King's Business - 1924-12

December 1924


T H E K I N G ’ S


'Christmas Will Soon Be Here- Books—Biola “ Best” Books Make the Best Gifts AND we are glad to be able to offer you such a really fine line of , Good and Helpful Books for Young People Well known books and newly issued books of standard value. All packed with healthy reading — some have pictures. At 50 Cents A Little Card Beyond the Marshes Black Beauty Boys of the New Testament Ben and Kit Boyhood of Jesus Jessica’« First Prayer Joy With Work Laddie Miss Tootsey’s Mission Narrow Pathway Pilgrim’s Progress

careful man. We have here to do with precise and accurate history. New discoveries, are constantly marvelously con­ firming the accuracy of Bible history and discrediting the so-called “ scholarly criticism.”—Torrey. 3:11. The religion of Israel was a praiseful religion. So is the religion of the New Testament. (Acts 2:11-47; Eph. 5:18-20).— Torrey. 4:1. Thèse “ adversaries” speak of themselves in the sec­ ond verse as having been brought up hither by Esarhaddon king of Assur. They described themselves in vs. 9, 10. They “ were called Samaritans after the central point of their settlement.” They were a very mixed people, includ­ ing some Israelites, but composed chiefly of heathens'.^] Horn. Com. 4:2. The people of the land sought to hinder the work in three ways: (1) by seeking to draw the Jews into an unreal union, v. 3 (cf. 2 Kings 17:32); (2) by “ weakening the hands of the people of Judah,” v. 4, i. e. by withholding supplies, etc.; and (3) by accusations lodged with Ahasue- rus and Darius. The first was by far the most subtle and dangerous, The lives of Ezra and Nehemiah afford many illustrations of true separation. See 2 Cor. 6:14-18; 2 Tim. 2:19-21.— Scof. Bible. 5:1, 2. Do not omit to read Zechariah at this point, and observe the effect of his words, heaven-endued, upon the leaders.—Gray. I WWW ELEMENTARY Mrs. S. W. Barrett Scripture: Daniel 5, Ezra 1. Memory Verses : Luke 10:20; Rev. 20:15 ; Rev. 21:2 7; John 3:36. How many of you have had your names on the Honor Roll, because you were present every Sunday and knew your memory verses? Doesn’t it make you happy to see your names there? Did you know that the Lord Jesus has a Book

* Prisoner of Happy Hansel Rose Robin and May Ruth Bergen’s Limitation Stories of School Days Stories from the Life of Jesus Their Vacation We Twelve Girls World of Little People Wood Cottage Words of Help for Chris­ tian Girls Line Upon Line Lost and Found Peep of Day Precept Upon Precept Probable Sons Sanna’s Prayer Tan (A ) Thoughtless Seven With Pu and His Brigand

Boys In Days of Prophets Boys in Patriarchal Homes Buy Your Own Cherries Child’s Life of Christ Charm of the Impossible Child’s Story of the Bible (A ) Dozen of Them Glimpses of Boyhood Glimpses of Girlhood Girls of the Bible Heart of a Rose Kept for the Master’s Use J. Cole Among the Cannibals Among the Red Indians Babes In the Basket Basket of Flowers Buy Your Own Cherries Chums Following the Glory In Scotia’s Wilds India’s Sunny Plains Laddie

At 75 Cents

in Heaven called “ The Lamb’s Book of Life” ? The name of every one who gives their heart to Him is written in that beautiful Book. The Lord Jesus said: “ Rejoice! because your names are written in Heaven!” Today our Bible story is: What God Wrote on the Wall of a King’s Palace. Babylon was a beau­ tiful city, built on the river Euphrates, about 400 miles east of Jeru­ salem. The river ran through the center of the city, and all around the city were g r e a t high walls of brick and c e m e n t , with 100


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The Children’s Missionary Series Thirteen splendid missionary stories which tell of thirteen different countries, that are just the thing for children. Each and every story is told in a simple way which the smallest children can understand. They are designed to please and instruct and to awaken their in­ terest in, and sympathy for, the young folks of prominent missionary countries. These are exceptionally good books for mothers who like to read or tell true, live stories to their little ones; or they can be used to great advantage in children’s mission study classes. Children of Wild Australia

Children of Egypt Children of India

Children of Persia Children of Ceylon Children of Arabia Children of China Children of Labrador Children of Borneo

Children of Jamaica Children of Africa Children of Japan Children of Jerusalem

bronze gates, twenty-five on each side. Here the great King Nebuchadnezzar once lived in a beautiful palace, built on a high hill terraced with most wonderful gardens. Here King Nebuchadnezzar had the wicked King Je-hoi-a- kim brought' in chains, with some of the princes of Judah, among whom was Daniel. After Nebuchadnezzar’s death, his son, and grandson, Belshazzar, together ruled the city. Upon the night of a great feast the windows of the King’s palace twinkled with thousands of candle lights which were reflected on the dark waters of the river at the foot of the

These excellent books written from the missionary point of view all have eight full-page, highly colored illustrations which add greatly to their delightfulness. Price 90c each If money does not accom pany order, goods will be sent C. O. D., unless otherwise specified. If goods are to com e by mail add 10% for postage.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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