T H E K I N G ’ S
December 1924
Christmas Will Soon Be Here‘T— Books—Biola “ Best” Books Make the Best Gifts The following are just the kind o f books that you would like to have your children read—Good Books— safe, every one of them— ‘ ‘Pansy’s” The King’s Daughter By “ Pansy** Four Girls at Chautauqua By “ Pansy**
PRAY FOR REVIVAL (Continued from page 766)
Third, —Keep the plan definitely before the people,— especially the young people and the Sunday School. Let pastors and leaders emphasize the importance of the service to the individual, the church and the world. Let there be created a hunger for the souls of millions o f unsaved in our own land and in the regions beyond. . Why not commenee| NOW, and let: the showers pre cede the rain? We all need it. God’s Word commands it. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit crave it. Begin your preparations NOW, and signs of the promised downpour of blessing will multiply. P r a y for R e v i v a l !
This story deals with a young girl called by duty from a Christian home to a position as housekeeper for her father in a village tav ern. Her victory over un favorable circumstances in home and in church is brought about by her work not being done in her own strength. Cloth, 75c Wise and Otherwise By ‘‘Pansy** This book abounds in keen wit, and shows a wonderful insight into human nature. It deals effectively as well as entertainingly with such subjects as: a young minis ter’s wife’s fondness of dress; entertainments for those classed as religious; and the position of women employed for house work. Cloth, 75c Tip Lewis and His Lamp By “ Pansy** Tip is found a ragged boy in a mission class, deserving his bad name, and becomes respected and h o n o r e d through the teaching of his sacred ‘‘Lamp.’’ He over comes himself and wins his way against unfriendliness and disdkin. The influence for good exerted by this book can never be estimated. Cloth, 75c Three People By “ Pansy** The “ three people’’ are three boys born on the same day; one in the aristocracy, one in the well-to-do middle class, and one in the slums. The boy with the least chance is the one to come safely to manhood and act a noble part in helping others. Cloth, 75c Julia Reid By “ Pansy** Julia, wishing to be self- supporting, secures a posi tion as bookkeeper in a city. Away from home as she is, and with a beauty and at tractiveness that admit her to desirable social circles, Julia is $oon confronted with the questions that a Chris tian girl in the world must decide for herself. The strug gle between conscience and pleasure is a hard one, but the power of early training leads Julia aright in due time. Cloth, 75c
Four young ladies, for a summer outing, go to the gathering a t Chautauqua with no other purpose than that of a merry “ lark” in that beautiful spot. The summer so lightly begun, turns out to be of most weighty importance and also brings genuine pleasure to the girls. Cloth 75c Judge Burnham’s Daughters By “ Pansy** This splendid story for girls tells of a Christian step-mother’s trials w i t h two beautiful and wayward s i s t e r s , in full glow of early womanhood. R u t h Erskine, well-known as one of the memorable “ Four Girls at Chatauqua’’ finds that her efforts have brought a result beyond her expecta tion. Cloth, 75c Esther Reid By “ Pansy** Esther Reid, occupying the responsible position of eldest in the family, awakes to the fact that she might do far more in helping her younger sisters and brother to form noble lives. . Her own life is all too short, but in it she accomplishes a wonderful and enduring work. Cloth 75c Ruth Erskines Crosses By “ Pansy** Ruth Erskine will be re membered as the most state ly and aristocratic of the well known “ Four Girls at Chautauqua.” Well was it for her that she had a strong personality and an indomi table spirit in view of what she was called upon to en dure. She soon learns the great lesson that humble, practical people may be the truest and most useful in emergency. Cloth, 75c The Chautauqua Girls at Home By “ Pansy** This is an entirely inde pendent story, although it concerns of course, the well- known “ Four Girls” who went to Chautauqua on a p l e a s u r e excursion and found an influence which changed each to an enthusi astic Christian. Cloth, 75c
Outline Lessons on
The Life of Christ
For the BOYS and GIRLS by T. C.' Horton
These lessons have been tried and found to be exceedingly interesting and helpful in instructing boys and girls of Primary and Junior ages, in the sim ple, practical Christian truths. Is it possible to reach young children and bring them to’ Christ by means of Week,Pay Home Classes? Yes, and here is the proof. These lessons have been used for over two years by the Superintendent of the Department of Home Classes under the auspices of the Church of the Open Door, Los Angeles, California. These classes, ranging in attendance from twelve to sixty each, have been organized to the number of 258, a total of over 2000 scholars being enrolled at the present time. The following figures taken from report of results for one month will give an idea of what is being accomplished. Gospels distributed ......................—. 610 Tracts distributed ............. 2,872 Calls in homes................388 Volunteer workers ............................. 132 Bible verses learned........................... 4,041 Bible chapters read.................... 17,064 Souls won to Christ........................... 29 Parents and, indeed, whole families have been in terested, some have been won to Christ, and others won back to a church life. None of the children were sought as members of the Main Sunday School of the Church of the Open Door, this matter being left to the discretion of the parents. Some were already mem bers of and attending other Sunday Schools on Sun day, but enjoyed these week day classes as well. Many of the children would run from the Day School in order to reach the Bible Class in time. We offer these simple, practical outlines so that the plan may be tested anywhere, and we are sure that the “ Life of Christ” will become more real, and love for Him will be developed, by their use. It is worth trying. Watch the January King’s Business for fur ther announcement.
A really wonderful selection of wholesome stories written for young people—both boys and girls—as only “ Pansy” can write. If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D., unless otherwise specified. If goods are to come by mail add 10 % for postage.
B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
THE KING’S BUSINESS Nothing Better as a Christmas Gift
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