K I N G ’ S
December 1924
Hunter, John H.............................................. Jaffray, R. A............................. ............ Jarvis, Mrs. A. P............................................ Jones, R. B................... Keller, Frank A.................................27, 88 , 154, 215, 286, 364, 420, 558, 628, 695, Ker, James A................................................. Keyser, Leander S................................. 482, Kimmell, A. V........................;...vu........ Krummacher, F. W................................— j — Larsen, Joseph T...................................... 15, Leggett, Charles H.............. :. Lyon, Elwood P....................... 92,. Macartney, Clarence Edward ..............479, Maclnnis, John Murdoch...... — 143, 549, MacLennan, A.Gordon............................341, Manley, G. T...........................—... Marsh, Evangeline.........................,.............. Marsh, F. E...................199, 273, 542, 621, 661, 692, Martin, T. T................... Marvin, E. P...... ________ .........— —.— Matthews, Mark A........................j............ McPherson, Geo. W..............................203, McQuat, Mrs. Frank...................... Meader, Sophie Shaw..............24, 85, 152 21 1, 285, 360, 429, 495, 566, 637, 703, Merrill, Mabel L.......................32, 96, 160, 220, 293, 379, 432, 502, 568, 638, 704, Meyer, F. B..................................... .......J...... Miller, H. G....v.^..j....'^..^:.v..si— Monroe, Kenneth M....... ............................. Monro, Hugh R........ —................................. Morgan, V. V....23, 32, 84, 96, 104, 151, 160, 169, 210,220, 229, 284, 293, 301, 358, 366, 379,428, 431, 440, 493, 502, 513, 566, 568, 575, 636, 638, 647, 702, 716, 784, Munhall, L. W............................... Myers, Cortland .................................... 27Q, Needham, Mrs. Geo. C...... Norris, J. Frank................................... Olney, William............................................. Orwig, A. W...................63, 103, 391, 819, Pace, E. J............................................. 6 , 67, 90, 133. 196, 267, 333, 541, 613, 685, Palmer, O. R............. ..................... Pankhurst, Christabel ................................ Parkhurst, Arthur A................................... Paynter, Arthur S......................................... Pearson, Claude H.... ..............r.............. 30, 158, 218, 291, 423, 498, 560, 631, Pender, Frances S....:.................................... Pentecost, George F..................................... Peucker, Alexander ....................................:. Pierson, Arthur T...................74, 200; 336, Pike, Wm. .............. Polsue, Dorothy B................. — Pope, Howard W.................................... . Raleigh, P. Isaac.......................................... Reid, John G.......... ^.................................49, Reynolds, Marion H...... ..................... ....30, 92, 159, 291, 363, 499, 560, 630, 696, Rhinelander, Philip M..................... Richards, Joseph A...... .............................. Ridout, G. W— .....................................408, .Roads, Charles R...... ..............:.............i..., Roberts, Gladys Watkins............................ Sanders, Barbara ......... ..... Sanford, L. P...... ............... Selle, Robert L....... .......... 255, Shepard Fred S........................................ . 377, 440, 513, 575, 647, 716, Shepherd, Geo. W....................................... Speer, Robert E............................................. Spurgeon, Chas. H................................ Starkweather, Amelia M...............195, 614, Stewart, Mrs. Lyman......................28, 91, 155, 216, 288, 361, 421, 497, 562, 629, Straton, John Roach..............................484, Taylor, Howard........................:................... . Taylor, Mrs. H o w a r d .....* Tovey, Mrs. M...... .................................241, Travis, B. Wayne........................................... Troop, G. Osborne........ ..............................- Tuttiett, Lawrence................................... . Uttley, Jas. T................................................ Vaus, Jas. A.........................29, 58, 92, 115 157, 184, 217, 219, 290, 315, 362, 392, 422, 499, 500, 560, 697, 751, 779, Wardle, Wm. T....r ................ . Washburn, R. H............................... Welliver, James P— ................................ Wesley, Charles ........................................... Wilson, Robert Dick...... .................. ........... Yasnovsky, Madam M. N...... .—-................. Zelley, Henry J......... ................................... Zimmermann, Adela Feenick...................... EDITORIAL Alleluia Chorus of the Church..................... 5 Any Use for Mo.dernism?.... .............. .........407 Appeal for Prayer From Secular Paper.—405 Begging Believers to Open the Bag......... 6 Best Bequest ............................... „ .......¿.—,....404 Bible Training For All.....................................335 Big Pay for Big Business.............................. 683 Bishop Bows to Bolshevism....................——133 Bishop Brown Bowed Out............—....,........613 Blatant Blasphemy — 477 627 769 192 19 777 82 770 617 18 51 204 158 688 687 543 412 393 773 348 262 135 774 485 785 786 73 769 89 555 794 80 416 239 71 759 827 765 80 553 206 278 697 635 8 391 689 16 803 19 359 277 780 343 139 545 12 536 123 292 439 794 352 10 351 831 778 557 480 272 472 407 345 611 53 816 64 395 317 126 13 261 417 836
Blind Blasphemers ................... Building Without the Builder....... .614 Call to Repentance, Restitution, Resolution 7 Catechism or Kittychism.............................. 406 Change of Label But Not of Liquid............541 Chicago Criminals ........ 685 Christ of Christmas.........................................763 Christ’s Call to the Church for 1924............ 5 Congratulations to Dr. W. B. Riley............ 198 Consider Christ Jesus....................— ...........403 Construction of Christian Character.......... 134 Creeping Critics ____ .....— ..............268 Criminal Conduct of the Critics.... —........... 333 Crux of the Church Controversy..................476 Deceiver’s Destructive Work..................... .196 Deserved Tribute to Dr. Torrey.................. 539 Edification by Sherwood Eddy......................477 Elder Hays a Little Hazy...............................196 Epochal Ecclesiastical Events...................... 542 Fooling the Folks with Terminology.......... 133 Fossil Find Which Elucidates Evolution..... 765 Giving the Gospel to a Great City..............539 Glorious Gospel of the Son of God............541 Great Scientist-Preacher—Great Campaign 7 Griffith Thomas at Home 1............................ 542 Headed for Hades.......................................... 613 Hunger of Heart—in Sinner, in Saint.......61 1 Is Anybody Answerable?.............................. 267 John Wanamaker, "Citizen” .......................... 331 Light From the Lake Shore...........................195 Lyman Stewart .......................................... 3 Mental Reservations ..................... 197 Milton Stewart ............................... 69 Modernism and Missions in Western India.. 132 Nation’s Need ................................ 612 Our Attitude Toward Our Antagonists.....404 Perplexing Problems ............................334, 478 Pilgrimage Play .............................................684 Plans for a Peace Palace................ 764 Plea of the Pacifists.......................................540 Positive Position of the Presbyterians...—475 Pray for Revival........................ 766 Preacher as Prophet................................... 69 Preposterous Proposition ............................ 333 Professor Punches a Body Blow..................406 Prophecy of Ecclesiastical Polity................ 67 Purloining the Products.............. 765 Reason vs. Revelation.................................... 76 Reign of a Righteous Ruler...... ......................131 Rescue or Ruin....... .............—.....__________." 68 Sheldon’s Edition of the Scriptures............268 Sherwood Eddy’s Example............................ 684 Sleeping Sickness......................... 766 Sorrow Turned Into Joy............................ ....614 Soul Saving by Soul Sacrificing..................332 Statistical Statement ........................... 332 Stony Brook School for Boys........................ 476 Surrender of Self.............................. 763 Theory vs. Truth.....................:............ ..........267 Triumphant Thanksgiving ............................ 683 Wanted! Mantle Men.................................... „61 l Waste of Wealth............. 268 Winging God’s Word.......................................475 CONTRIBUTED ARTICLES Absalom Stealing the Hearts of Israel....... 71 Age of Bible Study.........................................141 Athenian Culture and Christianity..............554 Authority of the Bible.....................................412 Authority of the Scriptures.......................... 201 Beauty and Reasonableness of Faith.......... 482 Believers and Doubters............................L—.479 Bible and Experience................................ 75 Bible Contrasted With Religious Books..... 8 Birth From Above............................ 70 Building on the Sides of a Volcano............. 4 16 Christ Unique ................................................. 552 Church, Creed, Duty of Church Officers__343 Common Doctrinal Deception... .................... 15 Complete Redemption .....................................338 Conflict of the Ages...... ........................... 72 Crime of Our Godless Schools......................270 Does It Make Any Difference.?.................... 768 Empty Seat............................................ 484, 557 Final Anti-Christ ...........................................414 Five Points and the General Assembly.....341 Foundation Work ...........................................624 Friendly Advice to Foreign Board............. 1 J From Preaching to Plastering......................409 God’s Proposition- in Black and White....... 205 "Grasshopper Men” ........... ..............549 His Coming and His Appearing............. 415 How to be Fishers of Men_______ .:............410 How toi Study the Bible................. 144 “ In Christ Jesus—Glorified” .............. ......200 In Sight of the Cross—.............................. „.273 Inspiration, Prophecy, Higher Criticism.—336 Is It Christ or the Critics?............................ 275 Is It Fundamental?........................... 277 Is the Bible a Pious Fraud?...;....'.,.......... 349 Jesus Christ, the Great Advertisement....... 139 Jekyll and Hyde Theologians........................203 Lawlessness ........... ........................................ 617 Make Me a Sanctuary..............*.....................346 Message of the Clock.....................................803 Methodist Minister’s Appeal........................4 17 Modernism ...... ............................... ................691 Modern Movement in Religion...................... 774 Mr. Bryan’s Nominating Speech..... ............ 544 My Bible .............................1 M M M .......¿J- 78 68
GENERAL INDEX Best Books ............48, 95, 183, 239, 313, Bible Institute Happenings..... 31, 94, 182, Bible Institute in Hunan....... 27, 88 , 154, Cartoons ............ 6 , 67, 90, 133, 196, 267, Children’s Garden............24, 85, 152, 21 1, Chosen People, the Land, the Book......... 58, 115, 184, 219, 315, 392, 500, 751, 816 Current Comment —.20, 80, 147, 208, 281, 352, 424, 488, 593, 627, 694, 776 Defenders of the Faith................................ 357, 427, 492, 565, 635, 701, 783 Editorial ............3, 67, 131, 195, 267, 331, 403, 475, 539, 61 1, 683, 763 Evangelistic Work........... 28, 91, 155, 216, 288, 361, 421, 497, 560, 629, 696, 778 Family Circle..... 22, 63, 149, 209, 283, 356, 426, 491, 564, 634, 700, 782 International S. S. Lessons.—32, 96, 160, 220, 293, 379, 431, 502, 568, 638; 704, 786 Our Letter Box......62, 117, 186, 351, 501, 840 Our Young People.... 23, 84, 151, 210, 284 358, 428, 493, 566, 636, 702, 784 Pointers for Preachers and Teachers....... 25, 86 , 153, 213, 282, 354, 425, 490, Whole Bible S. S. Lessons....39, 104, 169, 229, 301, 366, 440, 513, 575, 647, 716, 794 AUTHORS Aldridge, L. M............................................... 546 Bryan, W. J—..„.....—...—— ....— ....... 544 Bakewell, J...................................................... 403 Barrett, Mrs. S. W....................................... 377, 440, 513, 575, 647, 716, 794 Bauman, Louis S.......................................... 785 Bender, Robert H...................29, 93, 156, 217, 289, 362, 422, 498, 561, 630, 696, 779 Bickersteth, Edward E................... 9 Blanchard, Charles A................................... 624 Bonar, Horatius ........................................... 535 Bounds, Edward M....................................... 202 Boyer, £larence ............................ 846 Breed, David R.............................................. 338 Brisbane, Arthur ......... 776 Brobeck, Jas. A................................. 202 Brookes, James H.........................14, 415, 552 Brooks, Keith L.............................205, 625, 772 Bryan, W. J....... .......................— .............. 80 Burrell, David James............................89, 141 Campbell, James M............................ 666 Cant, David,...................................... 30, 93, 157, 218, 363, 423, 499, 561, 631, 698, 780 Carter, Arthur H............................... 76, 691 Carter, Wm............................................... 201 Colwell, Thomas C...................................704, 786 Copeland, A. Reilly...........................................349 Copley, Jane .......... ....................—.¿¿¿¿.'.s: 539 Cowper, William ........................................... 760 Dana, H. E............................................ 75 Davis, Geo. T. B..........................— -........... 771 Dean, I. R.....j;j.>i........................................... 486 Dixon, A. C................. 70 Dunbar, James........... 619 Dunbar, Paul Laurence.................. 238 Elliott-Skinner, S.......................................... 207 Ellis, S. M................. 622 Erdman, W. J.................................. 144 Farr, Frederic W...... 32, 72, 96, 160, 220, 274, 293, 346, 379, 431, 502, 545, 568, 463 Finney, Charles G......................................... 810 Frost, Henry W.............................321, 395 Gardner, Earle B....................... 409 Greist, H. W.................................................. 82 Griffith Thomas, W. H............ 275 Guinness, H. Grattan.................................. 618 Hagin, Fred E....... ........j^.............................. 414 Haldeman, I. ............. ................554, 768 Hale, W. R...... 22, 83, 149, 209, 283, 356, 426, 491, 564, 634, 700, 782 Hasler, Lottie Clifford.........................150, 280 Haus, Kate H.... 39, 104*, 169, 229, 301, 366 Havergal, Frances Ridley.....5, 206, 219, 475, 763, 833 Hinson, W. B.................................................... 767 Hodgson, Homera........................397, 536, 803 Holloway, T. T........ 18, 23, 159, 206,351, 844 Horton, T. C..........3, 39, 67, 78, 104, 131, 169, 195, 229,267, 301, 331, 357, 366, 403, 427, 440,475, 492, 513, 539, 565, 575, 611, 634,647,683, 701, 716, 763, Hubbard, John A.....................32, 96, 160, 220, 294, 379, 432, 502, 568, 638, 704, 786 Hunter, A. S........................................... 137, 418 388, 452, 527, 662, 753, 804 311, 365, 430, 496, 667, 735, 832 215, 286, 364, 420, 558, 628, 695, 777 333, 405, 541, 613, 685, 765 285, 360, 429, 495, 567, 637, 703, 785 563, 632, 699, 781 638, 690, 704, 786 Faurot, Ira N.......... 783, 794, 825
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