King's Business - 1924-12


T H E K I N G ’ S


December 1924

"Christmas Will Soon Be Here= Books—Biola “ Best” Books Make the Best Gifts Carefully note these attractive Gift Books for Little Folks

hill. Hundreds of servants were running here and there, serving the guests who came to feast with King Belshazzar. A thousand princes and captains, with their wives and sweet­ hearts, gathered in the great banquet hall. Strains of music floated out on the night air, mingled with song and laughter. Belshazzar sat upon his marble throne dressed in royal robes of velvet, which sparkled with precious jewels, while all his guests bowed before him. His face flushed from drinking, he called for more wine; hut as the servants brought it, Belshazzar, eager to surprise the company, ordered that the old gold and silver dishes be brought, which were stored away in his father’s treasure room. The servants obeyed, and soon came in with the sparkling dishes of pure gold and silver; also a beautiful golden candlestick, which they lighted and stood against the wall near the throne. King Belshazzar ordered the dishes filled with wins and passed around to the favored guests. Everyone marveled at their beauty, and as they drank, the King related the story of his grandfather, the great King Nebuchadnezzar, who captured the city of Jerusalem and took these dishes and the candlestick from the Temple of the Lord God of Israel. As the King and his guests drank, they offered a toast to their own heathen gods. Suddenly the candlelight seemed dimmed, and a piercing, almost blinding stream of light came into the room. Nearer and nearer the throne it came, lighting up the golden candle­ stick against the wall. The King and his guests were silenced in wonder and! fear. As they watched, out of the stream of light came the shape of a man’s hand, which wrote in burning letters upon the wall of the palace. Then the light and the hand disappeared, hut the burning let­ ters remained. King Belshazzar turned pale. He called loudly for his fortune tellers, that they might read the strange writing and tell him what it meant. They came and looked long at the writing, but shook their heads, for they knew no letters of the kind. They could not tell the mean­ ing, though he offered them much gold and great honor as a reward. Belshazzar became more frightened; he tried to stand, but his knees trembled so that he fell hack. The King’s mother, who had learned of the strange event, came into the banquet hall and spoke to her son. “ Let not thy thoughts trouble thee,” she said; “ now let Daniel he called, and he will show the interpretation.” Daniel, the Captive prince, was called. When he came, Belshazzar questioned him and then offered a great reward if he would read the writing on the wall. Daniel, who loved God, scorned the reward, but looking at the wall, while the King and his guests waited breathless, he read the words, “Num­ bered, Numbered, Weighed, Divisions.” Then said Daniel, “ This is the interpretation. God has numbered the days of thy kingdom; thou art weighed in the balances and found wanting because of thy pride and wickedness. Thy kingdom shall be divided between two kings.” That very night the armies of the kings of Persia and Media took the city of Babylon without a battle, and Bel­ shazzar was slain. Later King Cyrus of Persia called to­ gether the captives of Israel, and told them to return to Jerusalem and to rebuild the Temple which had been de­ stroyed by Nebuchadnezzar. Wicked King Belshazzar’s name was not written in the Book of Life, so there was fear in his heart as,he saw his sentence written on the wall. But the Lord Jesus says to those who believe in Him and give their hearts to Him, “ Rejoice, because your names are writ­ ten in Heaven.” Is YOUR name written there?

Beautiful Stories Series Stories from the Bible told in a manner that will be readily understood and followed by young readers. Profusely illustrated. The First Christmas The First Easter Once in Seven Years The Story of the Jubilee With Hammer and Nail The Story of Jael and Sisera Five Kings in a Cave The Story of a Great Battle The Wisest Man The Story of Solomon A Farmer’s Wife The Story of Ruth The Man Who Did Not Die The Story of Elijah When Iron Did Swim The Story of Elisha What Is Sweeter Than Honey ? The Story of Samson The Boy Who Obeyed The Story of Isaac The Farmer Boy The Story of Jacob The Favorite Son The Story of Joseph The Adopted Son The Story of Moses The Boy General The Story of Joshua The Boy at School The Story of Samuel The Shepherd Boy The Story of David The Boy Who Would Be King The Story of Absalom The Captive Boy The Story of Daniel The Boy Jesus Binding Decorated in Gold and Colors

Young People’s Favorite Authors We recommend the fol­ lowing l i s t of books .for y o u n g peopleH-to those who will be wanting low priced books for Christmas giving. Nothing better can be had for the price. J. Cole (The) Centurion’s Story Swan Creek Blizzard Bonnie Jean Laddie Ye Next Thing Did the Pardon. Come Too Late? Waxwing A Day’s Time Table (The) Baritone’s Parish The Gift The Lost Star Words of Help for Chris­ tian Girls Reliable Gospel Gift Books for Boys and Girls— If the selection is left to us we will carefully select books to the best possible value to suit boys and girls of various ages. Bright Eyes Adventures of A Sixpence Bonnie Sweet Robin Two Little Helpers Lonely Lily Little Prodigal At Grandpa Bogart’s By Moonlight Harry’s Invention How He Escaped Miss Dr. Belby Mission of a Gray Sock Railroad Building Sketches and Stories Talking It Up Thanksgiving Dinner A Friend In Need






Sunday School Teachers and others who are wanting several inexpensive books to use as gifts will do well to order from these lists. Painting Books The Coloring of the Sketches may be left to the imagination of the child. Sunday “A Delight”*^—'The Paint and Pleasure Book 50c Noah’s Ark Painting Book 50c Scripture Texts Painting Book 25c Picture Sewing Book Farm Model Book Printed in outline for col­ oring and for cutting out each subject made with folding bracket to stand by itself. 7x10 inches 25c If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D., unless otherwise specified. If goods are to come by mail add 10 % for postage. Printed in dotted outlines for children to sew with col­ ored yarns to make completed pictures. 7x10 inches 15c

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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