King's Business - 1924-12


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

December 1924

-Christmas Will Soon Be Here" Books—Biola “ Best” Books Make the Best Gifts “Mona’ s Inheritance and Three Girls in a Boat” By Laura Barter Snow “ There is so much reason for looking askance at many of the novels which issue from the press year after year, that it is a real pleasure to meet with a story book that can be put into the hands of girls and young women without any hesi­ tation. Mrs. Barter Snow demonstrates the possibility of writ­ ing an attractive story of treasure, and intrigue, and human love, in a manner which is compatible with the presentation of simple Gospel truths.” Cloth, $1.50

SCHOLARSHIP IS AGREED? (Continued from page 772) revelation to man concerning truths vitally essential to his eternal welfare. How May We Know? Having reached that point, we are met with a straight­ forward challenge to every honest seeker: “ If any man will do my will he shall know” (Jn. 7:17). The education worth while is not that which merely swells the head, hut that which expands the affections, widens the sphere of our sympathies, makes us realize our relation to God and our responsibility toward all men, refines our natures, elevates us in the scale of being, brings us real rest of heart. The Lord Jesus meets us at this point with this challenge: “ Come unto me” (Matt. 11:28-29). He is made unto the believer “ wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption” (1 Cor. 1:30). Who shall dare to say that the promise of Christ has not worked out in the experience of untold thousands who have been enabled to testify, “We know that he abideth in us by his Spirit which he hath given us” (1 John 3:24). God has come to them as a silent, inward, divine force of life, strengthening, renewing, purifying, perfecting and guiding, setting the heart at rest in a world full of conflicting human opinions. This is why thousands to this day disregard the contra­ dicting voices of the worldly wise and pit their experience against all the evolutionary arguments that happen to be popular just now. Let scientists continue to array evidence, let philosophers continue to offer the best that the finite mind apart from God can produce to explain things about us,— but one who has had a real experience of regeneration will never permit representatives of either class to mount upon thé judge’s bench and pronounce a verdict against the Bible in the name of “ all scholarship.” Cowper wrote: “A glory gilds the sacred page. Majestic like the sun.

Ruth’s Roses

Honor’s Quest

By Laura Barter Snow A delightful story for young girls. A good plot—well de­ veloped—well sustained with the true Gospel teaching run­ ning through from beginning to end. Cloth, $1.00

By Laura Barter Snow A story very much out of the ordinary—and decidedly better. A romance having the gospel story of Salvation through faith in Jesus Christ woven through and through. A very safe story for young folks. Cloth, $1.50 Rupert’s Resolve— By Laura Barter Snow An interesting story for boys, and may be very cor­ dially recommended to them as of a very healthy tone, full of interest and incident, and sure to give them both grati­ fication and profit. Cloth, $1.25 By Laura Barter Snow Just the kind of a story that you should put into the hands of a young girl that you wanted td have know the Gospel story of Salvation through the shed blood of Jesus. Cloth, $1.00 By Laura Barter Snow For those who believe in the power of prayer, this book would prove a constant joy. It contains the story of many in­ stances of answered prayer of a young girl and her brother, and is wonderful for helping young Christians to strengthen their faith. It is also a worth­ while book for older ones to read. Cloth, $1.50 “Her bright tomorrow” is the story of a young girl who is governess to three chil­ dren in an unchristian home. Her faithful witnessing for her Master, interwoven with an in­ teresting love story, holds the attention of the r e a d e r throughout. A good book to put into the hands of young girls. Cloth, $1.00 A Stray Sunbeam Norah’s Victory Her Bright Tomorrow By Laura Barter Snow

Barney Boy!

By Laura Barter Snow This book is the story of a boy of Southern Ireland who, in spite of many misfortunes, tri­ umphed over them and allowed the Lord in his life to keep him sweet and brave. This is a book that is good alike for boys and girls and contains many helpful lessons in pa­ tience and Christian love. Cloth, $1.25 Her Little Kingdom By Laura Barter Snow If you would like a heart­ stirring story, read this one. It relates the life of a wealthy young girl who over­ came worldly environment and remained true to her convic­ tions in spite of opposition. It is a splendid book for girls of all ages. Cloth, $1.50 By Laura Barter Snow An intensely interesting love story in which the characters are all real men and women living actual lives. And best of all, the claims of Jesus Christ as Saviour are not for­ gotten. A good book to put into the hands of unsaved readers of fiction. Cloth, $150 Harold or Two Died for Me By Laura Barter Snow This story is a good one, bright and interesting through­ out, and should be read by every boy and girl. Showing as it does that there is a work to be done close at hand, in everyday life, and among everyday people. Cloth, $1.00 The Sealed Packet

It gives its light to every age;,* It gives, but borrows none.”'

And Scott wisely wrote:

“Within that awful volume lies The mystery of mysteries! Happiest they of human race

To whom God has granted grace To read, to fear, to hope, to pray, To lift the latch and force the way; And better had they ne’er been born Who read to doubt and read to scorn.” Hliiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiimiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiii^




T. C. Horton,

536 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.

! Dear Friend: □ Please enroll my name as a “Defender of the Faith” to fight the destructive deniers of the Word, of God and ! 5 j send me suggestions for carrying on the battle in defense i of the honor of our Lord, our homes and our children. \ □ Name............................................................................................... ! □ City and Street.......................................................................... ‘ State............................................ .................................................. ! u E âiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiimaiiiiiuiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiÆ

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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