King's Business - 1924-12


T H E K I N G ’ S


December 1924

Christmas Will Soon Be H e r e ^ Books—Biola “ Best” Books

year, and we are now starting out on a brand new year. When people really know Jesus, and think of the many blessings He is constantly giving us, they can not help but praise Him, and people whose hearts are filled with praise and thanksgiving are happy people. We know the Bible tells us Jesus was God’s Son, and yet when He lived here on earth He was poor, and did not even haye a home, and had to walk from place to place. At the time our story happened, the Passover was near at hand, and many of the people went up to Jerusalem to keep it. Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Beth­ any, where Lazarus lived, whom He had raised from the de,ad. Jesus left Bethany to go to Jerusalem, and when He was come to the Mount of Olives, He ¡sent two of His dis­ ciples to bring Him a colt to ride on. (Tell meaning of Pass- oyer, and describe the securing of the colt, and placing Jesus thereon). As Jesus rode toward the city a great multitude took off their outer garments and spread them in the road. Others' cut down branches from the trees,: and spread them over the road that He might ride over them. They did this to honor Him, for so the people used to do when a king rode through their streets. And the crowd of people that went before and that followed after cried with a loud voice, praising God, and saying, “Hosanna! Blessed is he that! has come to us, sent by the Lord.” The people rejoiced and praised God, for all the mighty works that Jesus had done in their midst. Some of the people who did not believe in Jesus did not want to hear the people praise Him, and they asked Jesus to have the people stop singing their praises. Now, listen to the words Jesus spoke.; He told these wicked people that if they did not tell and sing out their praises to God, that even the rocks on the ground would cry out and praise Him. Even the little children in the temple were praising Jesus. The wicked people did not want to hear the truth about Jesus, and have Him praised, for they knew that would cause many more people to believe in Him. Our memory verse tells us to sing praises to God. You know if we would praise Him more and tell our friends what a wonderful Savior we have, they too would believe on Him. Are we in the crowd that is following Jesus, and praising Him for saving us from our sins, and for blessing us every day?. Prayer.

Make the Best Gifts L I T T L E G I F T B O O K S IN ATTRACT IVE FORM

New series of recognized “ favorites’* by successful writers of the present day. Each is attractively set in G ift-form and glows with a cheery message, an optimistic note or some revelation o f vital truth, beautiful in spirit­ ual interpretation or rich in experience.

“ T h e C o m r a d e

Dean........ ...... ......The Miracle of Hermon

S e rie s ” Each, Art Boards, 60c

Shannon......The Land of Beginning Again Two Ancient Red Cross Tales .... Where the Star Still Shines Kirkwood. F I C T I O N Gellibrand ......... Why the Robin’s Breast is Red Rice..The Girl Who Walked Without Fear

Burrell...... Burrell..... Connor..... Jones........ Taylor.'..... Burrell......

.............................The Lost Star ............The Angel and the Star

“ T h e L o s t S ta r S e rie s” Each, Decorated, 35c

.................The Song of Korthan

“ T h e J o y a n d S tre n g th S e rie s ” Each, Art Boards, 75c “ In sp ira tio n a l S e rie s” Each, Art Boards, 65c

Meyer...... . Havergal... Keble........

..................The Shepherd Psalm .....................Morning Thoughts

Kingsley.... Newberry..

Titus: a comrade of the Cross ......... The Wrestler of Philippi

...The Prince of the House of David Ingraham.........................The Pillar of Fire

Swell the notes of the Christmas song! Sound it forth through the earth abroad! Glory to God! Blessing and honor, thanks.and laud! Take the joy of the Christmas Song. Are not the tidings good and true? Peace to you! And God’s good will that is ever new! — P. R. H.

Miller..... Miller.....: Miller...... Miller...... Miller....... Miller...... Stretton.. Whitaker. Miller.-... J Müler.... Havergal. Havergal. Havergal. Havergal. Chapman. Phelps..... Lee......... . Kemper....

“ The Worth While

........... Blessing of Cheerfulness

Series” Each, Daintily Bound, 50c

............... Jessica’s First Prayer ............. Miss Tootsey’s Mission Secrets of a Happy Home Life ..Young Men—Faults and Ideals

“ Devotional Thoughts for the King’ s Children Series” Each, Cloth Decorated, $1.00 ...............Royal Commandments ...... Starlight Through Shadows .................The Ministry of Song ...... The Secret of a Happy Day —The Still Hour ................To be Near Unto God If money does not accom pany order, goods will be sent C. O. D.f unless otherwise specified. If goods are to com e by mail add 10% for postage.

No “ Defender of the Faith” Can Afford to Miss a Single Installment o f the Splendid Series by Dr. F. E. Marsh (o f London) on The Word of God” Beginning in the January issue.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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