King's Business - 1924-12

December 1924


K l N G ’ S



OUR YOUNG PEOPLE (Continued from page 784)

'Christmas Will Soon Be Here- Books—Biola “ Best” Books Make the Best Gifts Young People —-both boys and girls— like the books listed below 50 Missionary Heroes Every Boy and Girl Should Know By Julia H. Johnston An illustrated missionary book for the young. This list of names which the Christian world will not let die is presented for the use of boys and girls who are ready for their first lesson in missionary history. The aim has been to, give some clue to the personality of each, as­ sociating the person with the place, rather than to give any detailed account of the work accomplished. The childhood and youth of the characters have been dwelt upon and available incidents, showing them to have been actual boys and girls, have been told as of special in­ terest. Cloth, $1.25 Captain Bickel of the Inland Sea Missionary Heroes of Africa

saved— is to present the Lord Jesus Christ to a lost world by our life and personal testimony. The spirit of friendli­ ness is a great asset in this greatest'of all work. The spirit of friendliness is developed by: First— maintaining the attitude of friendliness. Be alert to help others. Be sympathetic. A kindly deed and a sunny smile and a word of cheer go far towards commending the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Second— by prayer. Some people are not of a friendly disposition by nature. If you havei a reserved, taciturn or shrinking nature, pray over it. “ Prayer changes things.” Third— as a result of the indwelling Spirit of God. The only genuine friendship is that which comes from the heart, but before it can come from the heart it must he produced in the heart, and this the Holy Spirit will perform if per­ mitted to have His way. Love is the basis of all true friendship, but there is no true love apart from the indwelling Spirit, and He does not dwell within men until they turn to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ is the best Friend— a Friend of sinners— and when one is born again, His life and His nature are im­ parted, and in proportion to the surrender of the will to His will, the beauty and loveliness of His matchless life will be reproduced in the life of the believer. Gal. 5:22; Rom. 16:3; 2 Tim. 1:16,17; Rom. 12:9-16; Jas. 2:23;, John 15:13-15; Prov. 17:9; 11:13; 27:6. Scripture illustration is found in 2 Kings-2:1, 2. A Scripture warning, Jas. 4:4; Gal. 5:15. If there ever was a time when the Christian needed to hide away in the Rock of Ages, it is now. One day with a number of friends we took sailing on a little steamboat in a lake in northern Minnesota. After we had gone a few miles from shore we noticed ahead of us a pile of white rock rising out of the water which is called by the Indians “ Spirit Island.” . Upon this island is neither soil nor ver­ dure. Above the rocks we saw hundreds and hundreds of white lake gulls flying happy and contented. As the boat neared the island the waves began to beat upon the base rocks, and as the noise of the engine became louder and louder, and the smoke from its funnel was blown over the rocks, every one of the gulls flew down into the crevices and could not he seen. As the boat passed the island the waves subsided. The noise of the old side wheeler became less and less. The smoke was now blown in the opposite direction. We turned and looked back and all of the birds had come out from their hiding and were flying freely and happily again in the air. When danger was near they had a refuge in the rock. This is a day when the waves are roaring and turbulent. There is “ upon the earth distress of nations!—the sea and the waves roaring.” Luke 21:25. In Revelation 17:15 we read that “ the waters are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues.” Surely there never was a time when the peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues were so boisterous, raging, and threatening as now. The bil­ lows of dissatisfaction, discontent and distress are beating against the foundation stones of the Christian’s faith. The mutterings and murmurings of this old restless world are becoming louder and louder. The smoke of an apostate Christendom is darkening the ¿ky. What is the believer to do? He may fly to his refuge. “ How oft in the conflict, when pressed by the foe. Have I fled to my refuge, and breathed out my woe! How often when sorrows like sea billows roll, Have I hidden in Thee, O, thou rock of my soul.” as» a » GOP IS OUR REFUGE Psalm 46:1.

By Rev. J. H. Morrison The author, who has trav­ eled far and wide, has now written a series of ten stories giving the lives of such mis­ sionaries to Africa as: Robert Moffat, John David Livings­ ton, John Mackenzie, Stewart of Lovedale, Mackay of Ugan­ da, Grenfell of the Congo, Co­ illard of Zambesi, and Mary Slessor of Calabar. Cloth, $1.50 The Book of Missionary Heroes Basil Mathews This book tells stories of the thrilling adventures and dar­ ing acts of the great heroes of sea and land who have faced perils among wild beasts and wilder men, to tell them of the love of God. Every story is not only historically told, but the narrative is accurate in detail. Cloth, $1.50

Charles Kendall Harrington The death of Captain Luke W. Bickel closed a career of earthly service unique in mod­ ern missionary annals. Cap­ tain Bickel was a man of splendid constructive ability and his work on the Gospel Ship of the Inland Sea of Japan created an unusual in­ terest in both the man and his mission. Price, $1.75 Lives of Great Missionaries for Young People By Jeanne M. Serrell Stories of J^evOtion and .Heroism on the foreign Mis­ sion Fields. Records of tweeds of cour­ age and devotion dope on the mission fields' of the wgrld. Instinct with the spirit of the Great Commission, tfyey re.-tell, in a delightful and refreshing way, the stories of ¡the great missionaries—Carey, Juds 9 n, Paton, Livingsl^te, Hudson Taylor, Mary Slessor, Coillard, and others.' Cloth, $1.25

The New )VJi§$ipnary Heroes Series for the Young A scries of missionary biographies told in simple language for boys and «iris. T'h^e hfe. stories of the great missionary heroes cap be .usegl as text £>ooks in young folks classes and as rewards -and «ifts. ^lotljiing the kind has heretofore been available. They ¿ill a real need and will be welcomed by mis­ sionary study class leaders. The following titdegs are saw ready: Robert jMo^Fat Alexander Mackay

John G. Paton William Carey David Livingstone Charles H. Spurgeon George Whitfield James Hannington

John Bunyan John Wesley John Knox Martin Luther

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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