King's Business - 1924-12

December 1924


K I N G ’ S



INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS (Continued from page 793) tians were also called ass-worshippers, and this calumny is alluded to in one of the hideously blasphemous wall cari­ catures^—Lundy (Monumental Christianity). V. 37. When they have come near to the point of descent of the Mount of Olives, to the height from which the whole city spreads itself out like a great panorama before the view of the beholders, the jubilant joy rises higher and higher, while the way begins to descend.-—Lange. Matter for praise is least of all lacking; Bartimeus is found in person among the multitude (19:43); the view of the capital city awakens again remembrance of similar miracles; and the name Laz­ arus is upon the lips of all (Comp. John 12:17).—Lange. “ Even now at the descent of the Mount of Olives”— at the spot where the main road from Bethany sweeps round the shoulder of the hill, and the'city first bursts full on the view. At this point the palm-bearing procession from the city seems to h.ave met the rejoicing crowd of the Galilean pil­ grims Who had started with Jesus from Bethany.— Cam­ bridge Bible. V. 38. “ Blessed be the King’#|—the various cries recorded by the three Evangelists all come from the Great Hallel. St. John alone points out that the Messianic enthusiasm had been mainly kindled by the raising of Lazarus,—Cambridge Bible. Mark more fully, “ Hosannar” , i. e: “ save now” , the words of Psalm 118:25, which were understood to refer to Messiah; and so they add, “ to the Son of David, blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord (Psalm 118:26); Hosanna in the highest.” This was the very loftiest style in which He could be saluted, the promised Deliverer.—- J. F. & B. The multitude had come out from the city to escort Him thither, and they recognized the part which He was acting. Their exultation was boundless. , Here was the Messiah approaching His capital according to that ancient prophecy, and they must accord Him a fitting welcome. After the fashion of royal processions they strewed the road with their garments, and cut boughs from the palm-trees which lined the road, and, waving those emblems of triumph, escorted Him on His way. As they descended the western slope of Olivet, they shouted their acclamations: “ Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!” Thus literally was the word fulfilled which Jesus had spoken when He took His departure from Jerusalem: “ I tell you, ye shall never more see Me until ye say: ‘Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord.’ ”—David Smith. Let us think of the different attitudes toward Christ as revealed by the different groups of people in this lesson—r the disciples, the multitude, and the rulers. The disciples’ attitude was that of obedience. The Lord instructed them to go into the nearby DEVOTIONAL village and, without asking permission, COMMENT loose and bring to Him the colt they John A. Hubbard would find tied there. And then, by way of anticipation of a possible diffi­ culty, He said if any one objected to their taking the animal, they were simply to reply, “ The Lord hath need of him.’? “ And they that were sent went.” How different things would be if this could be said of all His followers today! Some are not in close enough touch with Him to hear His voice when He would send them; others hear, but fail to respond.

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Little Folk of the Bible

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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