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Creating a recruiting culture and focusing on retention are business savvy strategies to help your organization continue to thrive in today’s job market. Winning in today’s difficult job market

I n 2022, finding talented individuals is more challenging than acquiring customers and building new business. Exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and retiring baby boomers, the job market has become extremely competitive and there are simply fewer potential employees to choose from. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2022 job openings in the United States exceeded 11.5 million, compared to 7.5 million in 2018. To win in today’s difficult job market, companies must implement two key business strategies: developing a recruiting culture and prioritizing employee retention as the most important recruitment tool.

Amber Milot

RECRUITING CULTURE. Developing a recruiting culture means making your entire organization a part of the talent acquisition process. To develop a recruiting culture, recruiting must be top of mind for current employees – not only managers or recruiters, but for all team members from project managers to field staff to senior leadership. Some practical ways to build a recruiting culture are: ■ Include a recruiting update during every management meeting. These reminders will keep managers aware of recruitment needs and prompt them to continue networking – not only for business, but for top talent.

■ Set monthly recruiting calls with hiring managers to discuss open positions. Hiring managers have a lot on their plate; that is why they are looking to hire, so this call helps hiring managers concentrate on their most pressing needs. ■ Provide employee referral bonuses. Be sure that employees are aware of the policy in place and how they can take advantage of the bonus. ■ Develop an internal transition program for current employees to relocate to different locations across the company footprint.

See AMBER MILOT, page 10


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