King's Business - 1924-12



K I N G ’ S

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December 1924

"Christmas Will Soon Be Here- Books—Biola “ Best” Books Make the Best Gifts THE BIBLE STORY FOR CHILDREN B Y T H E O D O R A W I L S O N W I L S O N Beautifully illustrated in color by Arthur A . Dixon Issued in the following editions: THE PRECIOUS GIFT The complete series of Bible Stories in one volume with 48 full-page colored plates. Large crown quarto, hand­ some cloth binding; and in picture boards. $2.50 In four books, each with 12 full-page colored plates. Bound in panelled boards. The Chosen People...................................................................75c Great Men and Women of the Bible......................................75c The Life of Our Lord...................................................................75c In His Footsteps.................................. 75c TWELVE BEAUTIFUL BOOKS Large quarto, picture boards 40c each Fathers of Mankind. The Boyhood of Jesus. Moses and the Promised A Book of Miracles. Land. The Saviour of the World. Soldiers of the Bible. fSjfHM , , Rulers of the Bible. The Disciples of Jesus. Stories of the Prophets. The Great Apostle. Heroines of Bible Stories. Paul’s Last Journeys.

Thank God, there are still others who hear and go. Let the reader stop and ask himself in which class he is. “ T h e y ................went . . . . and found even as he had said unto them.” To be sure! He never sends us on “ a fool’s errand” . The Lord actually had need of a dumb beast. How much more has He need of you, His disciple! Will you obediently “ let Him have His way with thee” , for the carrying out of His purpose? The owners of the colt were not sorry they let Jesus have him. You will not be sorry, but very glad, if you let Him have yourself. The attitude of the multitude is seen in the enthusiastic reception which they gave Jesus. Luke speaks of “ the whole multitude of the disciples” . But from Matthew’s account (ch. 21) we get the impression that many others were in the crowd. Enthusiasm ran high, and feelings were greatly stirred as “ a very great multitude spread their gar­ ments in the way . . . . and cried, saying, Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in thè name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest” (Mt. 21:8, 9). But so far as the general multitude was concerned, their enthusiasm was short-lived, for it was not many days before they were saying, “ Let him be crucified” (see Mt: 27:16- 23). Thus “ religious feeling is not to be confused with reli­ gious faith. Emotion is no substitute for conviction.” Indeed, “ religious feeling unaccompanied by conviction may soon be chilled into indifference and hate.” The attitude of the rulers was one of rejection. They were highly displeased with the welcome accorded Jesus, and bade Him rebuke His disciples. •'And it was they who later on stirred up the multitude to ask for His crucifixion (Mt. 27:20). “ Definitely, impressively, finally, Jesus thus offered Him­ self as King; but He was rejected and nailed to a cross. The royal entry only emphasized the fatal blindness of a race. The glory of the offered Kingdom is still delayed, and will be perfected only when again the cry shall be heard, as the King again appears, ‘Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord’. Even now this same Jesus offers Himself to us as Master and Lord; shall we give Him glad, free1access to our hearts?” (Erdman). ife A Great Crowd Praising Jesus Luke 19:29-38; Matt. 21:14-16. Memory Verse: “ Sing praises to God, sing praises.” Psa. 47:6. Approach: This lesson can be taught with the use of sand table, or in clay. Construct the Mount of Olives and the temple hill in Jerusalem, with the valley between, indi­ cating by little blocks the principal buildings, and the sites of Bethany and Bethphage. Then with ELEMENTARY the aid of the map of Jerusalem and its Mabel L. Merrill environs, you can lay down the route followed by the procession. The chief teaching is one of loyalty to Christ (Peloubet). Lesson Story.—One day I was calling in the home of a little girl, and she was showing me the beautiful gifts she received for Christmas. I am sure you, too, had lovely pres­ ents. Now; we all love the Christmas time, and I wonder who can tell me of the first Christmas gift to the world? Yes, it was the gift of the Lord Jesus Christ, who came to save all who would believe on Him, from their sins. Her­ bert, you tell us about a man whom Jesus saved from his sins, in our story last week. This is a good time for us to sing praises and speak our praises to God, for He has been with us all through the past

Y o u r B o y s a n d Lxirls S h o u ld H a v e i . i

Bible Battles..^--................................... ,$ 1 - 2 S The Expected King.............................. 1.3S The Lost Garden......................................1.35 Bible Stories for Children................... 1.50 The Boys of the Bible......................... 1.00 Wonderful Stories from N. T........... 1.00 Wonderful Stories from O. T.............. 1.00 Mother stories from " J ...................... Mother Stones from O. T.......................... 75 Parables of Our Lord....^........... ..........75

tll€ B e st

G iv e T h e m O n e o r M o r e

£ -j -1

Or 1 n e s e B o o k s

The Children’s Story Garden............... 1.50 Each book represents the highest book-making excellence; the binding beautiful, the print and paper excellent, and the illus­ trations in color of just the fairy atmosphere to healthfully kin­ dle the imagination of youth.

First Steps for Little Feet in Gospel Paths

Hurlbut’ s “ Story of Jesus”

By Jesse Lyman Hurlbut “The author’s aim has been to include no word or sen­ tences that a child of ten would need to ask the meaning of, yet to make the book not childish, but simple, so that older folks may also read with interest and profit.”—The Sun­ day School Times. Cloth, $2.00 By Charles Foster This book has been moat carefully prepared to give lit­ tle children their first lessons in the Bible. It is printed in such a way, with snort easy words, and tells with such clearness and simplicity the precepts of the Christian faith, that the very smallest children can understand and learn from it. Cloth, $1.35 If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D., unless otherwise specified. If goods are to come by mail add 10 % for postage.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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