Bible Institute of Los Angeles A T R A I N I N G S CHOO L FOR C H R I S T I A N W O R K E R S Interdenominational it- Evangelical — Evangelistic
The Center
G=D Day School
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Where We Transact Business for the Lord, and Where Our Students are ■Taught the Word
Evening School Correspondence School Biola Press Biola Book Room The King’ s Business
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The Circuit We Carry On Active Evangelistic Work in the Following Departments:
TWENTY-FIVE BIBLE WOMEN Engaged in Bible Class Work for women in homes, Women’s Clubs, and High School girls, as well as house-to-house visi tation. SEAMEN’S WORK Reaching men from every na tion on the globe. ■"3WISH WORK Giving the Gospel to the Jew ish people on the Pacific Coast.
SHOP WORK Holding Gospel meetings in shops, factories and car-barns. SPANISH WORK Evangelistic work among the Spanish-speaking people of Los Angeles and surrounding towns. BIOLA HALL, (Los Angeles) Our City Mission work. Open day and night for men.
BIOLA CLUB, (Long Beach) A center for Bible Class and Evangelistic Work for Men and Women. OUR FOREIGN WORK A Bible Training School in Changsha (Hunan Province) China, and Twelve Colportage Bands (1 3 men in each band) studying the Bible and doing personal evangelistic w o r k among the native Chinese.
The Circumference Where Students Transmit the Gospel Message
Subscribe for THE KING’S BUSINESS $1.25 per year Largest circulation of any Religious Monthly in the U. S. Send for SAMPLE ANNUITY CONTRACT and * Invest for Eternity
“ Of all the schools in this fair land, Biola is the best. True to the good old Book we’ll stand And challenge any test. “ Our field of service is world-wide To men of every race. For every need God will provide And choose for us our place” — Institute School Song.
Recommend our School to Prospective Students
Write us for Further Information
T. C. HORTON, Supt., 536-558 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.
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