December 1924
K I N G ’ S
^Christmas Will Soon Be Here- Books—Biola “ Best” Books Make the Best Gifts ATTRACTIVE BIBLE STORIES
Hurlbut’ s “ Story of the Bible” By Jesse Lyman Hurlbut This is a complete Bible story, from Genesis to Revela tion, told in language that in terests both old and young. It enjoys the distinction of hav ing the largest yearly sale of any book on the subject. The new edition is self-pronouncing and contains 762 pages. Cloth Price, $2.00 Bible Story Book By Elsie Egermeier A new, fascinating book for the children. Bible stories from Genesis to Revelation told in simple, understandable lan guage. The stories are related by an author who has made a study of youthful minds and the things that interest them. The narratives are told so in terestingly that young and old alike enjoy reading them. 600 pages. Price, $2.00 The Story o f the Bible By Charles Foster Presents the Bible in a form suitable for young as well as older readers. It is not so much stories about the Bible, as the Bible itself in an easy- reading version, with but little comment, and illustrated with 300 excellent pictures— some in colors—all drawn for -the book. Few books are of such absorbing interest as this one. Young and old delight in it. Cloth, $2.00 “ Truly Stories from the Surely Bible” Adapted by Margaret Howard This book, taking its title from the words of a child who objected to “made-over” stor ies, but wanted something from the real Bible, presents fifty-two of the finest and grandest stories from the Old Testament, taken directly from the Bible with no change save the omission of such incidental expressions and general mat ter as are unnecessary for use in familiarizing a child with the noblest of all literature, or are unadapted to the pur pose. 8 vo. Cloth, Price, $1.50 Nursery Book o f Bible Stories By Amy Steedman Cloth book, picture jacket, 150 pages and simple Bible stories in large type. Black and white illustrations and 24 colored plates, 9%x7^ inches. $2.00
Little Jetts Telling Bible Stories By Wade C. Smith This book is the young folks’ delight. Odd little etchings that will amuse and instruct. The pictures are delightful mysteries, solved by looking up the accompanying Bible ref erences. Price, $1.25 Bible Pictures and What They Teach Us By Charles Foster It contains 400 illustrations of Bible scenes, many of them full pages, with brief descrip tions which form a complete history of the main portion of the Bible. Small children un able to read will get lessons from its pages. No. CB-98 320 pages. Size Size 7x9 y2 Cloth............$2.00 The Wonder Book o f Bible Stories Nothing can compare in hu man interest with the stories in the Bible—adventure, hero ism, sacrifice, tenderness, mys tery, even humor— they are all found in the Book of all books They are true stories, and bear evidence that truth is stranger than fiction. Those narratives th^t have an especial appeal for boys and girls have been selected and are retold in sim ple but charming fashion. The exploits of Samson, the dreams of Pharaoh, David’s fight with the giant Goliath, the won der work of Solomon, the love story of Ruth, the campaign of mighty Gideon and his three hundred soldiers, the story of Jesus, the miracle worker— these and all the other appeal ing stories of the Bible are told here in simple, direct and beautiful style, as a mother would tell them to her chil dren. Illustrations, faithful to the period, illuminate the text. The type is large and easy to read. The book is bound at tractively, and is altogether* one of the best of its kind ever published. The book c o n t a i n s 272 pages. Bound in durable Cloth, with colored cover design. (Size 6 V 2 x&% inches). Price $ 2.00 How Granny Told the Bible Stories By Eleanor Herr Boyd
Rev. J. P. Welliver, dressed for the trail, with a 100-pound pack of Bibles for the woodsmen and settlers of the northern Minnesota cut-over region strapped to his hack. Mr. Well iver is one „of the untiring Bible salesmen (colporteurs, or burden bearers) who devote their lives to spreading the printed Gospel. (Used by courtesy of American Bible Society and "Farm and Fireside” ) It gives me great pleasure to present the picture of one of God’s chosen servants who for many years has been faith fully fulfilling the command of the Great Commander to go and give the glorious Gospel of the Son of God to a hungry- hearted world. Mr. Welliver was in my Bible School in St. Paul, Min nesota, many years ago, where I had the pleasure of opening the Word to him. He was led to go to Morocco to give the Gospel, afterwards locating in Northern Minnesota, where he has been graciously used in teaching and preaching the good news so dear to us who love the Lord. Who of us is wise enough to estimate the value of one life such as this, wholly yielded to his Lord and Master, or the joyful anticipation that is his as he looks eagerly for His coming and labors patiently to hasten the glad day. Pray for Mr. Welliver, and may God multiply his kind. T. C. H.
T. C. HORTON, Editor The King’s Business 536-558 S. Hope Street Los Angeles, California Dear Friend: 1 will send you (
Mrs Boyd has her heart open unto God and her eyes fixed at the keyhole that leads to the nursery. She gathers the children about her in this book and tells the matchless stories of the Gospel in her matchless way. Cloth, $2.00 If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. unless otherwise specified. If books are to come by mail add 10 % for postage.
) Two New Subscriptions
( ) $1.00 Contribution as per “The Christmas Call” on page 762 (Name) .................................................. _..........................- (Address) .........................................................................
B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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