December 1924
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
, On January 1st, we are to begin a new five months’ Bible coursé,1 for which liberal rewards are to be giyen for good work. I hope'you will like our Christmas page. The,,stories, and poem were written especially for you Gardeners, and the beautiful Christmas tree, from which pëép happy Gardeners’ faces looking upward toward the Star of Bethlehem, was designed by my nièce, Eunice Cogburn, who lives: dn Nèrth- ern California, where the whispering pines tell of His love. . Lovingly your Aunt,, SOPHIE SHAW MEADER. 225 W.; 15th St., Long Beach, Calif. Rewards to “ Gardeners” for New Subscriptions to “ The King’s :35 Business” One new subscription ($1*25)-—a beautiful Scripture Wall Motto. Two new subscriptions ($2.50)—Wall Motto and R. B. C. Badge. Three new subscriptions ($3.75)— Biblical Card Game. V Four new -subscriptions ($5.001— Badge and Book, “ Tip Lewis jand His Lamp” for boys. For the girls a choice of one of the following books: “ King’s Daughter” ; “Wise and Otherwise” (sequel); “ Three People” ; “ Chautauqua G i r l s at Home.” Send money by P. O. Order or draft to’ Sophie Shaw Meader, 225 W. 15th St., Long Beach, Calif.
A S ERV I CE FOR ÇHR I STMA S Shepherds —Starlight “ Shepherds in th e
Starlight” *is a Christ mas service for Sunday Schools, complete with |Scripture, songs, recita- ; tions, exercises, and a [ song for Primary De partment. The music was com posed by M.' Isabelle Ritter, Carolyn Free man, and Roy E. Nolte, and the poems written by C. Austin Miles. These composers are well-known, their work always in demand, and
351hymns—gems ofthe ages —all written out ofChristian experience —strong in the Faith. Adopted by hundreds ofprogressive Churches and
Bible Schools. The more than halfmillion copies ofTabernacle Hymns No. 2 sold in the past three years per mit us to offer this wonderful book at a B IG PR ICE R E D U C T IO N ! Per 100 copies: Manila. $25; Full Cloth, $40; Art Buckram superfine binding, $50; (single copies prepaid, 30c, 50c and 60c respectively.) Samplecopy sentwithout obligationfor 30 days Just say on post card: “ Please send me copy o f Tabernacle Hymns No.2 {.specify binding) which I w ill return or payfo r after30 days." WRITE TODAY. TABERNACLE PUBLISHING CO. j 29 S. La Salle St., Room 915, Chicago, 111* THIS $2.75 BOOK FREE HURLBUISSTORYOFBIBLE For Teachers—Students— for the Home and School 168 Stories 900 Home Study Questions The Biggest and Best Illustrated Book for the Price. 757 pages, 16 color plates, 250 illustrations. Cloth Bound. By mentioning this offer We will send the above volume absolutely Free with every $ 10 00 or more, cash order for Bibles or Testaments Goods Guaranteed to be as Represented We Sell All Bibles and Testaments Scofield Reference—Loose Leaf. Nave’s Topical—Companion—Annotated. Oxford Holman—Nelson— International. Send for Catalog. Our prices are regular published prices—Order can be sent from any cata log. Do not delay. Send order to NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY 433 S. Dearborn St., Dept. 3 Chicago, 111. A GREAT S T U D Y MON T HL Y The W onde rfu l Word Justthe magazine for the Sunday School This magazine contains Monthly Sermons by the world’s greatest preachers— Special Bible Read ings— Illustrations^—1The Victor ious Life Department—D a i 1y Devotional Directory—Children’s Page and the Sunday School Lessons. TWO GREAT COURSES are now running in the magazine. 1. Through the Bible in Three Years 2. Seventeen Months in the Prophets Regular Price $1.50 per year. Special Price $1.00. Send 25c for one dozen Christian Post Cards and a sample copy. THE WONDERFUL WORD 115 Fulton St. New York City SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH This is being done in Africa, China, India, by Native Evangelists and Bible Women who are being supported for from 80c to $ 2.00 a week. $40 to $100 for a year. Write Rev. H. A. Barton, Secy., Box B, 473 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., for free literature. Teacher and Christian Worker W. Leon Tucker, Editor
they have given their best in this very melo dious production which celebrates the birth of Christ with reverence and joy. $6.00 a hundred $3.25 for fifty 80 cents a dozen Sample Copy, 7 cents We have a complete stock of the latest holi day supplies for the church and Sunday School. Greeting Cards Services Dialogues Candy Boxes Calendars Novelties Holiday Booklets Testaments Bibles Send for our Christmas Circular and Holiday Bulletin 16 Ashburton Place, Boston 125 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago 313 W. Third St., Los Angeles 1107 McGee St., Kansas City 439 Burke Building, Seattle 233 Church St., Toronto Order from Our Nearest^House FREE SAMPLE PACKAGE Gospel Literature Our stock consists of Tracts, Mottoes, Stationery, Post Cards, Blotters, Gospel Stamps, Pencils, Bread of Life Boxes, etc. SERVICE CO., 2809 N. 13th St., Phila, Pa. -rHURCn FURNITURE Pews, Pulpits, Chairs, Altars, Book Ifromourfactory to your church. Catalog free. IDeMoulinBros. &Co., Dpt ai Greenville. 111. P I I Racks, Tables, Communion W are—EVERY- . I THING. The finest furniture made. Direct \ I | 1701-1703 Chestnut Street Philadelphia
The Soul-Winner’s Equipment! God’s Plan Made Plain! How Any One and Every One May Become > a Soul-Winner by Using the God-given Gospel of John. Read Inside Back Cover. W A N T E D — Ministers—Christian Workers TO SELL Scofield Reference Bible Make your spare time pay. Write us. No experience necessary NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY 433 S. Dearborn St. - - - Chicago, 111. Publish a Parish Paper
A parish paper will fill empty pews, accelerate auxiliaries, keep members 1 and community informed, act as assistant pastor, speed 'up church work. O u r C o -O p e r a tiv e Plan Provides any church, large or small, near or far, with a parish paper with no expense to pastor or church. In fact hundreds of pastors make a 'profit from their parish papers. Send the coupon for free samples and particulars. Without obligating me in any way please send me sam ples and particulars of your co-operative parish paper plan. 1 Street' ................................................................ .......................... 1 THE NATIONAL RELIGIOUS PRESS, Grand Rapids, Mich.
m Æ Ml f r y h 89| 1 ■ 1 1 1 NP9 rhi !| - 1
K. B—Dec.
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