T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
December 1924
The Deity, the Virgin Birth and the Atoning Blood of the “Lamb Slain from the Foundation of the World,” By James E. Ely The booklet that should be in. the hands of every preacher, teacher and layman in America. The following comments have been made con cerning this booklet by leading preachers, teachers, editors, evangelists etc. ‘The matter” has been presented so ‘‘clearly and scripturally— that rationalists are left without excuse if they continue to abide in unbelief —I hope)that it. may have a wide circulation and careful reading.” “It is safe and sound.” ‘‘I have never read anything better in my life. I believe it is inspired of the Lord.” “I have read much concerning these vitally important subjects and this is unquestionably the best thing I have ever read.” Price 4 cts. each; thirty cents per doxen, postage paid. Special Edition of Gospel of John, By James E. Ely It sets forth the finished work of the Christ. There is nothing better printed in this line. A man of God writes:—"I haveenjoyed manyoutlines and explanations of salvation, but I believe your notes on the Gospel of John are the best, simplest and clearest of all I have seen.” Then be sure to get oopies for your children, your friends and the lost. Price 4 cts. each; thirty-five cents per dozen, postage paid. Write for the two tracts, ‘‘God’s Plan of Salvation” and “ The Way of Ifife and the Way of Death.” Ten for 3 cts.; 100 for fifteen cents. Businessman’s Gospel Association Garden City, Kans. Music Lessons WITH AN ACCREDITED SCHOOL A Complete Conservatory Course R v M a i l Wonderful home study music lessons under ~ fy great American and European teach ers. Endorsed by Paderewski. Master teachers guide and coach you. LeBsons a marvel o f simplicity and completeness. A n V T n ^ t r i i m p l l t Writetellingruscourse 1 1 , 3 1 1 U I A I C i l l . yon areinterested in - Piano, Harmony,Voice, Public School Music, Violin, Cornet, Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo, or Reed Organ—and we will send our Free Catalog with details o f course you want .Send now . UNIVERSITY EXTENSION CONSERVATORY 32 Siegel-Myers Bldg. Chicago, Illinois
will find a clutter of humans in their family tree. Here is another matter to worry about. If anybody tries to make an orang outang but of William Jennings Bryan there will be a battle ‘ that would make Gettysburg look like a quilting party.— Selected. The Mouth Disease. The cigarette habit is growing. Women are helping to burn up the tobacco at the rate of $15,000,000,000.00 a year. Nicotine will soon be beating the booze indus try in wrecking the youth of the land. The danger lies, not only in the nico tine inhaled from the tobacco itself, but from the deadly fumes of the paper wrappers which contain some twenty different poisons calculated to do the devil’s dirty work in body and mind. «¿V Ife WHEN JESUS COMES AGAIN When Jesus comes to earth again What rapture there will be! What joy among the saints bn earth His blessed face to see'!,1: And, then, His glory to behold, To know we’ll be with Him; Our trials and struggles all be o’er, And banished shame and sin; No persecutions shall arise, We’ll know no more of pain. He’ll wear a crown— but not of thorns When He comes to earth again! — Adela Feenick Zimmermann Any Book Advertised in this Magazine may be Obtained from Biola Book Boom, 536-55 8 S, Hope St., Los Angeles, California.
Pipe-ToneFoldingOrgans 4 -O c t a v e D o u b le R e e d In order to introduce our Latest Model Liberty Pipe-Tone Folding Organs either leatherette covered, or 3-ply oak c*se. We will accept for a limited tim e orders at $40.C0 each (list price $70.00.) A . L. W H IT E M F G . CO . 205 Englewood Ave., Chicago, Id.
Select Notes By AMOS R. WELLS,Litt D., LL.D. . pFor fifty ÿears this Sunday ‘¿ S ch o o l C omm en tary ' o n the, International Lessons has been the constant help to millions o f Sunday School teachers. It is S complete in its treatment o f the lesson text, full o f maps and full- page illustrations, pen and ink drawings, chronological ch arts and a helpful index. Send for th é first lesson o f 1925 Price $1,90 jiet< $2.00-delivered ; W. A . W I L DE C OM P A N Y i3i clarendon S treet , boston , mass . V FOR SALE A T ALL BOOKSTORES ) .
New Correspondence Course [No2] .............. “ STUDIES IN THE GOSPELS” ........ ....... B ILLING a long felt need for a thoroughly practical course covering’ our Lord’s life and principal teachings, Keith L. Brooks has brought forth this unique study employing the cross-reference method o f interpretation. No one, he believes, can get a correct understanding of Christ s Kingdom teachings except in the full light of the Old Testament. “ The Bible its own best Commentary” has been Mr. Brooks’ motto in Course No. 6 and this new course and the popularity o f Course No. 6 has shown that hundreds of people appreciate this method of study.
Verse by Verse Study of Matthew and John with comparisons in Mark and Luke— Every statement backed by Scripture references. Clear notes on all difficult passages. The student fills in blank spaces after reading references. Matthew, to the student, will become a new book, pulsating with helpfulness for practical everyday living. John's testimony to our Lord’s Deity glows with a new light under the cross-reference method. NOTE—Our former Course No. 2 “Life and Teaching of Our Lord” is being cnsoonGaueu, having been found rather too advanced for the ordinary student. Our Course No. 8 is also being discon tinued. Dr. Torrey’s Course No. 1 in Fundamental Doctrines will still be handled by ««
NewNo.2 Course Complete for
N o Examinations Given Lesson W ork Only is Required
A loose-leaf binder for holding lesson sheets, 75c extra
New No. 2 Course Excellent For Study in Classes. Lesson Material Complete for Members o f Classes Not Wishing to Enroll and Receive Correspondence School Helps, Furnished at $1.00 a Set. THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGEL ES i B B B É É H l g
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