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December 1924
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WHOIiE BIBLE S. 8. LESSON COURSE (Continued from page 802) (2) Though the temple of God now is spiritual (2 Cor. 6: 16), is it possible to help in its building with our sil ver and gold? (3) Is it necessary not only to lay the foundation right, but to lay the right foundation? (1 Cor. 3:11). (4) Does obedience to the word of prophecy bring pros perity? (5) If we are born again, our bodies are the temples of God, but we need to dedicate them (Rom. 12:1). (6) Have most Christians today as earnest a desire to please God as did Cyrus, the heathen king? Babylon has had its day, and with its downfall has come that of the Assyrian Empire. The Modes and Persians, with Cyrus at their head, are now in power, and in the provi dence of God, Daniel, the Jewish prophet and statesman, has influence at his court, as in that of COMMENTS Nebuchadnezzar. By a study of the FROM THE earlier prophets, especially Jeremiah, COMMENTARIES he has become aware that the time is V. V. Morgan nigh for the captivity of Judah to end and for his people to return to their land (Dan. 9:1, 2; Jer. 25:12-14). He knows, also, that two hundred years earlier, Isaiah had, by the Holy Spirit, mentioned Cyrus as the monarch by whose ukase this return would be brought about (Isa. 44, 45). Doubtless, he told these things to Gyrus, who issues this. proclamation not from any intelligent desire to please Jehovah, but for polit ical reasons. Nevertheless, thus is fulfilled again Romans 8:28.—Gray. 1:11. There were 5,400 vessels in all, but in the numbers specified in vs. 9, 10, there were but 2,499; presumably only the chief vessels are specified, spoons, etc., being omitted. —Torrey. 2:1. The province of Judea as a district of the Persian Empire; so chap. 5:8; Neh. 1:3.—Kell. “ Children” is not to be taken in the sense of little ones, but that of descend ants or posterity.—Gray. The order of the restoration was as follows: (1) The return of the first detachment under Zerubbabel and Jeshua (B. C. 536), Ezra 1-6, and the books of Haggai and Zechariah; (2) the expedition of Ezra (B. C. 458), seventy-eight years later (Ezra 7-10 )£ (3) the, com mission of Nehemiah (B. C. 444), fourteen years after the expedition o f Ezra (Neh. 2:1-5).— Scof. Bible. 2:63. It is the Persian title of the civil governor, and is here given to Zerubbabel. It was afterwards applied to Nehemiah (Neh. 8:9; 10 :1 ),-^-Hom. Com. 2:64. This amount is 12,000 more thah the numbers when added together. Reckoning up the smaller numbers we find they amount to 29,818, in this chapter, and to 31,- 089 in the parallel chapter of Nehemiah. Ezra also men tions 494 persons omitted by Nehemiah, and Nehemiah men tions 1,765 not noticed by Ezra. If, therefore, Ezra’s sur plus be added to Nehemiah, and Nehemiah’s to Ezra, they will both become 31,583,, Subtracting this from 42;360, there will be a deficiency of 10,777. These are omitted because they did not belong to Judah- and Benjamin or to the priests, but to the other tribes. The servants and sing ers are reckoned separately (v. 65),, so that putting all these items together, the number of, all who went with Zer ubbabel amounted to 50,000, with 8,000 beasts of burden. .-—Davidson. 3:8. Ezra is very specific as to his dates, giving'year and month. All through his book he is seen as a scrupulously
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