King's Business - 1924-12


December 1924

T H E K I N G ’ S


“ This theory has been printed in some of the text-books, but if Mr. Reid’s fossil of a solid hoof stands the test of the scientific world as to the date of its origin, the textbooks will have to he revised. So far it has stood all the tests of science. “ Mr. Reid is now in this city securing the opinions of the scientific world of the east, as he has done in the west, and while his find in most instances at first was received with scepticism by scientists, most of them now admit it looks as if they will have to revise their theories, at least so far as the evolutionary development of the horse’s hoof. “There does not seem to be any question but that the horse the hoof of which Mr. Reid has lived ages before the horse which scientists said had toes. Mr. Reid is a mining engineer, and years ago began making a study of prehistoric life as represented by fossils in the deposits of coal. “When one of his workmen handed him the fossilized remains of a horse’s right forefoot he learned where it had been found, and, as has been his custom, he called on sci­ entific men to compare the coal in which the fossil was encased with the strata in which it had been found. “ Every precaution was taken by him and his associate sci­ entists to verify the particular geological period. Scientists said the horses’ hoof developed iu the eocene and pleistocene periods. The strata in which the hoof was found is classed as cretaceous, antedating the others, :“ “ In other words, any animals caught in the cretaceous strata of thé earth must have been walking about earlier than those described above, and, scientists have averred, a horse dating from that period should have had five toes and been much smaller. “ ‘This fossil must have: dated from the cretaceous age,’ Mr. Reid said, ‘because it was found among the coal deposits which are called laramine in my part of the country, and which geologists ascribe variously to the upper or lower horizon of the' cretaceous period. There is other cor­ roboratory evidence. “ ‘My theory, greatly strengthened by this fossilized horse foot, is that the good Lord originally made these things as we see them today. Although I was an evolutionist in the beginning, I have changed my view’.” THE SLEEPING SICKNESS A Tokio cable brings the following message: “ The epidemic of sleeping sickness here continues to spread. The Health Department reports 1100 cases now on the Island of Shikoku, with several hundred more on the main island. Heavy mortality is reported at the city of Tottori on the main island, with 102 deaths from 231 cases.” An epidemic of sleeping sickness! Poor Tokio U hav­ ing its trials and troubles, and should have our sympa­ thy. The disease itself is not new, for it is reported to be prevalent in England, Africa, and other countries, but an epidemic of it is new, and so far the cause and cure have not been definitely determined. The church has been subject to this disease for years, and we know the cause and cure for it, but an age-long epidemic is difficult to cure because people are opposed to the remedy. Israel had a bad case of sleeping sickness, and Isaiah records it in 1 :4-6 : “ Ah sinful nation, a nation laden with iniquity, a seed of evil-doers, children that are corrupters; they have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward. “Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more; the whole heart is sick, and the whole heart faint. (‘From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores; they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.” How it must have hurt the heart of Jehovah to have to say this regarding the people He loved so well; but it was the truth, and the truth must always be spoken. Now listen to His prescription for a remedy : “ Wash ye, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes: cease to do evil;

“ Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow. “ Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord; though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” Poor Israel! She sleeps still with the curse upon her. And how about‘the Bride of Christ— the Church? How about her garments dragging in the dust and mire of the world ? (James 5:2) “ Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth- eaten,” How about her companions, cheek by jowl with the world?: (Eph. 5 : l l j “ Have no fellowships with thje unfruitful works of dark­ ness, but rather reprove them.’] j How about her amusements ? How about the earnest desire of her coming Bridegroom? Listen to His voice (Eph, 5 :14-16) “ Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that steepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. “ See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise. “ Redeeming the time, because- the days are evil.” The church must create a new spiritual atmosphere. She must be alive to her call and her calling. She must cease listening to the sooth-sayers, and their sayings, and listen to the vbice of the Holy Spirit. She must be revived by the bending of the knee and by donning the whole armor of God. She must joy and rejoice in the Lord and go forth to tell the story of His love and re­ deeming grace. She must be the conscious, Holy-Spirit- indwelt medium for testimony to a lost world, and when she takes the prescribed remedy she will be. PRAY FOR REVIVAL! The Great Commission Prayer League is making a world-wide appeal for a New Year’s Eve Watch Night United Prayer Service. Last year, in response to the League’s appeal, .prayer ascended from thousands of places and 70,000 souls have been reported to the League as having accepted Christ as a result of these Watch Night Services. What could be more pleasing to our Father in Heaven—what could give Him greater joySthan to listen to the united prayers of tens of thousands of His dear children—for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit .upon the church—the body of Christ? Surely, there is not an evangelical church in this land or in other lands that does not need—for their own welfare and for the welfare of multitudes of un­ saved—such a Watch Night Prayer Meeting. We com­ mend the plan heartily, and suggest the following plan : First, —That notice of the meeting be given at least a month beforehand, so that those who participate may prepare themselves by prayer and the purging of their hearts from every known sin, for real fellowship in prayer. Long years of experience in many all-night prayer meetings with young men has demonstrated that many hours had to be spent in the “ cleaning-up process” before there could be united prayer. Let the “ cleaning-up process” precede, that the time set apart for prayer may be used entirely for that purpose. Second, —Let the plan be for a united, all-night ser­ vice for such as can so arrange. Others, who cannot leave the home, can plan for a Watch Night Service in their own homes, by relay hours. (Continued on page 825)

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