King's Business - 1924-12


December 1924

T H E K I N G ’ S


Billy regained consciousness. Slow­ ly opening his eyes, he said: “ Mom! I want my Mom! She’ll be so glad to know!” “ She’ll be so glad to know?” whis­ pered the astonished doctor, and the stranger, Mr. Lloyd Baxter, whose car had struck the lad, echoed the ques­ tion; “ Glad to know?” “ Yes, she’ll be so glad to know! Bring me my Mom! Hurry!” said the lad with husky voice. In a few minutes more, Mrs. Ray­ mond was brought into the hospital—- almost carried to the side of her only boy, her only earthly support— dying on his cot. Soon her white arms and toil-worn hands were about the lad’s neck. “ Let me tell my Mom— she’ll be glad to know|p-to know— to know about angels singing— about heaven— God’s Christmas gift— a tree— a tree on which He hung-^wounded for—-for folks who didn’t always do just right, Mom; wounded—bruised— our iniqui­ ties— the tree, Mom, the tree—God’s Christmas tree-—” , and the words came slowly, brokenly, in gasps through a little mouth filling with his life’s blood; “ for the poor, Mom,c-f the poor, like us— the brokén-hèarted, Mom, like you-—Listen! angels!— Christmas— angels—singing! --c ity— beautiful— no dark— n o c o l d— nc shops—-no newspapers— and-—and—t’ the tree, Mom— the tree!” : Once again it was Christmas Eve. Once again, the angels of God swept through the meadows of the sky, wing­ ing a redeemed lad into the glory that lies above the storm, above the shops, and above the newspapers. And in the home of Mr. Baxter, one of thé “ rich whom God loved” , on New Year’s Eve, the mother of Billy, hav­ ing heard and believed, followed him, whispering softly: “ Yes, Billy! I se

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