King's Business - 1924-12


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

December 1924

BIBLE INSTITUTE HAPPENINGS Particularly of Interest to Friends and Students OPENING OF FALL TERM The school year of 1924-5 of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles opened on Wednesday, September 17th, with a fine student body and a promising enrollment. Several changes have taken place in the faculty, which is now composed of the following mem­ bers: Dr. Ralph Atkinson (Acting Dean): Homiletics, Evangelism, etc. Dr. John M. Maclnnis: Philosophy of Christian Religion, Church History, etc. Rev. H. W. Kellogg: Bible Doctrine, Expository Studies in the Epistles, Re- demptional History of Creation. Dr. John Marvin Dean: Systematic Theology. Dr. Ernest G. Raitt: Religious Edu­ cation. Rev. John H. Hunter: Synthetic Bible Study, Chapter Summary, Mis­ sions. Rev. John A. Hubbard: Teacher Training, Practical Christian Work (Men). Mrs. Besse D. McAnlis: Women’s Work, Devotional Life, Christian Eti­ quette. Miss Marie Carter: English, Intro­ ductory Bible Studies, Practical Chris­ tian Work (Women). Mrs. A. L. Dennis: Child Nature, Sunday School Methods, Story Telling, Pastoral Theology. Rev. William H. Pike: Bible Doc­ trine, Analysis, etc. (Evening School). Rev. Keith L. Brooks: Bible study by Correspondence. Mr. John B. Trowbridge: Music— (Voice, Notation, etc.) Mr. Herbert G. Tovey: Music— (Harmony, Conducting, etc.) Mr. Christian M. Books: Music— (Voice). Miss Wilma Krag: Music— (Piano). Charles Sprout, ’17, is in Los An­ geles, on furlough from Africa. Mr. and Mrs. Van V. Eddings sailed on October 13th for their field of labor in Venezuela. Announcement is received of the en­ gagement of Miss Rose Faulkner, ’23, to Rev. Carl E. Linden, of Benares, India. Earnest E. Nichols, ’24, is acting as assistant to Mr. Hubbard, Superinten­ dent of Men, while taking the third year course. Mrs. A. L. Dennis, of the Institute faculty, and Mr. Dennis, recently met with a severe automobile accident but are now slowly improving. Mrs. F. H. McKenrick, ’ 14, Kenya Colony, E. Africa, sailed) on August 2 for England via Suez Canal, expecting A G E N T S W A N T E D Be our representative. 500 more Christian men and women wanted. A pleasant, dignified business; distinctive and very profitable. Vel­ vet Scripture Text Mottoes—Post-Cards— Bibles—Books. An attractive fast-selling line. Send for catalog with prices. No obligation. Large discounts means $ to you. GOSPEL TRUMPET COMPANY Agency Dept. Anderson, Indiana

Bobbed ^'bnuitisGamingGlory A P rodu ct o f th e M o ra l S lum p S in ce th e W a r ? Can It Be Related to the Satanic Teaching? Dr. James M. Gray, Editor of' Moody Bible Institute Monthly writes pertinently on this absorbing subject in the November issue under the title: "If a Woman have Long Hair, it is a Glory to Her.” Founding his’ presentation on the teaching of Paul and the practice of the apostolic churches, Dr. Gray writes with incisive fearlessness. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT In the October issue of thé Moody Bible Institute Monthly, Dr. James M. Gray has introduced the whole Bible Sunday School Course taken from his book the Christian Workers’ Commentary. Your Sunday'School, Mid-Week Prayer Service and Bible Classes need : NEW ENTHUSIASM NEW THOUGHTS NEW DISCUSSIONS This course is meeting with popular favor in Great Britain, United States and Mission Lands. TRY IT IN YOUR CHURCH. Moody Bible Institute Monthly, 134 Institute Place, Chicago, 111. Gentlemen: Please send me the Moody Bible Institute Monthly for the period checked below. I will remit upon receipt of invoice. [] 4 months’ trial subscription ................................ $ .50 [] 12 months’ subscription.......................................... 2.00 [] Life membership subscription ...... ....................... 30.00 Name ........................................................ Address ....... #City ................................... .................................................. State ..............._........ Your minister’s name............................ ................................................................ (If only single copy is desired, enclose 20c in 2c stamps or coin)

“A MARVEL O F C O M P R E S S I O N ” is w hat Dr. W. Graham Scroggie says of James H. McConkey’s latest book “The Book of Revelation” “Anyone desiring an introduction to this book, at once comprehensive, expository and spiritual, can not do belter than study this most useful contribution.” Sent absolutely free Address S ilver Publishing Society D ept.M . 1013 Bessemer Bldg., Pittsburgh, Penna.

GETTING RESULTS BY GIVING METHODS “WeGiftsfortheKing” The Ideal Giving Christmas Service "TH E BETHLEHEM INN ” 1924 Pageant. 25c each; $2.50 dozen. “ W HITE GIFTS FOR TH E KING” Re­ vised. A booklet telling all about it. 35c ea. No free samples MEIGS PUBLISHING COMPANY Indianapolis Indiana

Our Best Salesmen Earn $100 to $ 20 0 Per Week SELLING The System Bible Study ( “ The Masterpiece of Bible Helps” ) By Over Thirty of the World’s Greatest Bible Scholars We offer you an opportunity to EARN A HANDSOME INCOME and at the same time DO UNTOLD GOOD. This is also an opportunity to form a permanent connection with a wide-awake and growing concern, with a fine prospect for advancement. The work is CLEAN, PLEASANT and PROFITABLE. Bible salesmen command the respect of the best people everywhere they go. EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY—We provide you with full instructions as to how to proceed, also complete sales talk, besides offering many helpful suggestions from time to time. We take a personal interest in the success of our sales people and give them the benefit of our experience. W R IT E U S T O D A Y I THE SYSTEM BIBLE COMPANY (Dept. K) 209 South State Street Chicago, Illinois We also handle Bibles and Testaments, which are sold through our Salesmen

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