May 2024 Volume 4 Edition 10

MAY 2024 | VOLUME 4 | EDITION 10

Official Newsletter of the Placer Union High School District “Sunsets are proof that endings can be beautiful.” — Beau Taplin As we approach the end of another school year, we extend our best wishes to the Graduating Class of 2024 for

success and happiness in their future endeavors. Saying goodbye to the graduates is always a mix of emotions, as each student has contributed something special to our schools and District. Another group of individuals we would like to recognize is the handful of retirees leaving after the school year ends. Collectively, the seven staff members who will be “riding off into the sunset” have over 142 years of service to our District. We are truly grateful for their dedication, service, and commitment to the students, staff and communities of PUHSD. With the current school year winding down, preparations for the upcoming one are well underway. This month we’ll also see Senior celebrations, staff members being recognized, and graduation ceremonies being finalized. We are also hopeful everyone is planning for and looking forward to a well-deserved Summer break. During the Summer, information about camps, athletic practices, new student orientation, etc., can be found on school websites and social media pages. The first day of school for the 2024-2025 school year is Tuesday, August 13, 2024. Schools will send out information about data confirmation and schedules in July. Until then, have a great rest of the school year. Happy May ~ Sarah Rath, Communications Officer

Employees of the Year - Pg 2 Teachers Who Make a Difference 2024 - Page 3 More Celebrations - Page 4 FHS’s CTE Manufacturing Class - Pg 5 Tiny Home Project - Page 6

Jamison Celio - Page 7 Redistricting - Page 8

May Board Meeting Tuesday - May 21, 2024 5:30 pm Lynn MacDonald Education Center 3775 Richardson Drive - Auburn Competency-Based Ed - Pg 9 “The Point” Podcast - Pg 10 “The Squeeze” - Page 11 Budget Information - Page 11 Out & About - Pages 12-14 Graduation Info - Page 15 Budget Information - Page 16

In the month of May each year, our District honors employees who have reached a milestone in years of service, were selected as the PUHSD Teacher, Counselor and Employees of the Year (in different categories), as well as employees retiring in that school year. The CDE also encourages all of us to celebrate Principals, Food Service Workers, School Nurses, Speech Pathologists, Classified School Workers and Teachers in May. We are so thankful for ALL of the PUHSD staff who make a difference in the lives of their students, colleagues and communities every day!

The Placer County Charter of the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) has a recognition celebration for "Teachers Who Make a Difference". These teachers are selected by their site administration and/or peers each year. Congrats to the following amazing teachers selected this year! (Number of teachers nominated is based on student enrollment.)

Colfax High School: Student ~ Laney Lorang & Teacher ~ Donna Bussinger

Confluence High School: Student ~ Landon Jackson & Teacher ~ Melany Hall

Confluence West High School: Student ~ Charlie Farquar & Teacher ~ Morgan Zerwas

Del Oro High School: Student ~ Mylah Feickert & Teacher ~ Stephanie Fee

Foresthill High School: Student ~ Sabrina Jones & Teacher ~ Katie Gengler

Maidu Virtual Charter Academy: Student ~ Daniel Figueroa & Teacher ~ Pollyanna Redman

Placer High School: Student ~ Gavin Swatzke & Teacher ~ Amanda Roberts

Placer School for Adults: Student ~ Savanna Gray & Teacher ~ Marty Brown PROUD PROUD PROUD

Jerry Jackson, a teacher at Foresthill High School, is helping create an environment of learning that brings the world into the classroom where he teaches. Mr. Jackson, who has a credential in Career Technical Education (CTE) - Manufacturing Technology Industry, had a vision that became a reality. At first glance, you may think the students are all playing a virtual reality game; what they are actually doing, is working in and with “Spacial Computer” technology. Students create products, learn how to improve or change them, and what it would take to market the products through the spacial computer program that would allow them to sell their item to someone who is in another location...perhaps on the other side of the world.

Getting the necessary software, class supplies, equipment and safeguards took some time to get the classes up and running, but they are now working on amazing products and learning about technology in a way that brings the world to their campus at Foresthill High School. The class was filmed for an upcoming segment of “Yours In Education” which will air at the end of May. Please look for it as I will send it out to all families. PUHSD Proud!


Tiny Home Project at Confluence High School

At Confluence High School, Teacher Jim Herlehy has been busy this year working with his students and volunteer Mark Root to construct a tiny home that will be donated to a homeless Veteran. Here are some exclusive images from a mini- documentary Jim is creating to showcase the entire project. So thankful for this fantastic project that led to an even more remarkable outcome: providing a home for a Veteran. PUHSD PROUD!!!

He’s Coming Home!!!

Upon being given the opportunity to study Arabic in Morocco for 8 months, I cannot deny that along with my excitement, I was filled with a certain anxiety. I experienced a new dread of leaving the comforts I've had my entire life to live among a people whose culture I knew so little about; with a family whose language I had yet to speak. As the first days of the program went by, I realized that, despite the culture shock I began to feel, I must learn to adapt to Moroccan society and maintain an open- mindedness unlike any that's ever been required of me. These first long, difficult days were followed by exhilarating weeks of exploration in Rabat, Morocco's Capital, where my studies and volunteer work took place. After months, however, this excitement turned into contentment, whereupon I truly began to acclimate to Moroccan society, and, in addition to the language, my understanding and appreciation of their culture, religion, and values grew. While on the National Security Language Initiative for Youth Scholarship, my fellow cohort members and I also took part in many trips to over 15 cities and many small towns throughout the Country. Providing further insight into the diversity of Morocco, these excursions caused me to just as much associate Morocco with the chilliness of Chefchaouen, the crashing waves of Essaouira, and the olive groves of Taounate as I do the infamous sand dunes of Merzouga. Homesickness during these times was unavoidable, and yet the unique memories I've made and the cultural understanding I have developed have made the commitment of completing my senior year abroad far worth it. When I return to Auburn on May 16th, I am beyond excited to share what I have learned and, hopefully, motivate others to consider studying abroad. Once again, leaving the comforts of my hometown in such a drastic way oftentimes made my experience and studies here difficult, yet finding comfort in the discomfort of traveling has proved a valuable skill that I cannot take for granted. I'm excited to use my Arabic skills while attending Georgetown University this Fall to study International Relations. Perhaps even more importantly, interacting with those of similar interests, as well as with foreign citizens, has prepared me for a career on the global stage. Jamison Celio was highlighted in the October 2023 Newsletter before leaving to study abroad . The following is Jamison ’ s words of his experience in Morocco learning Arabic this school year .

PUHSD فخور ! (PROUD!)

What is Redistricting? The Placer Union High School District’s Board of Trustees are currently elected in At-large elections. At- large elections are those in which all the voters of the entire jurisdiction elect all the members to the governing board. Under a By-Trustee Area election system, the District is divided into geographic areas - Trustee Areas – and a Board Member residing in each Trustee Area is elected only by the registered voters who live in that Trustee Area. Please keep in mind that this transition does NOT change attendance boundaries for students/schools, it only changes the Trustee Area maps for election purposes. The following is an excerpt from the March newsletter about what redistricting is and how it relates to PUHSD‘s election process. How do I submit a map? Here are the instructions and steps taken for map submittals: Use this link to download a pdf map of our District boundaries. (Follow the rules noted on the map.) 1. 2. Once complete, please submit a copy of your pdf map to 3.Submitted maps will be reviewed by the Demographer for compliance. If compliant, the map will be linked on our webpage and presented to the Board for consideration. 4. All maps that will be presented to the Board must be linked on the District’s webpage seven (7) days before the Board’s review at the next public hearing. 5. 6.The first public hearing where maps will be considered is scheduled for April 16, 2024. Maps submittals for that meeting are due to the District no later than Tuesday, May 14, 2024 , so that they can be reviewed and linked. 7. Where can I learn more? Please visit our dedicated webpage and/or reach out to us on our dedicated email address:

At-Large System

By-Trustee Area System

= Area Trustees are elected by voters residing in entire District boundaries

Area Trustees are elected by voters only residing in the Trustee area boundaries

RESOURCES PUHSD and school websites have a dedicated page about CBE which contain a lot of information and resources. PUHSD Webpage Please be sure to listen to all of the podcasts, but especially the episodes that contain information about CBE. There are many useful episodes on how CBE helps students be successful as the leave one class and move on to the next. “The Point” Podcast As the year comes to an end, we have much to celebrate and be excited for the future. As you know, we began our implementation of Competency-Based Education (CBE) with a number of our teachers piloting CBE grading and reporting. Our work has helped us make important changes to our CBE practices which will be implemented next year. We are no longer using the gradebook Empower and will be using Aeries for our gradebook. Teachers will still be using Canvas or Google Classroom. Throughout this year we have held discussions with parents, students and staff regarding our implementation of CBE and answered many important questions. The input and feedback we have received has been extremely helpful to our plans for next year. We also recognize that change can bring some confusion and anxiety. We are committed to ensuring effective communication and answering your questions as they come up. Beginning next school year, all of our teachers will be using Competency-Based Educational practices, specifically the use of proficiency scales to determine accurate levels of learning. The use of proficiency scales does not mean that letter grades are being replaced or going away. It does mean that a student’s letter grade will be more reflective of their knowledge and skill. We invite you to look at our webpage for more information and details regarding CBE, along with our podcasts that discuss different aspects of CBE.

Site and District Office Summer hours will begin on Monday, June 10th and end the week of August 5th

Monday, May 27th is Memorial Day - all campuses and District offices will be closed Finals will be held Wednesday, May 29th & Thursday, May 30th - Minimum Days (Check with your site for details)

Offices Open Monday - Thursday (Closed Fridays - hours vary by site) ( Appointments are encouraged at all offices)

First day of school for the 2024-2025 School Year is Tuesday, August 13th

Academic Calendar - 2024-2025 School Year

Podcasts will be aired on the 1st and 15th of each month during the school year (unless that needs adjusting due to topics/schedule).

P INT The Trailer - August 1, 2023 Episode #1 - August 15, 2023 Episode #2 - September 1, 2023 Episode #3 - September 15, 2023 Episode #4 - October 1, 2023 Episode #5 - October 12, 2023 Episode #6 - November 1, 2023 Episode #9 - December 15, 2023 Episode #10 - January 1, 2024 Episode #8 - December 1, 2023 Episode #7 - November 15, 2023

Episode #11 - January 16, 2024

Episode #14 - March 1, 2024 Episode #15 - March 15, 2024 Episode #16 - April 1, 2024 Episode #12 - February 1, 2024 Episode #13 - February 15, 2024

Episode #17 - April 15, 2024 Episode #18 - May 1, 2024 Fun Fact: Dr. Tooker was selected as Del Oro’s Golden Eagle when he graduated. You’ll have to listen to Episode #18 to know what I am referring to... :)

From the desk of Crystal Eatherton, Director Child Nutrition Services Department


These awesome students earned their FFA State Degrees! PUHSD Proud!

Confluence and Maidu teamed up for a “Leave to Learn” to see the River Cats play. They were able to learn about the different positions that are employed by the River Cats organization, had a tour of the stadium, and watched a game.

Mock Interviews are happening around the District. Confluence, Confluence West & Del Oro captured here!

Ceramics students at Colfax High School sculpted monsters designed by drawings from students at Colfax Elementary School. On April 19th, the CHS students presented their work and passed the monster sculptures on to the Colfax Elementary students.

At Placer High School, Mrs. Robert’s GSS class made amazing art projects using local vegetation!

PUHSD ~ Class of 2024 Commencement Ceremonies

Maidu Virtual Charter Academy (MVCA) Thursday, May 30, 2024, at 5:30 pm in the Placer High School Auditorium Grads report to the MVCA/Confluence quad area at 5:00 pm Tickets are not required - open seating - Doors open at 5:00 pm

Confluence High School Thursday, May 30, 2024, at 6:30 pm in the Placer High School Auditorium Grads report to the MVCA/Confluence quad area at 6:00 pm Tickets are not required - open seating - Doors open at 6:00 pm

Colfax High School Saturday, June 1st at 9:00 AM, Marson Field Report time for graduates is 8:15 AM. Tickets are not required - open seating - gates open at 7:00am

Foresthill High School Saturday, June 1st at 9:00 AM, Sebastian Stadium Report time for graduates is 8:15 AM. Tickets are not required - open seating/handicap seating on the track - gates open at 8:00am

Del Oro High School & Confluence West High School Saturday, June 1st at 8:00 AM, Del Oro Stadium Report time for graduates is 7:15 AM Tickets are not required - open seating - gates open at 7:00am

Placer High School Saturday, June 1st at 8:00 AM, Le Febvre Stadium Report time for graduates is 7:15 AM at Earl Crabbe Gym. Tickets are not required - open seating - gates open at 7:00am

PUHSD thanks all of our Grads for all you’ve done and more... We know you’re off to do great things, You're the Class of 2024!!

PUHSD Proud!!

During Budget meetings and staff discussions, our primary focus remains on identifying areas to cut costs, maintain our programs with the resources at hand, and ways to capture funding that we are losing. A key point of discussion has been the District's funding received from the State, which is tied to our enrollment numbers. As previously mentioned in newsletters, our District has experienced a decrease in enrollment.

It's important to note, however, that the impact is not solely due to declining enrollment but also stems from students' daily attendance. Currently, we are only receiving 92+/-% of State funding due to students missing school days; our District/schools are funded based on attendance rate, not enrollment numbers. To address this issue, students and families can take steps to help. When scheduling appointments like doctor or dentist visits, try to book them at the start or end of a day to minimize class disruptions. Attending one block, not only ensures schools receive State funding but also helps students stay up to date with their coursework. During my research on attendance, I came across an intriguing fact. It stated that students missing two days of school per month from TK through 8th grade will have missed a whole year of learning by the time they enter high school . While this statistic may not directly apply to our student population, highlighting the importance of attendance in high school remains crucial for student success. We appreciate the partnership of our students, staff, and communities as we work together to maintain the programs that set our District apart from many others. Remember, we are funded on our average daily attendance (ADA), not enrollment... every minute counts .

13000 New Airport Road Auburn, CA 95603 Phone: 530.886.4400 Fax: 530.886.4449 Placer Union High School District

The Placer Union High School District (PUHSD) is committed to ensuring equal, fair, and meaningful access to employment and education services and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. PUHSD prohibits discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), intimidation, or bullying in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity on the basis and/or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics of age, ancestry, color, ethnic group identification, gender, gender identity or expression, genetic information, immigration status, marital status, medical information, national origin, disability, parental status, political affiliation, pregnancy and related conditions, race, religion, retaliation, sex, sexual orientation, military or veterans status, homelessness, foster status, or any other basis prohibited by California state and federal nondiscrimination laws consistent with Education Code 200 and 220, Government Code 11135, and Title IX. If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), intimidation, or bullying you should contact Title IX Coordinator (Students) Steve Caminiti 13000 New Airport Road, Auburn, 530.886.4402,; Title II (Students) and Section 504 Coordinator Carrie Warda, 13000 New Airport Road, Auburn, 530.886.4443,; and/or Title IX and Title II Coordinator (Staff), Elena DalFavero 13000 New Airport Road, Auburn, 530.886.4426,

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