King's Business - 1924-12

December 1924

T H E K I N G ’ S



PURLOINING THE PRODUCTS FOR PURPOSES OF PIOUS PRETENCE Dr. Pace has given us a characteristic cartoon, con­ veying a tremendous truth concerning the Satanic strategy of the enemies of the Bible who seek to poSe as possessors of the fruit of Christian doctrine, but deny the truth of the Bible) out of which the doctrine grows. They cannot deny the righteousness of the teaching of Christ, but they deny the righteous claims of Christ.

Step by step, through the centuries, the battle has been waged. It is all recorded for us in the Book, and no other explanation than that which the Bible gives us will ever account for the struggles, the failures, the successes of mankind. The ethics, or basic principles, of right and wrong are all stored away in the Book of books—^but ethics alone will not suffice to cure the world’s diseases.-They will fail just as the old philosophies failed. One thing, and only one, will suffice—simple faith in the crucified, risen, ascended, and glorified Son of God, through

They laud the “ Ser­ mon on the Mount” but deny that He who uttered it spoke the truth also when —in response to the statement of t h e woman of Samaria at the well : “ I know that Messiah cometh which is' c a l l e d Christ; when He is come He will tell, us all things ’ ’—He said, “ I that speak unto thee am He. ” Christian e t h i c s grow only from Bible doctrine, and Bible doctrine ; is founded upon the Christ of the Bible. The root of the tree is found in Genesis 3 :15 : “ And I will put en­ mity between thee and the woman,’ and be­ tween thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, , and thou shalt bruise his heel.” This w a s God’s message to the first Modernistic “ Higher Critic ’ !—II i s Royal H i g h n e s s , t h e “ Prince o f T h i s World ’ ’jr-t h e devil. Struggle and strive

whom we have eter­ nal l i f e ; a f a i t h whose r o o t s a r e firmly fixed in the Word of G o d and lived out in the daily life of the believer. These are the eter­ nal ethics of God. To tear the tree from its roots is t r e a s o n a g a i n s t God and merits the sentence which will be pro­ nounced by H i m : “ Depart from me ye c u r s e d ; I never knew you. ” A FOSSIL FIND WHICH ELUCI­ DATES EVOLU­ TION In a recent issue of “ The North Amer­ ican U;(Philadelphia) ¿ remarkable story is told of a miner who, while working in a coal mine in Utah, found a horse’s hoof, w h i c h provokes a “ horse-laugh” upon one of the pet theo­ ries of the evolution­ ists. The incident is so well-authenticated


as we may, there is no-other solution of the world’s problems. The root is: there.,, The cause of the curse which rests upon the sons of men is, found there.; Though we have to war against the enemies of the teaching of the Bible, we do not have to-defend the teaching itself, which is simple and plain, and in ac­ cordance with the history: of man and of a ruined world. There is God, the Creator o f thè earth. There is Satan, the seducer of Adam’ and Eve. There is God’s prophetic Word concerning the conflict between Satan and the Seed o f the woman. Christ is involved in the curse and in the cure. The story is age-long, but is drawing to its close. The Satanici powers are still arrayed against the “ ‘Seed of the woman ’ ’—JeSus Christ. Satan bruised His’ heel. He died the death which was appointed for Him, but the end is not yet. Satan’s head must yet be bruised, and it will be.

that it will be difficult for them to account for it, but, of course, they will. They have millions of years behind those they have already Used in making their calculations, and they will no doubt avail themselves of them. The excerpt follows : “ John T. Reid, a noted geologist and owner of the larg­ est private collection of fossils in America, has the hoof of a horse'found in a coal deposit. This hoof is as it is on the horse today, and yet it is found in a strata in the earth’s formation antedating by possibly hundreds of thousands of years the period when scientists say the horse had toes. “ One of the stock-in-trade arguments for the evolution­ ary theory has been the development of the hoof of a horse. Scientists have declared they have traced this from the time when the hoof consisted of four .toes. As each epoch in its evolutionary history passed, the horse lost, toes until in the present age the hoof became solid.

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