King's Business - 1924-12


T H E K I N G ’ S


December 1924

15 Miss Annie Bethke, ’ 19, who is in St. Paul, Minn., writes that she has been visiting loved ones, and asks prayer that the Lord will put her where she can serve; Him the most. Her address is 160 Lafond St., St. Paul, Minn. H. E, Widmer, ’23, who is attending the Moody Bible Institute, writes as follows: “ It surely is wonderful how the Lord works in and through those who put their trust in Him. The past three or four months I have enjoyed myself immensely in His service in connection with the practical work which was assigned to me at the Bible Rescue Mission. I had quite a num­ ber of privileges of testifying and also of giving several messages, to the lis­ teners. I surely miss the dear old B. I. If I like this place, by the time I fin­ ish, as well as I did the Bible Institute there' in Los Angeles, I don’t know where I’ll find words enough to praise God for leading me in such blessed associations for such a long time. The field of definite service which would require all my time has not opened yet, but as long as I can Serve Him while I further train myself, I feel as though I should do it,. But should a field open I should make short work of my school life. Oh, how I would like to stand again down there at Biola Hall and preach from that Chart. I believe I could leave all if such could be my privilege.” i Married Clarence Orr, ’22, and Etta Yenita Talent, August 28th. Brownsville, Oregon. Anna Helena Young and Paul G. Gantenbein, July 25th. Portland, Ore., Gordon Hooker, ’ 22, and Martha Smith, September 6, Los Angeles, Calif. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Riggan (Violet Steenbarger, ’ 21), a daughter, Bella Margaret, June 12, Indianapolis, Ind. To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sanders (Barbara Schleidt, ’ 21), in July, a son,*: Joseph Charlqs, Goleta, Calif. SAMUEL MORRIS The story of an African ;boy who came to America to learn of the Holy Spirit. Thou­ sands helped by it. One hundred were given out in Hawaii——an entire cmmunity turned to God. We know of no book that will warm' hearts like this. Order a copy, 10c;'20 for $ 1.00 postpaid.' GOLDEN RULE BOOK SHOP A lbion, M ichigan 15 to reach the United States in Sep­ tember. Mr. Henry Greenewald, ’ 15, who for about nine years has rendered faith­ ful service as head of the Men’s Hotel office, has left the Institute to take up other work in the city. Miss Aurora Fluker, .’24, sailed on September 30th from San Francisco, for China, to engage in secretarial work for the Hebron Mission at Koon Shah, Sai Ch’iu, Kwong Tung, S. China (via Canton).

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