AppalachianPT: Facts Regarding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


This comes tomy title of leaders and hope. You see, leaders come in all sizes, genders and nationalities. A lot of them we walk by and don’t even notice until later on when something they said or did reminds us of their leadership. Leaders have to stand up to those who will try and tear them down because they themselves want to be the top dog. Instead of working alongside and encouraging the leader, they will want to sling arrows at them criticizing them for anything and everything. Remember I stated this crisis as well as others gives folks the opportunity to fall either on the high road or the low road. Well, we unfortunately have seen those who have taken the low road as well. This opportunity we have in front of us is just that, a chance to look at where we are and to make an appropriate change for the better. It is essentially up to us as a citizen of this great nation to determine our response and where we go fromhere. I am a big history buff and during the early 1940’s, this nation overcame a great power that could have changed the world

People are saying so many things about COVID-19 today and we are only into this 4 weeks. It looks like we have at least until the end of May before we begin venturing out from our places of safety. It could be a little sooner however we all need to be extra vigilant to prevent a kickback effect. Before I go any further, I want to say a special thank you to a fabulous staff who has continued to treat folks on a daily basis from each of our locations. We continue to get notes and cards and words of thanks from our patients that have been served through this crazy time. It is because of you that we have been able to endure this hardship. It has not been easy to say the least for any of us so we say a special thanks to you, our patients for trusting us and our places of business. We have been diligent in cleaning and cleaning and cleaning. I know some of our staff have chaffed hands from all the gloves, cleansers, hand washing and washing and the list goes on.

as we know it today. All of us became united under our stars and stripes and participated to make the outcome what it was. Our manufacturing capability was like nothing ever seen and still unsurpassed to this day. I believe this crisis will alert us that we need to bring back our manufacturing jobs here in this country. I also think we will see the media have less control of this country and folks will become more involved with each other instead of their cell phones. I could go on and on but I remain hopeful that we will see this country live up to our name, The UNITED States of America! Now before I leave you I want to show you some real leaders who continue to spread HOPE that will help us find our footing if we let them. These kids and their artwork in this article are found in Juneau, Alaska. They have decided to decorate the town with hope through all of their window painting, sidewalk chalk and many decorations. They ARE our leaders showing us how tomake the world a better place. They certainly give me HOPE! Pray for them and this nation; one nation, under God with liberty and justice for all!

I have statedmany times through this we were going to see the good and the bad in this situation and in folk’s reactions. I am sure many of you would agree that this is the case. We have seen gouging prices as well as hoarding of supplies. Some hospitals as well as health care facilities were running out of very simple things like toilet paper. Never figured that one out. I have also seen acts of grace, courage and giving that surpass all understanding. I have read of people turning down a ventilator to allow a younger person or one with children the chance to survive.

I have read acts of folks paying for thousands of dollars of groceries for those with less ability to pay. And I personally know of many folks who are on their knees daily praying for this country, the world and me and you. A PATIENT’S GRATITUDE


Thinking of you. To staff and therapists at Appalachian PT, Broadway. Being aware of the risks faced by all healthcare providers in this time with COVID-19, I want to express my gratitude for the care you’ve provided me in the past during periods of back and hip/thigh pain. Most recently for BPPV. My life is so much better after these problems were treated and resolved. Thank you! And my very best, warmest wishes for each of you to stay safe and healthy during these perilous weeks and months.

At Appalachian Physical Therapy, you will receive hands-on therapy treatments by our friendly, caring health experts during focused and individualized sessions. It’s time to get Appalachian Physical Therapy if: • You’re tired of living in pain • You want to feel better and move better • You have been in an auto accident or injured on the job • You want to prevent injury

1. Call and talk to a therapist 2. Discover why your pain has come back 3. Get your custom recovery program

Sinerely, Susan M.

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