King's Business - 1924-12


December 1924


K I N G ' S


NEWS NUGGETS A Sugar Famine faces Russia owing to the failure of the beet crop. This is hard on the Bolshevists, for they certainly need sweetening. Empty Messages from Mars. So far, the news from Mars does not differ materially from the messages emanat­ ing from many pulpits^rthere is nothing in it. Grievous Plague in India. Bengal, India, has been swept by a cholera epidemic, 3300 dying in one week. The old world is suffering as never before. (Luke 21:25, 26) Pastors Should Learn to Shoot Straight. For pastime, two pastors in Craig, Colorado, led a posse in the arrest of some gamblers. Several shots were fired, but no one was slain. Chinese Premier Predicts Peace. The former Premier of the Republic of, China is in this country studying our methods of forestry and logging. He predicts cordial relations and perma­ nent peace between the two countries. Fashion Notes. Advices from Paris suggest that the ladies’ “ lids” will be small, with black and blue as the pre­ dominating colors. These will har­ monize nicely with the colors under the (eye) lids in the prize ring. Chinese Students for American Uni­ versities. 225 Chinese students en­ tered American universities in differ­ ent sections of the country, this fall. Their expenses are provided for under the Boxer indemnity Treaty. When they make their exit from these schools will they he Christians or fol­ lowers of Confucius? Aeroplanes or Mosquitoes? The Government tried fighting mosquitoes on the Eastern Coast from the air. In place of using oil on the water, they used Paris green dust from above. The citizens found difficulty in dis­ cerning the difference between the noise of the airplane and the buzz of the mosquitoes and kept on slapping. Lovers of Pleasure. At Venice (the pleasure beach of California) there gathered on a Sunday in August thou­ sands of men and women and children to witness a “ beauty parade” of young women clad in much abbreviated bath­ ing suits, contesting for prizes. Some i of these parents will be wondering). some day, why their sons and daugh­ ters drifted to the devil and dishon­ ored the family name. (2 Tim. 3:4) No Evolution for Georgia. The ’ Committee on Education in the Geor­ gia legislature has recommended the passage of a bill which would with­ draw all funds from any institution in which the Darwinian, or any other theory of human evolution, is taught. It is modeled after the Kentucky hill to the same effect. These people wanti


P ARAMOUNT ERSONAL STATIONERY IS ENJOYING a growing national popularity, due to its real merits. We use three grades of 24 pound paper— Bond, «Linen and Talisman, linen laid, with envelopes to match. All grades suitable for either pen or typewriter. Your name and address (not to exceed four lines) printed in bronze blue in Gothic type as shown below. Envelopes printed on flap, unless specified otherwise. Sent post­ paid in the U. S. Satisfaction Guar­ anteed. FOUR STYLES Style 1. Size 5%x7. inches when fold­ ed. Envelope size 3 % x5 % inches. This is especially popular with the ladies. Packed flat in the box and folded as it is used. Style II. This is the same sheet- not folded. Size 7x10% inches. Style III. Men’s popular two-fold sta­ tionery. Size 7%xl0% inches; envel­ opes 3.%x7 % inches. Style IV. Regular business size, 8 %x 11 inches; envelope size 3%x 6 %. PRICES Each Box Contains 100 Sheets and 100 envelopes Quantity Bond Linen | Talisman 1Box $1.50 $1.75 $ 2.00 2 Boxes 2.75 3.25 3.75 3 Boxes 4.00 4.60 5.35 100 Extra Sheets with ReguL \r Order Printed $ .60 $ .75 $ .85 Blank .45 .55 .65 100 Extra Envelopes with Regular Order Printed $ .65 $ .75 $ .90 Blank .50 .60 .70 SAM PLE TYPE REV. JAMES T. SP EN C E R Personal Christmas Cards W e have a beautiful line of these personal greeting cards, designed especially for us, and printed by us. You select verse and w e print same with your, name on card you select. Send for illustrated circular, showing all cards in colors THE HOPE PRESS CHURCH PRINTERS, MENDOTA, ILL. Write for Estimates. Established 1889 HENDERSON. N. C (ENGRAVERS GOTHIC) DEAGAN TOWER CHIMES FLAYED BY ORGANIST FROM ELECTRIC KEYBOARD THE MEMORIAL SUBLIME LITERATURE.INCLUDING TESTED PLAN FOR SECURING CHIM ES SEN T UPON REQUEST STANDARD SETS -$ 5.000 TO $10,000 J. C . D E A G A N . inc . 191 PEAOAN BUILDING. CHICAGO Scofield Bibles—Biola Books and Christian Literature. Free tracts. Agent for King’s Business. Catalog on request. N. J. Bible & Tract Depot, 353 Summer St., Paterson, N. J.

Containing Practical H elps and Beautiful Colored Pictures 5704 is most popular with Young Folks Size of Bible , 55 x 3 ^inches Specimen of Type. 19 H A nd BSiy^-lon, th e glory \ kingdom s, th e beauty of th e Cn& dee§* excellency, shall be a9 w h 5704 Dark Blue Silk Finished Cloth,withedgescoloredtomatch, round corners, gold titles. $ 1.50 5709 Grained Moroccotol, over­ lapping covers, round corners, red undergold edges........... f>2.$0 5715 Same as 5709 but bound in F re n ch M oro cco * genuine Leather ................. ............ cAsk yourBookselleror writeto thepublishers A. J. HOLMAN CO. 122 2-26 ARCH ST. PHILADELPHIA

YOU CAN EASILY SOLVE YOUR CHRISTMAS PROGRAM PROBLEM by selecting any one, or all, of the following Christ­ mas books. Here is a wealth of material, including recitations, dialogues, songs, and playlets, written and presented in simple style— each containing more than enough for your program. Read each descrip­ tion carefully. . THEPARAMOUNT CHRISTMAS BOOK A new booklet just out. Never anything just like it published. Excellent material that is entirely new and original. Arranged especially for little ones of Primary and Junior ages. Recitations and exercises that appeal. Dialogues and playlets that will enter­ tain. Motion songs and solos that w ill delight. OURSELVESANDOTHERS A new Christmas playlet which requires very little memorizing and a minimum amount of effort. In two parts. A playlet that will touch all the tender chords of feeling, revive memories, and awaken sen­ timent. Old and young will enjoy it together. Fa­ miliar carols with words and music are contained therein— also helpful suggestions. TWONEWCHRISTMASPLAYLETS The Holidays' Christmas Party and Christmas in Mother Goose Land. Here are two Christmas Play­ lets that are sure to appeaL In the one the dif­ ferent holidays of the year meet to celebrate Christ­ mas. In the other the Mother Goose Family is por­ trayed preparing for Santa's coming on Christmas Eve. Both playlets in one book. W ill delight the children and bring happjr memories to the grown folks. KRISS KR1NGLE^Recitations, Dialoguesand Songs A collection of 148 recitations, 10 dialogues, and 10 songs, every one good, easy to memorize, and espe­ cially adapted for younger folks. Contains enough material for several years. The price of each of the above books is 25 cents. Write to your supply house or send direct to MEYER & BROTHER OflCAGo'^ILUNOIS

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