1:00 PM – 2:00 PM I don’t really take a lunch, aside from quickly eating a ham and cheese sandwich while working. However, one thing Jeff and I started doing with our team was hosting a journal club every other Friday. When it’s not too hot or muggy outside, the team has lunch together to discuss specific topics in new science areas. We all read a publication, break it apart, analyze it and as a group, see how we can relate and apply it to any research or activities that we are
prior. This includes chatting about progress made in the enhancement of our proprietary, biodegradable plastic made from lignin (lignin is an organic substance that binds cells); exploring possible new technologies/solutions that will allow us convert waste streams into chemicals and materials; laying out each of our game plans for the week; and breaking down any challenges or road blocks we come across. I then triage my inbox to make sure all I complete all urgent requests and go
straight into a Kanban—our workflow management platform—to see if I need to work on any grants, meet with potential investors or head to University of Tennessee to meet with other researchers who can help us enhance our product. Prior to AgSharks, most of our funding had been through grants from the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, so staying on top of these grant applications are crucial for the success of our business.
The mobius team works on their presentation for pitches at the Knoxville Entrepreneur Center
Western Grower & Shipper | www.wga.com
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