Did you know that if you aren’t using the right bulbs or even the right fixtures to light your home, you could be negatively affecting our environment? Believe it or not, major changes really aren’t necessary to make your home more energy-efficient, especially when it comes to lighting. Every household in America can make a few small adjustments that can have a big impact on the environment as well as your finances. If you want eco-friendly ways to light your house, try out the following ideas. Switch out your lightbulbs. Did you know that the standard incandescent bulb only puts out 5%–10% of the energy it converts as light? The rest goes out as heat. If you’re still using traditional lightbulbs, it’s time to upgrade. Compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) cost a little bit more but last for 10,000 hours. CFLs use a fraction of the energy that traditional bulbs use but are often much brighter and safer. LIGHT YOUR HOME THE ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY WAY
Whatever option you choose, dispose of your old bulbs properly. Every city has different stipulations for recycling, so learn how to dispose of them before you recycle. Unplug your power strips and keep your lights off. The power strip is one of the most commonly used items in households across America. They’re extremely convenient, especially if your home lacks a sufficient number of outlets. While some power strips turn off when not in use, others consistently pull energy when they’re plugged in. Save energy by unplugging any power strips when not actively in use. Additionally, try and keep your lights off when you’re not home or actively using a room. It doesn’t make sense to keep your lights on when nobody is in the room. If the sun is shining, make use of that sunlight to light your house. You don’t need to depend on electricity for light during the spring and summer months so much. Just open your windows!
You can also make the switch to LED bulbs, which reduce energy consumption by 80%–90% while also lasting for 100,000 hours.
Turn Your Hell Yes Customers Into Clients With the Power of Specialty Pages
Imagine you need to make a dentist appointment for a very specific procedure. Would you call up any old dentist? Of course not! You’d go online and check their website to see whether they offered the exact procedure you’re looking for. If you didn’t see any mention of it, you’d shrug and move on to the next place! That process used to only apply to specialists like doctors and dentists. But now your future landscaping customers are demanding that same level of specificity before they convert to clients. If they’re an HOA, they want to know you work with HOAs and have experience with their niche issues. The same goes for retail shopping centers, hospitals, commercial municipalities, and apartment complexes.
They’re a game-changer for outbound marketing, too. You won’t have to funnel prospects to your home page anymore and cross your fingers they find what’s right for them. Instead, you can share the link to their demographic’s specialty page with them via social media, email, or even direct mail. That will funnel them right to where you want.
Ideally, every specialty page on your website should include targeted pain points, a list of relevant services, and testimonials from customers. For example, if you want to do more snow removal for HOAs, you should have an HOA page ready NOW that hits
the pain point of angry residents, lists your removal services, and includes glowing reviews from other HOA presidents you’ve worked with. Those big accounts are already choosing their snow removal service for the winter, so you should start sending that page out today!
In order to convert your Hell Yes Customers, you need to make them feel seen. That means creating specialty pages on your website specifically targeting them. Specialty pages are one of the best marketing moves out there. Not only do they make your Hell Yes Customers feel seen, but they also help them find you because you can pack the page with SEO terminology related to their likely searches!
Want to check out one of our own specialty pages in action? Visit RamblinJackson.com/commercial .
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