King's Business - 1924-12

December 1924


K I N G ’ S



Edition De Luxe Scofield Bibles Printed on highest grade of extra tough India paper and bound in the finest quality of gen­ uine green Seal Skin. Before the war we received from England a sample of these Bibles but were not able to ob ­ tain a stock o f them because of the inability of the publishers to obtain the proper quality of leather for binding and sufficient quantity of this particular grade of India paper. Now we are glad to announce them as in stock and ready for sale. These Bibles come in both sizes. The Regular Size printed in clear-face brevier type and the Pocket Size printed in large minion type.

NEW CHURCH FOR LEPERS NOW UNDER CONSTRUC­ TION AT HOSPITAL “ 66” , CARVILLE, LA. The American Mission to Lepers (Wm. M. Danner, Gen­ eral Secretary), with offices at 156 Fifth Avenue, New York City, announces an important item in which the whole church will be interested. The growing work of this Society has made it necessary to add another Secretary to the staff, and this has been done by the selection of Rev. Harry Farmer, D. D., for many years connected with the Board of Foreign Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He began his work September 1st. Dr. Farmer was for twelve years a successful missionary in the Philippines, and through his travels in many lands and his wide experience in missionary conferences, will add immensely to the good service the American Mission to Lepers will render in its world-wide objective. “ FOR YOUR FATHER KNOWETH THAT YE HAVE NEED OF ALL THESE THINGS” A beautiful illustration of the practical appreciation and appropriation of , the promise “ My God shall supply all your need” came to us recently in a letter written from Dallas, Texas, relating an incident which had been told by Dr. William M. Anderson, the greatly beloved pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Dallas, in a sermon lis­ tened to by the writer of the letter. “ ‘When Dr. Howard Taylor was here in Dallas some few months ago’ Dr. Anderson began by saying, ‘he broke the acousticon which he wears on his coat; and, much as I wanted to assist him in securing a new one, I had no idea where to take him, and told him so. So, before we started out, Dr. Taylor raised his eyes Heavenward and said: “ Blessed Lord Jesus, you know the best place in Dallas to purchase a new acousticon. Direct me there, won’t you, please?” “ ‘When we entered the store’ continued Dr. Anderson, ‘and stated our mission to the proprietor, his face lighted up with a smile, and he said, “ You’ve come to exactly the right place, for I have a sister who is a missionary in China. I will certainly give you of my best,” and he did. That’s what Phil. 3:10: “ That I may know Him” means. Dr. Taylor has learned to know him.’ ” Those who read “ The Positive Product of Prayer” by Dr. Taylor in the August issue, will appreciate this little incident which gives fresh emphasis to the possibilities of Divine guidance in our lives. There is no condition or sit­ uation in which we may find ourselves, however seemingly unimportant or trifling, but is known to Him who loves us and gave His only begotten Son to die for us, and “ He that spared not His Own Son, . . . how shall he not with Him, also freely give us all things?”

No. 88GSX— Printed in large, easily read bre­ vier type. Bound in finest quality of green Seal Skin, divinity cir­ cuit, green leather lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, green un­ der gold edges.

No. 68GSX— The minion type pocket edition. Page by page identical with the large type edi­ tion, only smaller. Same binding and finish.

The Ideal Teacher’s Edition Contains in addition to the regular Scofield Notes a very complete Cyclopedic Bible Dictionary, Dictionary of Proper Names, Subject Index and Concordance all under an alphabetic arrangement. Contains also Dr. Torrey's very helpful notes on “How to Study the Bible,“ including the best texts for use in dealing with different classes of people and how to use them.

No. 368XT— The minion type, pocket edition. Page by page identical with the large type edi­ tion* only smaller. Same binding and finish:

No. 588XT-—Printed in large, easily read bre­ vier type. Bound in fin­ est quality of green Seal Skin, divinity circuit, green leather lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, green under gold edges.

Note— The green under gold edge o f these Bibles makes the printing stand out much blacker, much clearer, so that it is much m ore easily read than the usual red under gold edge. These SPECIAL De Luxe Edition Scofield Bibles can be ob­ tained in the United States only from us. Any style delivered by insured mail postpaid upon receipt of price. Unless cash accompanies order all goods will be sent C. O. D. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

If you are on the job as a Christian witness, you won’t have time to talk much about it.

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