. The lan­ guage used is just good clear English, understood by the young mind and de­ lightful to the old. There are 233 stor­ ies completely covering the Bible. A host of impressive pictures help to tell the stories. Fifteen of the pictures are in beautiful colors, full-page size. Doc­ trinal differences are not to be found. A book like this has a universal appeal. Almost everybody enjoys Bible stories, and the benefit and value of such a book in the home is difficult to esti­ mate: Your friend would surely ap­ preciate one as a gift.

How to Have a JOYFUL CHRISTMAS Read the Inside Front Cover

F R E E A N D FU LL , F O R G IV E N E S S Those Of our subscribers who fail to receive the magazine promptly will be interested in the following let­ ter from one o f our good friends in Canada: “ Some few days ago I addressed a complaint to you regarding the non- appearance of The King’s Business for which I had subscribed for my hus­ band. But the very day I mailed that letter, we received the February and March issues of the magazine, and they are so very splendid that we have altogether forgotten the little delay, and beg of you to pardon us for caus­ ing you any trouble,’*

Kraft Deluxe is the-name for the spe­ cial art binding. It is a new process which looks like leather (only better) and has wonderful wearing qualities. The design is truly a piece of art. The combination of colors and gold on the embossed figures makes the book a rich piece to look upon. Gospel Trumpet Company Anderson, Indiana

Kraft Deluxe $3.50 Durable Cloth $2.00

BRANCHES: POMONA, CALIF. 7th St. and Garey Ave. ATLANTA, GA. 638 Edgewood Ave. KANSAS CITY, MO. 15th and Prospect

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